PART I: Our Earlier Writings about the Falsehood of Al-Aqsa of Jerusalem
CHAPTER I: We Have Said it for the First Time about Al-Aqsa
CHAPTER II: An Excerpt from our Book Titled "The Night Journey Is the Night of Decree"
CHAPTER III: An Excerpt from our Book Titled "The Second Major Arab Civil War (61 – 73 A.H.)"
PART II: Our Later Writings about the Falsehood of Al-Aqsa of Jerusalem
CHAPTER I: The Genuine Farthest Mosque Is in the Land of Egypt
CHAPTER II: The So-called Al-Aqsa of Jerusalem Is A Harmful Mosque, and Palestinians Will Never Be Successful as long as they Cling to It
CHAPTER III: The Al-Aqsa Rock in Jerusalem Is the Golden Pagan Idol for the Muhammadans
CONCLUSION: Sunnite Imams Admit in their Books that Al-Aqsa of Jerusalem Has Been Built on the Ruins of the Israelite Temple
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