( 3 ) : Had People in the West Pondered the Quran, World-History within Scientific Progress Would Have Chan


 Had People in the West Pondered the Quran, World-History within Scientific Progress Would Have Changed 

(1) The Quran Precedes the West in Scientific Methodology within Natural Sciences


1- Within the age of reason and science, the people of the West have reached success in this temporal, transient world; many inventions in our life which make it easier seem ordinary now, but they were wild dreams and ambitions in the past. The people of the West have reached this scientific progress/advancement by following the human mind and its natural instincts without knowing about the Quran or believing in the fact that it is God's Word. Of course, the past and present translations of the Quranic text into several tongues reflect how the Muhammadans have distorted, warped, and twisted the meanings of the Quranic verses. Thus, even when some people of the West have decided to get to know about Islam and the Quran, they could not help but notice the corruption of the notions, thought, faith tenets, and behavior of the Muhammadans; the West ascribes the crimes of the terrorist Wahabi Muhammadans to Islam because such criminals call themselves as 'Islamists'; they are not Muslims/monotheists; rather, they are polytheistic Muhammadans who worship and deify an imaginary 'immortal' figure whom they have called 'Muhammad' which has nothing to do with the historical Muhammad who is the mortal prophet mentioned in the Quran. Besides, the Muhammadans have abandoned, rejected, and discarded the Quran; hence, the backward Muhammadans are losers in this world and in the Hereafter; in contrast, the people of the West are winners in this world but they are losers in the Hereafter (because of their rejection of the Quranic Truth and monotheism). Of course, we talk here only about the vast majority. But what if the people of the West would get to know about the miraculous scientific indications in the Quranic text? What if the West would have known them during the European Renaissance era? This certainly would have changed the world history in terms of scientific progress and advancement.           

2- The Muhammadan clergymen/sheikhs shamelessly applaud and hail any scientific discoveries made by the people of the West which echo certain Quranic scientific indications; they scream and shout loudly at the faces of non-Muslims that the Quran precedes modern civilization; yet, they never ask themselves why the Quranic miraculous scientific indications were not studied/examined by Arabs in the past 14 centuries. They forget that Sunnite Hanbali imams/sheikhs and authors of the Middle-Ages who rejected the Quran were behind aborting the scientific trend led by Arab scientists such as Avicenna, Al-Farabi, Al-Biruni, Al-Razi, Ibn Hayyan, Al-Khwarizmi, etc., as we have explained in our book about the negative influence of Hanbalism (which is the root/origin of Wahabism) within the destruction of Iraq during the Second Abbasid Era. The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "We have revealed it an Arabic Quran, so that you may understand." (12:2); "We made it an Arabic Quran, so that you may understand." (43:3). In contrast, the Sunnite authors/sheikhs never understood or pondered the Arabic Quran and they imposed on it their own books of hadiths, myths, fatwas, fiqh (i.e., religious jurisprudence), exegeses, commentaries, and interpretation. Thus, they distorted, warped, and twisted the meanings of Quranic verses and made their fabricated hadiths and fiqh rules supplant and replace the Lord God's Quranic legislations. The communities of the Muhammadans were busy with the myths of their man-made, earthly/terrestrial religions for centuries; meanwhile, the people of the West had their Renaissance, rejected their earthly/terrestrial religions, increased their scientific knowledge, and roamed the earth to explore, discover, and invent. They have applied, unawares, the Quranic commands of discovering, studying, and examining God's creation. Thus, the people of the West have made all humanity reach the level of inventions and technological advancement which is ever-increasing on a daily basis; human knowledge about the earth and outer space has increased; scientists now are knocking at the gates of the parallel universes or the metaphysical realm known in the Quran under the name of Barsakh.              

