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[2] The Religious and Historical Roots of the Myth

1- We begin answering the question, which is the title of this book, by defining what we mean by the term (sinful Muslims). The sinful Muslims are those who claimed to believe in the Holy Quran but they remained disobedient to Quranic commands of the Lord God and died without repentance. The problematic topic of the fate of sinful Muslims, in the Hereafter, has its religious and historical roots.

2- These roots are embodied in wishful thinking; most people wish to lead a life of sin according to their whims; they know inwardly that they disobey the Quranic commands of the Lord God, and yet, they wish to enter into Paradise anyway or at least to get out of Hell as if entering it would be a temporary purgatory for their sins for merely being born while being labeled as 'Muslims'. Of course, Satan is the source of such vain, illogical wishes; we know from the Holy Quran that Satan – may the Lord God curse him – has declared before the Presence of the Lord God that he will control the minds/souls of the vast majority of human beings – the progeny of Adam – so that they will join him inside Hell, and we never find in the Quranic text a refutation of this declaration by Satan. The Lord God says the following in the Holy Quran about Satan: "God has cursed him. And he said, “I will take to myself my due share of Your servants.” “And I will misguide them, and I will entice them with vain wishes…" (4:118-119). The genius of Satan is manifested in the fact that he intertwines misguidance with vain wishes; most of the misguided persons who know quite well that they are misguided will eventually repent. In contrast, the misguided ones who entertain vain wishes that they will enter into Paradise regardless of their deeds and faith, for merely being born as 'Muslims' or as 'believers' in the Lord God, will never seek to repent. This is how Satan manages in every era to misguide the vast majority of human beings until they die unrepentant.

3- Of course, Satan has his ways to whisper vain wishes that concur with human whims and desires; chief among the ways of Satan is the devilish hadiths/narratives spread and propagated by his followers (the human devils or clergymen) who ascribe such hadiths/tales unjustly and shamelessly to the Religion of the Lord God. We find in the Holy Quran the following about the devilish hadiths/discourses that deceive and misguide others: "Likewise, We have assigned for every prophet an enemy - human and jinn devils - inspiring one another with fancy words in order to deceive. But had your Lord willed, they would not have done it. So leave them to their fabrications." (6:112). The Lord God asserts here that following the revelations/hadiths of Satan is the basis of committing sins: "So that the hearts of those who do not believe in the Hereafter may incline to it, and be content with it, and that they may perpetrate whatever they perpetrate." (6:113). The Holy Quran is the Only Discourse and the Criterion to rely on so that monotheists reject devilish revelations/hadiths; this is emphasized here: "“Shall I seek a judge other than God, when He is the One who revealed to you the Book, explained in detail?”…" (6:114).

4- Of course, the Lord God has granted Divine Books/Scriptures to His messengers/prophets; Moses is no exception to this rule: "Then We gave Moses the Book, perfect for the righteous, and explaining everything clearly, and a source of guidance and mercy, that they may believe in the encounter with their Lord." (6:154); yet, Satan has managed to misguide some of the Israelites, driving them to distort the Divine Book by adding their fabrications to it; such fabrications include their getting out of Hell after a short while supposedly to purge their sins. Of course, such a myth encouraged them to disobey and sin; this myth was so prevalent that it became part and parcel of their distorted religion. When the Holy Quran was being revealed in Arabia, some Judaized Gentiles in Arabia never knew but little of the Book revealed to Moses; they assumed that it was merely a covenant written to assure them of Paradise in the Hereafter for merely being Jews without having to perform good deeds within piety; such Gentiles who claimed being among the Israelites fabricated their 'holy' scriptures, and this is why the Lord God in the Holy Quran calls them as (Gentiles); this is a Quranic indication that they have distorted and lost the Divine Book. In contrast, Arab Gentiles have not received a Divine Book before the descent of the Holy Quran. The Judaized Gentiles of Arabia are mentioned here: "And among them are Gentiles who know the Book only through hearsay, and they only speculate." (2:78); this means that their wishful thinking and vain wishes were the bases of their distorted book or scriptures; they were the victims of the followers of Satan (i.e., clergymen) who distorted such scriptures and ascribed them unjustly to the Lord God: "So woe to those who write the Book with their own hands, and then say, “This is from God,” that they may exchange it for a little price. Woe to