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[7] Sinners Whose Bad Deeds Equal Their Good Deeds Never Exist


1- Some people never differentiate between the scales used in markets of this world and the Lord God's Scales employed during the Day of Judgment to weigh the deeds of the resurrected human souls. The scales in markets aim to measure weights of goods so that the weight is the same as the number of any of the measuring unit (kilos, pounds…etc.). In contrast, within the Scales of the Judgment Day, it is either the good deeds will outweigh the sins or the sins will outweigh the good deeds; it is impossible that sins and good deeds will be equal in measure or in number within the Scales of the Judgment Day: "As for he whose Scales are heavy.  He will be in a pleasant life. But as for he whose Scales are light. His mother is the Abyss. Do you know what it is? A Raging Fire." (101:6-11). 

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2- The winners on the Last Day who will enter into Paradise are mentioned here: "Those whose Scales are heavy - those are the successful." (23:102); the losers who will enter into Hell are described here in the very next verse: "But those whose Scales are light - those are they who have lost their souls; in Hell they will dwell forever." (23:103). Of course, the Judgment on the Last Day is based on both one's faith and one's deeds. Monotheists who never fall into the trap of polytheism and hypocrisy and thus maintain their sincere piety and faith while performing many good deeds will enter into Paradise since their good deeds will atone for their sins: "Whoever comes up with a good deed will have ten times its like; and whoever comes up with an evil deed will be repaid only with its equivalent - they will not be wronged." (6:160); "Perform prayers at the borders of the day, and during the approaches of the night. The good deeds take away the bad deeds. This is a reminder for those who remember." (11:114). This means that their Scales will be heavy with good deeds which will multiply and the Lord God will forgive them and spare them Hell; therefore, their fate is Paradise forever. This Quranic fact indicates clearly that on the Last Day, there is no chance that the good deeds and the bad deeds of any given person will be in equal amounts within the Scales of the Lord God. 

3- Of course, any disbelieving polytheists must have performed some good deeds, but their good deeds will be nullified by the Lord God because of their polytheism: "It was revealed to you, and to those before you, that if you adhere to polytheism, your works will be nullified, and you will be of the losers." (39:65); this means that what will remain for them will be their sins and bad deeds; their Scales will be light and their fate will be Hell for eternity. Again, this proves that there is no chance that the good deeds and the bad deeds of any given person will be in equal amounts within the Scales of the Lord God.

4- As for 'Muslim' sinners who die unrepentant, they will never have equal numbers of good deeds and bad deeds (i.e., evils, wrongs, or sins); this is simply because they spent their lives committing grave sins and never chose to obey the Lord God's Quranic commands by repenting within piety, atonement and making amends, and performing many good deeds. This means their many grave sins outnumber their little good deeds; besides, their faith/belief is little and insufficient because of their arrogant defiance since they insisted on sinning and violating the Quranic Law of the Lord God while they were heedless of the Hereafter. In fact, one's faith/belief increases by obeying the Lord God and performing good deeds within piety; it decreases by disobeying the Lord God and performing bad deeds within impiety. These Quranic facts about increased and decreased faith/belief are mentioned here: "The believers are those whose hearts tremble when God is mentioned, and when His Verses are read to them, they increase their faith…" (8:2); "…Their hearts have become corroded by what they used to earn." (83:14). To exceed all limits by continuing to commit sins without repentance makes one addicted to sinning, and this constitutes a form of rejection and mockery of the Lord God's Quranic Verses; i.e., sinners become disbelievers: "Then, evil was the end of those who committed evil. That is because they rejected God’s Verses and used to ridicule them." (30:10). 

5- Hence, sinners have little faith and few good deeds; their stance, even if they are heedless of it, is to ridicule the Lord God's Quranic Verses and to take them lightly or in jest within heedlessness; thus, their sins accumulate and their Scales on the Judgment Day will be light; therefore, they will be among the losers whose fate is Hell for eternity. Of course, those who will be entering into Hell will never be made to get out of it.   

Would Sinful Muslims Get out of Hell to Enter into Paradise?
Most people assume that sinful Muslims who died without acceptable repentance will enter into Hell temporarily, as if to purge such sins within a purgatory stage, before getting out of Hell to enter into Paradise to abide therein forever. We refute this myth using the Holy Quran. We trace the roots of this erroneous notion in the eras before and after the descent of the Holy Quran. Refuting this notion using the Quranic verses clarifies the truth to all monotheists.
Signat ure: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour – 1987 – Cairo – Egypt.

Translation By:
Ahmed Fathy