3- We assert here that if the European Renaissance scientists and pioneers of invention would have examined and studied the Quranic miraculous scientific indications, they would have saved centuries for humanity; i.e., human beings would have enjoyed the scientific progress/advancement of the 20th century centuries ago. Yet, the chance is still there for the people of the West to save time and invent many things and discover more things in the universe in light of the Quranic miraculous scientific indications if they would study the Quranic text in Arabic and NOT in the bad translations. Yet, sadly, most scientists of the West do not believe in God and they reject the belief in the Hereafter; in short, they are heedless of the Quran. This Quranic verse applies to most of the people of the West: "They know an outer aspect of the worldly life, but they are heedless of the Hereafter." (30:7).

Firstly: how the Quran precedes the West in scientific methodology within natural sciences:

 The main reason for the backwardness of humanity during the Middle-Ages is that people followed the Greek research methodology regarding natural sciences; this methodology disregards empirical experiments; few people know the fact that the Quran precedes the West in indicating empiricism within scientific methodology in relation to studying natural sciences. This Quranic empirical methodology is based on the following two features: 

(A) The prohibition of examining/researching the domain of the metaphysical realm of the unseen:

1- The physical realm is what we see/experience in this world within our senses and through inventions/machines. The metaphysical realm of the unseen cannot be reached/sensed or probed by human beings. The Omniscient Lord God is the One Who knows all about both the physical and the metaphysical realms and He has informed some of His messengers of some details regarding the metaphysical realm of the unseen: "He is God. There is no God but He, the Knower of the Invisible and the Visible. He is the Dominant and Compassionate Lord." (59:22); "The Knower of the Invisible; He does not disclose His Invisible to anyone. Except to a messenger of His choosing..." (72:26-27).

2- Of course, the unseen includes the past and the future events; some of them are mentioned by the Lord God in the Quran; i.e., stories of ancient nations and some future events in this world and the next one (i.e., the Hour and its signs, the Last Day, and the Hereafter). The unseen elements mentioned in the Quran include ethereal creatures such as angels, jinn, and devils. This is part of Quranic facts in which real monotheists believe, as they believe in the entirety of the Quranic text as the Absolute Truth and God's Word. This faith/belief in the unseen or the invisible is part of the descriptions of the pious Quran-believing monotheists who never cast doubts on God's Book; i.e., the Quran: "This is the Book in which there is no doubt, a guide for the pious ones. Those who believe in the unseen, and perform prayers, and give from what We have provided for them." (2:2-3). This type of belief/faith means to submit to God's will; i.e., we must believe in the Quranic fact that invisible elements which we cannot see/realize, sense/touch, or examine/probe exist. Hence, to reject the Quranic facts and to stick to conjectures and guesses regarding the metaphysical realm is believing in mere mythology which leads eventually to disbelieving in the Quran and rejecting monotheism. The only pieces of information to believe in within the topic of the metaphysical realm are found exclusively in the Quran; Muhammad himself never knew anything about the metaphysical realm of the future and the unseen: "Say, "I do not say to you that I possess the treasuries of God, nor do I know the future...I only follow what is inspired to me."..." (6:50), "They ask you about the Hour, "When will it come?" Say, "Knowledge of it rests with my Lord. None can reveal its coming except He...They ask you as if you are responsible for it. Say, "Knowledge of it rests with God..." (7:187-188); "Say, "I am not different from the other messengers; and I do not know what will be done with me, or with you. I only follow what is inspired in me, and I am only a clear warner."" (46:9).      

3- Thus, to talk about the metaphysical realm of the invisible away from the Quranic Knowledge is to fall into the polytheistic trap of believing in myths/lies and falsehoods; indeed, this is the basis of myths pertaining to man-made, earthly/terrestrial religions whose false narratives are assumed to be 'divine' revelation/inspiration; the followers of such religions are forced by clergymen to believe in unquestionable, sanctified myths. Evil clergymen (e.g., Sunnite/Wahabi ones) impose the penalty of putting to death those 'heretics' or 'apostates' who dare question or reject such myths. This is why when such myths of earthly/terrestrial religions control and dominate a given society, by powerful clergymen of Satan who punish those who dare undermine and refute such myths, this society suffers from backwardness, ignorance, stagnation, and obscurantism. This has occurred to the Muhammadans when their societies have been dominated by Sufism and Sunnite Hanbalism; this occurred to European societies when they were dominated by the Catholic Church.          