them for what their hands have written, and woe to them for what they earn." (2:79). Chief among their distortions is the vain wish that those who will enter into Hell will get out of it after the so-called purgatory stage or through indulgences or promises written by clergymen. Such a myth is refuted here: "And they say, “The Hell-Fire will not touch us except for a number of days.” Say, “Have you received a promise from God - God never breaks His promise - or are you saying about God what you do not know?”" (2:80). We notice in 2:80 that the Lord God ridicules them since such a promise does not exist; it pertains to the fabrications and falsehoods they have attributed to the Lord God. A general rule is found here: "Indeed, whoever commits misdeeds, and becomes besieged by his iniquities - these are the dwellers of the Hell-Fire, wherein they will dwell forever." (2:81). This means sinful people who are addicted to wrongdoing and committing sins/misdeeds and die without repentance will abide for eternity in Hell and will never get out of it. This is juxtaposed with the very next verse in the same Quranic context: "As for those who believe and perform righteous deeds - these are the inhabitants of Paradise, wherein they will dwell forever." (2:82). This means human souls in the Hereafter will never die; on the Last Day, unrepentant sinners will dwell forever inside Hell, whereas pious monotheists with good faith and many good deeds will dwell forever inside Paradise. There is no third place or purgatory at all; there is no in-between position between Hell and Paradise. In order to clarify this fact for all Quran-believing monotheists so that they would not fall into the same trap like Judaized Gentiles and sinful Israelites who distorted their scriptures, the Lord God in 3:23-25 refutes the same myth once more; i.e., the myth propagated by some Quran-denying People of the Book, in Arabia, that they would get out of Hell if they would enter into it and their punishment there would be temporary: "Have you not considered those who were given a share of the Book, as they were called to the Book of God to arbitrate between them; then some of them turned back, and declined?" (3:23). Their rejection of the Holy Quran is due to their belief in falsehoods and vain wishes that their residence in Hell would be a temporary purgatory if they would enter into it as sinners: "That is because they said, “The Hell-Fire will not touch us except for a limited number of days.” They have been misled in their religion by the lies they fabricated." (3:24). The Lord God, after refuting their myth, warns them here by reminding them of the Absolute Justice within the Last Day (i.e., the Judgment Day): "How about when We gather them for a Day in which there is no doubt, and each soul will be paid in full for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged?" (3:25).

5- Of course, the Quranic fact that sinners will abide in Hell forever is repeated for a good reason; God forbid that there would be redundancy in the Divine Book: the Holy Quran. This fact is repeated because it serves as a severe warning so that truly pious monotheists will adhere to the Quranic Truth and reject myths, vain wishes, and falsehoods especially ones fabricated by the misguided ones among the People of the Book. Of course, this fact is repeated because the Holy Quran is the Last Divine Message universally addressing all people in all eras until the Hour comes; Quranic facts must be lucid and clear to debunk all falsehoods and myths in all eras and locations. We have to bear in mind that Satan – the first sworn enemy of all human beings – has not tendered his resignation after the Arab conquests of many regions. Some among the People of the Book in such regions who allegedly converted to 'Islam' managed to interpolate their mythology through their fabrication of hadiths; the Arab conquerors who suffered the woes of civil wars and committed many grave sins within their life of affluence and extravagance readily accepted hadiths that provided them with vain wishes of entering into Paradise and getting out of Hell (through the so-called intercession) so that they would continue leading a sinful life without deterrence. It is never difficult to imagine that during the Abbasid Era, people whose forefathers purportedly converted to 'Islam' repeated the myths of their Jewish and Christian ancestors by inventing hadiths to incorporate such myths. Of course, such myths include temporary purgatory inside Hell for sinners who would eventually be admitted into Paradise. Such false notions of their ancestors are preserved in the collective memory; they have infiltrated the books of hadiths and exegeses. Such 'converts' to 'Islam' with their Judeo-Christian background are mainly the authors who wrote books of history, exegeses, and hadiths as per their whims, customs, and habits inherited from the eras before the Arab conquests; their hadiths or false narratives and corrupt exegeses of the Quranic text (exegeses negatively influenced by the Old Testament and the Talmud) narrowed for them the wide gap between the Holy Quran and the realities of their lives.