4- We understand now the vital importance of (A) the belief in features of the metaphysical realm, which are mentioned only in the Quran, and (B) never to resort to guesses, conjectures, or surmises regarding this topic so as not to ascribe lies and falsehoods to God's Religion. This means that as per the Quran, empirical science or the scientific research methodology must be confined to the seen/visible physical realm. 

(B) The empirical science must be confined to the domain of the seen physical realm:

1- The repeated Quranic commands of roaming the earth imply the command of following empiricism and scientific research methodology; i.e., in the following verses, the Lord God commands human beings to examine/study how the creation began: "Have they not seen how God originates the creation, and then reproduces it? This is easy for God. Say, "Roam the earth, and observe how He originated the creation." Then God will bring about the next existence. God has power over all things."" (29:19-20).  

2- The Quranic repeated commands of examining/studying the heavens and the earth are linked to a higher aim; i.e., the belief in the Lord God the Creator of the universe; this is part of the Quranic scientific methodology of research and empiricism: "Say, "Look at what is in the heavens and the earth." But signs and warnings are of no avail for people who do not believe." (10:101); "And it is He who sends down water from the sky. With it We produce vegetation of all kinds, from which We bring greenery, from which We produce grains in clusters. And palm-trees with hanging clusters, and vineyards, and olives, and pomegranates-similar and dissimilar. Watch their fruits as they grow and ripen. Surely in this are signs for people who believe." (6:99); "Have they not observed the government of the heavens and the earth, and all the things that God created, and that their time may have drawn near? Which discourse, besides this, will they believe in?" (7:185); "Have they not observed the heaven above them, how We constructed it, and decorated it, and it has no cracks? And the earth, how We spread it out, and set on it mountains, and grew in it all kinds of delightful pairs? A lesson and a reminder for every penitent worshiper.And We brought down from the sky blessed water, and produced with it gardens and grain to harvest. And the soaring palm trees, with clustered dates. As sustenance for the servants. And We revive thereby a dead town. Likewise is the Resurrection." (50:6-11); "Do they not see how We conduct the water to a dry land, and with it We produce vegetation, from which their livestock eat, and themselves? Do they not see?" (32:27); "He who created seven heavens in layers. You see no discrepancy in the creation of the Dominant Lord. Look again. Can you see any cracks? Then look again, and again, and your sight will return to you dazzled and exhausted." (67:3-4); "Have they not seen the birds above them, spreading their wings, and folding them? None holds them except the Dominant Lord. He is Perceiver of everything." (67:19); "And on earth are signs for the steadfast ones. And within yourselves. Do you not see?" (51:20-21).

3- In some other Quranic verses, the miraculous scientific indications are linked to the call for pondering, understanding, and reflection; i.e., this means that empirical science and scientific experiments should be linked to the reasoning mind and not to whims and desires. The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "God is He who raised the heavens without pillars that you can see, and then settled on the Throne. And He committed the sun and the moon to the service of humankind, each running for a specified period. He manages all affairs, and He explains the signs, that you may be certain of the meeting with your Lord. And it is He who spread the earth, and placed in it mountains and rivers. And He placed in it two kinds of every fruit. He causes the night to overlap the day. In that are signs for people who reflect. On earth are adjacent terrains, and gardens of vines, and crops, and date-palms, from the same root or from distinct roots, irrigated with the same water. We make some taste better than others. In that are proofs for people who reason." (13:2-4).    

4- In some other Quranic verses, the miraculous scientific indications are linked to the call for empiricism and exploration/studying in order to believe in the Lord God the Creator, in His Book, and in the Last Day; see 56:58-80; God says the following in the Quran: "And he produces arguments against Us, and he forgets his own creation. He says, "Who will revive the bones when they have decayed?" Say, "He who initiated them in the first instance will revive them. He has knowledge of every creation." He who produced fuel for you from the green trees, with which you kindle a fire. Is not He who created the heavens and the earth able to create the like of them? Certainly. He is the Supreme All-Knowing Creator." (36:78-81); "Indeed, I swear by what you see. And by what you do not see. It is the speech of a noble messenger." (69:38-40). 

5- Real, sincere belief in the Lord God the Creator means adherence to piety; this piety means to sanctify/deify and worship only the Lord God, Allah, and to deal fairly, peacefully, equitably, charitably, and kindly with all people; thus, this also means to use scientific discoveries and achievements for the welfare and prosperity of humanity and not for launching wars and causing destruction.

6- If human beings would have followed the Quranic scientific methodology centuries ago instead of the Greek methodology, the scientific progress/advancement of the 20th century would have taken place more than 10 centuries ago. As per history, some scientists during the reign of the Abbasid caliphs Al-Maamoun and Al-Wathiq applied empiricism and experiments; chief among them was Al-Razi – the greatest medical doctor of the Middle Ages. Yet, the obscurantist Sunnite Hanbali clergymen aborted this scientific trend, and when the Hanbali Sunnites lost their power and influence, Sufism dominated the Arab world and science was chased away. Meanwhile, the European Renaissance made use of translations of the books authored by Arab scientists, thinkers, and philosophers. Scientists of the West built on this accumulated knowledge, and centuries later, the people of the world now are enjoying inventions and technology introduced by the West whose scientific progress and developments seem limitless now and more is to come in the foreseeable future.          

7- We can perceive in the Quran a scientific methodology and the call for empirical research, with the aim of bringing welfare and prosperity to humanity and adhering to piety and the belief in the Lord God. This means that as per Islam, scientific research and experiments must not be used to disobey God's Quranic commands and/or to commit sins and evil deeds – the West civilization, past and present, is filled with those sinners who have used science to commit evil deeds against other people and to disobey the Lord God. if human civilization would have followed the higher aim of the empirical science  mentioned in the Quran, the scientific progress/advancement would have been used for maintaining peace and prosperity for all humankind instead of spreading wars, pollution, and manufacturing of arms and weapons of mass destruction.     


(2) Denying the Metaphysical Realm Mentioned in the Quran Is a Big Mistake within the West Research Methodology 


1- The secular and atheist culture of the West has been – and remains to be – an extreme reaction against the power and myths of the Catholic Church whose clergymen controlled all aspects of European life for centuries during the Middle-Ages. The Catholic Church imposed on the European people the belief in countless myths, especially the ones regarding the metaphysical realm, and it punished those who criticized such myths by burning them alive in auto-da-fé or putting them to death by other means within the Inquisition. The clergymen of the Muhammadans fell into the same trap of such a grave sin as they imposed on people the belief in their Sunnite, Sufi, and Shiite myths/hadiths, especially the narratives regarding the metaphysical realm (i.e., the unseen, the past, and the future). Such obscurantism, ignorance, and backwardness still dominate the countries of the Muhammadans until now; the West has got rid of such myths; yet, the people of the West have gone into the extreme of denying the metaphysical realm of the invisible altogether; i.e., the rejection of the Hereafter and denying God's existence as well as the existence of angels, devils, etc. This is why European and West empiricism and science are based on denying anything that cannot be examined/studied within experiments and exploration. However, later on, some positive changes within this stance have occurred as scientists have discovered invisible powers and phenomena (e.g., electricity) that can be useful even if we cannot see them and know their exact nature; later on, the relativity theory helped in partial understanding of phenomena and items related to the outer space and the universe, and scientists wonder now if they can put any such items into use for the benefit of humanity.           