6- There are clear Quranic warnings against believing in Satan's promises and vain wishes that Hell-dwellers would later on be made to get out of Hell; the Lord God says the following about Satan the Devil: "…In fact, they invoke none but a rebellious devil. God has cursed him. And he said, “I will take to myself my due share of Your servants.”" (4:117-118). This is about the schemes or evil methods of Satan: "“And I will misguide them, and I will entice them with vain wishes, and I will prompt them to slit the ears of cattle, and I will prompt them to alter the creation of God.” Whoever takes Satan as a lord, instead of God, has surely suffered a profound loss." (4:119). This is about the deceptive promises of Satan: "He promises them, and he raises their expectations, but Satan promises them nothing but delusions." (4:120). This is about the fate, in the Hereafter, of those who follow the vain wishes of Satan: "These - their abode is Hell, and they will find no escape from it." (4:121). Of course, this severe warning is followed directly by the glad tidings about Paradise wherein the monotheistic believers who performed many good deeds, within piety, will abide forever as per the Promise of the Lord God: "But as for those who believe and perform righteous deeds, We will admit them into Gardens beneath which rivers flow, where they will abide forever. The Promise of God is true - and who is more truthful in speech than God?" (4:122). This means that entering into Paradise, in the Hereafter, requires both sincere monotheism plus performing many good deeds; hence, pious monotheists who obey the Lord God's Quranic commands will witness the Promise of the Lord God being fulfilled and realized for them as they will abide in Paradise forever. This is in contrast to Satan's false promises for disobedient sinners and the vain wishes by which he fills their hearts/souls. This means entering into Paradise is not based on mere wishing without performing what is required to attain this goal (sincere, monotheistic belief + many good deeds + piety). The very next verse warns true Muslims/monotheists against falling into the trap into which sinners among the People of the Book have fallen: "It is not in accordance with your wishes, nor in accordance with the wishes of the People of the Book. Whoever works evil will pay for it, and will not find for himself, besides God, any ally or supporter." (4:123). This is about Paradise as the reward of monotheists who combine sincere faith/piety and performing many good deeds: "But whoever works righteousness, whether male or female, and is a believer - those will enter Paradise, and will not be wronged a whit." (4:124). This means that disobedient sinners who die without repentance will enter into Hell without finding any intercessor, ally, helper, or supporter; in contrast, the monotheists who adhere to piety and to the performance of many good deeds will enter into Paradise; there is no in-between position between Hell and Paradise. 

7- Despite such clear Quranic warnings, the devilish vain wishes of sinners about getting out of Hell after temporary punishment inside it continue to exist in false hadiths unjustly attributed to Muhammad many decades after his death; he never uttered such hadiths, of course. Yet, such hadiths spread because they match the whims and desires of sinners who have little faith since such hadiths allow them to continue sinning while rejecting the Quranic facts. Of course, it is an easy task to propagate such hadiths/myths which contradict the Quranic verses by ascribing them unjustly to Muhammad and to the name of the Lord God's True Religion: Islam.    