2- Thus, at first, the Europeans decided to deny the existence of the metaphysical realm altogether within empiricism and scientific research, experiments, and exploration. This has led to their denying any overlapping between time and the metaphysical realm until the relativity theory of Einstein has changed this stance. Time is one of the most important dimensions of the metaphysical realm, despite the fact that the physical realm and the universe is enveloped within the frame of time. Einstein discovered and proved that time (which remains a problematic issue until now) is the fourth dimension of the physical matter. If scientists of the West care to examine and study the Quranic text, this will open up for them gates of new ideas, fields, and notions, related to science, unchecked by them before. We mean the indications of time in some Quranic verses; such indications have never been studied/examined in the West/Occident or in the East/Orient; this negligence must cease; specialized scientists should examine the Quranic indications of time. Our BOOK here which you are reading now is merely an attempt, by a Quranist researcher whose amount of knowledge within natural sciences is very little, to draw the attention of scientists to urge them to examine the miraculous scientific indications in the Quranic text; the scientific conclusions they would reach will be better than ours as a Quranist thinker who ponders the Quran based on Quranic terminology and his knowledge of the Arabic tongue.       

The relative link between the metaphysical realm on the one hand and time and speed on the other hand:

1- The link between (time and speed) and the metaphysical realm is manifested in narrowing the gap/difference between the past time and the present time; as for the past, news and letters spread slowly within long durations (e.g., by snail mail, travellers, pigeons carrying letters, and horses carrying postmen); as for the present, the internet, multimedia, telecommunications, and satellite channels have relatively neutralized time; e.g., a man in the USA can watch live events taking place in Africa. another example is electricity; we cannot see it because it is an invisible energy (and this makes it belong to the metaphysical realm of the unseen), but human beings have managed to harness such energy upon discovering it and to put it into good use; by the way, energy is among the many forms of physical matter.

2- This aspect of relative metaphysical realm of the unseen pertaining to the present time can be examined, measured, and studied within scientific progress/advancement. For instance, half a century ago, it was impossible to think/imagine that video-calls can be made between two people who live simultaneously in two different continents.  

Does this last point apply to the invisible metaphysical realm of the past?:

1- The raised question is as follows: Can deeds/voices of ancient nations be retrieved/revived? The Lord God mentions in the Quran that destroyed or dead ancient nations will never be brought back to life in this world: "There is a ban on the town that We had destroyed - that they will not return." (21:95).

2- We know from the Quran that deeds, stances, feelings, and words of each human beings are recorded by the angels: "For every person We have attached his bird to his neck. And on the Day of Resurrection, We will bring out for him a Book which he will find spread open. "Read your book; today there will be none but yourself to call you to account." Whoever is guided - is guided for his own good. And whoever goes astray - goes astray to his detriment. No burdened soul carries the burdens of another, nor do We ever torment until We have sent a messenger. " (17:13-15). This means that copies of all our deed, words, etc. 'fly' into a metaphysical realm Barsakh level where angels record them, carrying the special imprint or DNA of the souls which performed the actions and uttered the words, preserved in archives. This means that on the Last Day, each soul will perceive images, sounds, and movements done by it when it was alive on earth within its Record of Deeds (i.e., like a video). One's deeds will weave the eternal body of one's resurrected soul in the Hereafter either in Hell or in Paradise; the mortal human bodies will turn to dust and will never be revived again on the Last Day; the souls will be resurrected from Barsakh of the dead ones to wear their eternal bodies and be judged on the Day of Judgment. Human souls in this world, in all eras of the past, present, and future, are tested and they are allotted a duration of life on earth, plus other fates: birth, provisions, earnings, calamities/adversity, prosperity, and death. The last fulfillment for the human souls is when they are judged on the Last Day and are either condemned in Hell forever or be made to enter into Paradise for eternity.

3- This rephrased query is raised here: Could the words/images/actions of a dead person (whether this person died recently or years ago) be heard/retrieved and recorded now in this physical world as if in a documentary movie? Matter, mass, and energy undergo transformations but they are not lost or destroyed forever. This means that the words/images/actions of a dead person are stored somewhere. As per the Quran, they are stored/archived in the metaphysical realm of Barsakh.