1- We begin answering the question, which is the title of this book, by defining what we mean by the term (sinful Muslims). The sinful Muslims are those who claimed to believe in the Holy Quran but they remained disobedient to Quranic commands of the Lord God and died without repentance. The problematic topic of the fate of sinful Muslims, in the Hereafter, has its religious and historical roots. 2- These roots are embodied in wishful thinking; most people wish to lead a life of sin according to their whims; they know inwardly that they disobey the Quranic commands of the Lord God, and yet, they wish to enter into Paradise anyway or at least to get out of Hell as if entering it would be a temporary purgatory for their sins for merely being born while being labeled as 'Muslims'. Of course, Satan is the source of such vain, illogical wishes; we know from the Holy Quran that Satan – may the Lord God curse him – has declared before the Presence of the Lord God that he will control the minds/souls of the vast majority of human beings – the progeny of Adam – so that they will join him inside Hell, and we never find in the Quranic text a refutation of this declaration by Satan. The Lord God says the following in the Holy Quran about Satan: "God has cursed him. And he said, “I will take to myself my due share of Your servants.” “And I will misguide them, and I will entice them with vain wishes…" (4:118-119). The genius of Satan is manifested in the fact that he intertwines misguidance with vain wishes; most of the misguided persons who know quite well that they are misguided will eventually repent. In contrast, the misguided ones who entertain vain wishes that they will enter into Paradise regardless of their deeds and faith, for merely being born as 'Muslims' or as 'believers' in the Lord God, will never seek to repent. This is how Satan manages in every era to misguide the vast majority of human beings until they die unrepentant. 3- Of course, Satan has his ways to whisper vain wishes that concur with human whims and desires; chief among the ways of Satan is the devilish hadiths/narratives spread and propagated by his followers (the human devils or clergymen) who ascribe such hadiths/tales unjustly and shamelessly to the Religion of the Lord God. We find in the Holy Quran the following about the devilish hadiths/discourses that deceive and misguide others: "Likewise, We have assigned for every prophet an enemy - human and jinn devils - inspiring one another with fancy words in order to deceive. But had your Lord willed, they would not have done it. So leave them to their fabrications." (6:112). The Lord God asserts here that following the revelations/hadiths of Satan is the basis of committing sins: "So that the hearts of those who do not believe in the Hereafter may incline to it, and be content with it, and that they may perpetrate whatever they perpetrate." (6:113). The Holy Quran is the Only Discourse and the Criterion to rely on so that monotheists reject devilish revelations/hadiths; this is emphasized here: "“Shall I seek a judge other than God, when He is the One who revealed to you the Book, explained in detail?”…" (6:114). 4- Of course, the Lord God has granted Divine Books/Scriptures to His messengers/prophets; Moses is no exception to this rule: "Then We gave Moses the Book, perfect for the righteous, and explaining everything clearly, and a source of guidance and mercy, that they may believe in the encounter with their Lord." (6:154); yet, Satan has managed to misguide some of the Israelites, driving them to distort the Divine Book by adding their fabrications to it; such fabrications include their getting out of Hell after a short while supposedly to purge their sins. Of course, such a myth encouraged them to disobey and sin; this myth was so prevalent that it became part and parcel of their distorted religion. When the Holy Quran was being revealed in Arabia, some Judaized Gentiles in Arabia never knew but little of the Book revealed to Moses; they assumed that it was merely a covenant written to assure them of Paradise in the Hereafter for merely being Jews without having to perform good deeds within piety; such Gentiles who claimed being among the Israelites fabricated their 'holy' scriptures, and this is why the Lord God in the Holy Quran calls them as (Gentiles); this is a Quranic indication that they have distorted and lost the Divine Book. In contrast, Arab Gentiles have not received a Divine Book before the descent of the Holy Quran. The Judaized Gentiles of Arabia are mentioned here: "And among them are Gentiles who know the Book only through hearsay, and they only speculate." (2:78); this means that their wishful thinking and vain wishes were the bases of their distorted book or scriptures; they were the victims of the followers of Satan (i.e., clergymen) who