Does this apply to the metaphysical realm of the future events (e.g., true visions that foretell events)?:

1- True visions seen during sleep/slumber can foretell future events; as per the Quran, Muhammad during his sleep saw in a vision that he performed pilgrimage at the Sacred Kaaba Mosque in Mecca; he was ardently wishing for this when he was residing in Yathreb; this vision came true and was fulfilled later on shortly before the death of Muhammad: "God has fulfilled His messenger's vision in truth: "You will enter the Sacred Mosque, God willing, in security, heads shaven, or hair cut short, not fearing. He knew what you did not know, and has granted besides that an imminent victory."" (48:27). Within the Quranic story of Joseph, there are true visions seen by non-believers: the visions of the two imprisoned men in the cell with Joseph and the visions of the Hyksos king of Egypt, and this is not to mention the true vision of Joseph who was a monotheistic believer and a prophet, of course. all these visions mentioned in the Quranic Chapter 12 were fulfilled and they came true. Such visions were relatively vague and symbolic; they entailed a prophet to interpret them. The fact on which we focus here is that true visions that foretell future events can be seen by (dis)believers regardless of their faiths. In contrast, the polytheistic Sunnite, Sufi, and Shiite imams/sheikhs invented and fabricated many elaborate dreams/visions (as if they were seen by their 'saints') and made them a source of 'divine' revelation within their earthly/terrestrial, man-made religions. Of course, there are degrees in time exemplified by the movements of the planets of the solar system and the movements of galaxies and stars. There are also degrees in time within the Barsakh levels of the earth and the heavens. The Holy Spirit Gabriel and angels under him descend with fates preordained on all human beings once a year during every Ramadan within the Night of Decree; yet, the time and speed of angels differ than those of human beings; angels move within unimaginable speeds within the overlapping metaphysical Barsakh levels whose time-frame differs a lot from time on the physical realm of the earth. By God's Will, the Hyksos king of Egypt within the Quranic story of Joseph saw true visions that foretold events of 15 years to come; these events are decrees/fates descended by angels led by Gabriel within the different time-frame of the angels; within time on earth, this descent of the angels with fates occurs annually within the Night of Decree; all this is done by the Dominant Lord God's commands/decrees ordained on all creatures: "He regulates all affairs, from the heavens, to the earth. Then it ascends to Him on a Day the length of which is a thousand years by your count." (32:5) "...God has control over His affairs, but most people do not know." (12:21). This verse about God's command issued about the coming of the Hour (i.e., the destruction of the universe) shows the difference/gap between time in Barsakh and time within the physical realm on earth: "The command of God came, so do not rush it..." (16:1). This means that the time-frame assigned to the physical world has not yet reached or matched with the Barsakh time-frame when the command/decree was issued by the Lord God about the taking place of the Hour; the Hour means the total destruction of the physical universe and its time-frame; a new, eternal universe (of Resurrection, Gathering, Judgment, Hell, and Paradise) and eternity (with no past, present, and future) will be created; the limited capacity of the human mind cannot fully grasp/imagine this eternity of 'static' time which does not move or change.     

2- We understand from the Quran the meaning of true visions that foretell future events; within the annual Night of Decree, Gabriel and the angels carry fates (birth, provisions, earnings, calamities/adversity, prosperity, and death) preordained by the Lord God on humanity for a whole year as part of how He regulates all affairs in the universe: "He regulates all affairs, from the heavens, to the earth. Then it ascends to Him on a Day the length of which is a thousand years by your count. That is the Knower of the Invisible and the Visible, the Powerful, the Merciful." (32:5-6). The speeds of angels within Barsakh levels, especially within the Upper Realm of angels who are nearer to the Lord God, cannot be imagined by the limited capacity of the human mind; the Quran figuratively expresses these speeds as "wings": "Praise be to God, Originator of the heavens and the earth, Maker of the angels messengers with wings - double, triple, and quadruple. He adds to creation as He wills. God is Able to do all things." (35:1). This is why the Lord God says the following about the Night of Decree: "The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months. In it descend the angels and the Spirit, by the leave of their Lord, with every command." (97:3-4). Some of these fates are foretold in true visions seen during sleep/slumber of some people. More details about this topic are found in our book, in English, titled "The Night-Journey Is The Night of Decree", found on this link:      http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/book_main.php?main_id=112