distorted such scriptures and ascribed them unjustly to the Lord God: "So woe to those who write the Book with their own hands, and then say, “This is from God,” that they may exchange it for a little price. Woe to them for what their hands have written, and woe to them for what they earn." (2:79). Chief among their distortions is the vain wish that those who will enter into Hell will get out of it after the so-called purgatory stage or through indulgences or promises written by clergymen. Such a myth is refuted here: "And they say, “The Hell-Fire will not touch us except for a number of days.” Say, “Have you received a promise from God - God never breaks His promise - or are you saying about God what you do not know?”" (2:80). We notice in 2:80 that the Lord God ridicules them since such a promise does not exist; it pertains to the fabrications and falsehoods they have attributed to the Lord God. A general rule is found here: "Indeed, whoever commits misdeeds, and becomes besieged by his iniquities - these are the dwellers of the Hell-Fire, wherein they will dwell forever." (2:81). This means sinful people who are addicted to wrongdoing and committing sins/misdeeds and die without repentance will abide for eternity in Hell and will never get out of it. This is juxtaposed with the very next verse in the same Quranic context: "As for those who believe and perform righteous deeds - these are the inhabitants of Paradise, wherein they will dwell forever." (2:82). This means human souls in the Hereafter will never die; on the Last Day, unrepentant sinners will dwell forever inside Hell, whereas pious monotheists with good faith and many good deeds will dwell forever inside Paradise. There is no third place or purgatory at all; there is no in-between position between Hell and Paradise. In order to clarify this fact for all Quran-believing monotheists so that they would not fall into the same trap like Judaized Gentiles and sinful Israelites who distorted their scriptures, the Lord God in 3:23-25 refutes the same myth once more; i.e., the myth propagated by some Quran-denying People of the Book, in Arabia, that they would get out of Hell if they would enter into it and their punishment there would be temporary: "Have you not considered those who were given a share of the Book, as they were called to the Book of God to arbitrate between them; then some of them turned back, and declined?" (3:23). Their rejection of the Holy Quran is due to their belief in falsehoods and vain wishes that their residence in Hell would be a temporary purgatory if they would enter into it as sinners: "That is because they said, “The Hell-Fire will not touch us except for a limited number of days.” They have been misled in their religion by the lies they fabricated." (3:24). The Lord God, after refuting their myth, warns them here by reminding them of the Absolute Justice within the Last Day (i.e., the Judgment Day): "How about when We gather them for a Day in which there is no doubt, and each soul will be paid in full for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged?" (3:25). 5- Of course, the Quranic fact that sinners will abide in Hell forever is repeated for a good reason; God forbid that there would be redundancy in the Divine Book: the Holy Quran. This fact is repeated because it serves as a severe warning so that truly pious monotheists will adhere to the Quranic Truth and reject myths, vain wishes, and falsehoods especially ones fabricated by the misguided ones among the People of the Book. Of course, this fact is repeated because the Holy Quran is the Last Divine Message universally addressing all people in all eras until the Hour comes; Quranic facts must be lucid and clear to debunk all falsehoods and myths in all eras and locations. We have to bear in mind that Satan – the first sworn enemy of all human beings – has not tendered his resignation after the Arab conquests of many regions. Some among the People of the Book in such regions who allegedly converted to 'Islam' managed to interpolate their mythology through their fabrication of hadiths; the Arab conquerors who suffered the woes of civil wars and committed many grave sins within their life of affluence and extravagance readily accepted hadiths that provided them with vain wishes of entering into Paradise and getting out of Hell (through the so-called intercession) so that they would continue leading a sinful life without deterrence. It is never difficult to imagine that during the Abbasid Era, people whose forefathers purportedly converted to 'Islam' repeated the myths of their Jewish and Christian ancestors by inventing hadiths to incorporate such myths. Of course, such myths include temporary purgatory inside Hell for sinners who would eventually be admitted into Paradise. Such false notions of their ancestors are preserved in the collective memory; they have infiltrated the books of hadiths and exegeses. Such 'converts' to 'Islam' with their Judeo-Christian background are mainly the authors who wrote books of history, exegeses, and hadiths as per their whims, customs, and habits inherited from the eras before the Arab conquests; their hadiths or false narratives and corrupt exegeses of the Quranic text (exegeses negatively influenced by the Old Testament and the Talmud) narrowed for them the wide gap between the Holy Quran and the realities of their lives. 