3- One of the main topics of the problematic issue of time is the Superstring theory. This Superstring theory maintains that there is a six-dimensional universe overlapping with our known four-dimensional universe (or our known four-dimensional continuum of three dimensions of space plus the fourth dimension of time, shown in the typical space-time diagrams made by scientists), and speeds more than the speed of light exist there, but they cannot be measured by human beings until now. If these speeds would be measured one day in the future, scientists believe that human beings may travel back in time if shuttles that exceed the speed of light would be invented. Thus, sometimes, one sees true visions that foretell future events because some decrees/fates while being carried by angels in a metaphysical level may come across the wandering souls of the sleeping people which float inside Barsakh (its original place) temporarily during deep slumber: "God takes the souls at the time of their death, and those that have not died during their sleep. He retains those for which He has decreed death, and He releases the others until a predetermined time. In that are signs for people who reflect." (39:42).   

4-During deep slumber, the human soul temporarily leaves the human body but remain linked to it; it returns to it upon waking up. This is because souls belong to the metaphysical realm of Barsakh, where speeds exceed the speed of light in our physical realm. This is why it is assumed that when souls move/float in Barsakh with unimagined speeds, they might come across future events/fates that are yet to take place in the physical world and such events express themselves in (seemingly unrelated) moving images within dreams/visions which are mysteriously remembered clearly by people when they wake up, in contrast to meaningless jumbles of dreams forgotten by most people upon waking up. Thus, some dreams/visions we see during our sleep come true later on as we know their interpretation or witness their realization.

5- Of course, we cannot imagine, feel, or know the speed of souls moving inside Barsakh when people are asleep; by the way, no souls human beings can resist sleeping from time to time to get some relief from being confined to the human bodies; the Lord God has ordained sleep/slumber and waking up on human beings as part of His controlling and dominating over them (along with the angels recording their deeds, taking their souls upon death, and carrying preordained fates; along with imposed Resurrection and Judgment in the Hereafter), as we infer from these verses: "It is He Who takes you by night, and He knows what you earn by day. Then He raises you up in it, until a fixed term is fulfilled. Then to Him is your return, then He will inform you of what you used to do. He is the Dominant One over His servants, and He sends angels watching you, until, when death overtakes one of you, Our envoys take him away, and they never fail." (6:60-61).

Degrees of the absolute metaphysical realm:

1- We mean by the word ''absolute'' here that such degrees cannot be reached/examined/studied by human beings in this world, in contrast to the relative link between time/speed and the metaphysical realm of the present (in contrast to the future and the past). The relative aspects of the metaphysical realm can be measured, studied, examined, used, and surpassed by scientific progress/advancement and new inventions within means of transportation and telecommunications. As for the absolute aspects of the metaphysical realm, God will never allow human beings to know anything about them in this transient, temporary world.