6- There are clear Quranic warnings against believing in Satan's promises and vain wishes that Hell-dwellers would later on be made to get out of Hell; the Lord God says the following about Satan the Devil: "…In fact, they invoke none but a rebellious devil. God has cursed him. And he said, “I will take to myself my due share of Your servants.”" (4:117-118). This is about the schemes or evil methods of Satan: "“And I will misguide them, and I will entice them with vain wishes, and I will prompt them to slit the ears of cattle, and I will prompt them to alter the creation of God.” Whoever takes Satan as a lord, instead of God, has surely suffered a profound loss." (4:119). This is about the deceptive promises of Satan: "He promises them, and he raises their expectations, but Satan promises them nothing but delusions." (4:120). This is about the fate, in the Hereafter, of those who follow the vain wishes of Satan: "These - their abode is Hell, and they will find no escape from it." (4:121). Of course, this severe warning is followed directly by the glad tidings about Paradise wherein the monotheistic believers who performed many good deeds, within piety, will abide forever as per the Promise of the Lord God: "But as for those who believe and perform righteous deeds, We will admit them into Gardens beneath which rivers flow, where they will abide forever. The Promise of God is true - and who is more truthful in speech than God?" (4:122). This means that entering into Paradise, in the Hereafter, requires both sincere monotheism plus performing many good deeds; hence, pious monotheists who obey the Lord God's Quranic commands will witness the Promise of the Lord God being fulfilled and realized for them as they will abide in Paradise forever. This is in contrast to Satan's false promises for disobedient sinners and the vain wishes by which he fills their hearts/souls. This means entering into Paradise is not based on mere wishing without performing what is required to attain this goal (sincere, monotheistic belief + many good deeds + piety). The very next verse warns true Muslims/monotheists against falling into the trap into which sinners among the People of the Book have fallen: "It is not in accordance with your wishes, nor in accordance with the wishes of the People of the Book. Whoever works evil will pay for it, and will not find for himself, besides God, any ally or supporter." (4:123). This is about Paradise as the reward of monotheists who combine sincere faith/piety and performing many good deeds: "But whoever works righteousness, whether male or female, and is a believer - those will enter Paradise, and will not be wronged a whit." (4:124). This means that disobedient sinners who die without repentance will enter into Hell without finding any intercessor, ally, helper, or supporter; in contrast, the monotheists who adhere to piety and to the performance of many good deeds will enter into Paradise; there is no in-between position between Hell and Paradise.  7- Despite such clear Quranic warnings, the devilish vain wishes of sinners about getting out of Hell after temporary punishment inside it continue to exist in false hadiths unjustly attributed to Muhammad many decades after his death; he never uttered such hadiths, of course. Yet, such hadiths spread because they match the whims and desires of sinners who have little faith since such hadiths allow them to continue sinning while rejecting the Quranic facts. Of course, it is an easy task to propagate such hadiths/myths which contradict the Quranic verses by ascribing them unjustly to Muhammad and to the name of the Lord God's True Religion: Islam.   

Would Sinful Muslims Get out of Hell to Enter into Paradise?
Most people assume that sinful Muslims who died without acceptable repentance will enter into Hell temporarily, as if to purge such sins within a purgatory stage, before getting out of Hell to enter into Paradise to abide therein forever. We refute this myth using the Holy Quran. We trace the roots of this erroneous notion in the eras before and after the descent of the Holy Quran. Refuting this notion using the Quranic verses clarifies the truth to all monotheists.
Signat ure: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour – 1987 – Cairo – Egypt.

Translation By:
Ahmed Fathy