2- The higher degrees of the absolute metaphysical realm belong to the Omniscient Lord God; for instance, God will never be seen by human beings in this world and in the Hereafter; we infer this fact from the Quran itself; for further details about this topic, we refer readers to our article, in English, titled "Definitive and Similar Quranic Verses in a Practical Study: The Topic of Seeing Almighty God in the Hereafter", found on this link: (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/English/show_article.php?main_id=16303). Human beings cannot see God because He does not submit to time; rather, He is the Creator of time that envelopes the earth and the universe; He is the First and Last (the Alpha and the Omega) and has no beginning and no end, and He is above time and eternity (for sure, human beings will be eternal in the Hereafter inside Hell and Paradise). The capacity of the human mind is very limited and it cannot imagine or grasp fully this eternity and the fact that the Lord God is Eternal, Everlasting, and Immortal. The Omnipresent and Omniscient Lord God knows everything about and inside both the physical and the metaphysical realms; in contrast, human beings, angels, jinn, and devils cannot have this omniscience, and there are thresholds in the universe which cannot be passed by them. The capitalized pronoun (He) in the Quranic verses refers to the Omnipresent Lord God; it does not represent a third person/party who is 'absent'. The Omnipotent Lord God says the following in the Quran: "He is the First and the Last, and the Outer and the Inner, and He has knowledge of all things. It is He who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then settled over the Throne. He knows what penetrates into the earth, and what comes out of it, and what descends from the sky, and what ascends to it. And He is with you wherever you may be. God is Seeing of everything you do." (57:3-4); "Allah! There is no God except He, the Living, the Everlasting. Neither slumber overtakes Him, nor sleep. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. Who is he that can intercede with Him except with His permission? He knows what is before them, and what is behind them; and they cannot grasp any of His knowledge, except as He wills. His Throne extends over the heavens and the earth, and their preservation does not burden Him. He is the Most High, the Great." (2:255).        

3- There are other degrees of the metaphysical aspects which will never be seen by human beings (or by their machines and inventions) in this physical world but will be seen in the Hereafter on the Last Day; i.e., we mean the ethereal beings such as the angels, the jinn, and the devils. The Lord God says the following about Satan and his devils: "...and he sees you, him and his tribe, from where you cannot see them..." (7:27). The misguided sinners will see on the Last Day and also inside Hell the devils who controlled their souls and made them choose misguidance; those sinners will disown such devils and will regret their loss in vain when it is too late for them: "Whoever shuns the remembrance of the Dominant Lord, We assign for him a devil, to be his companion. They hinder them from the Path, though they think they are guided. Until, when he comes to Us, he will say, "If only there were between me and you the distance of the two Easts." What an evil companion!" (43:36-38). Satan and his progeny of devils will be inside Hell along with the souls of their human followers; Satan will disown the human beings who will be inside Hell: "And Satan will say, when the issue is settled, "God has promised you the promise of truth, and I promised you, but I failed you. I had no authority over you, except that I called you, and you answered me. So do not blame me, but blame yourselves. I cannot come to your aid, nor can you come to my aid. I reject your polytheism of worshiping me in the past. The unjust ones will have a torment most painful." (14:22).


 Because the people of the West have denied the metaphysical realm aspects mentioned in the Holy Quran, their technological and scientific progress/advancement was slow and took centuries to reach the level we witness now in the 20th and 21st centuries. We sincerely hope that the people of the West would reconsider their stance regarding the metaphysical realm aspects and examine/study the Quranic verses that contain miraculous scientific indications. This, no doubt, will open new horizons for science. 


(3) Things the West Does Not Know about the Heavens and the Earth: The meaning of the Heavens and the Earth


1- The people of the West know only an outer aspect or layer of the worldly life regarding the heaven and the earth (i.e., the universe); the Quranic miraculous scientific indications precede what is discovered by the West in many fields; no doubt that if the scientists of the West would ponder on the Quranic text, this will open new horizons for science.   

2- We focus here on defining the Quranic term "heaven(s)", which refers, in the Arabic tongue, to the sky, outer space, or the roof/vault known as the firmament.

3- We examine the term  "heaven(s)" in several Quranic contexts that indicate different meanings in the points below.

Firstly: the term (heaven) refers to the sky and its atmosphere that has several degrees/layers/strata with different highness:

1- The Lord God mentions in the Quran that rain, which is a blessing/bounty, comes down from the sky; i.e., the atmosphere between the earth and the heavens: "He who made the earth a habitat for you, and the heaven a structure, and sends water down from the sky, and brings out fruits thereby, as a sustenance for you. Therefore, do not assign rivals to God while you know." (2:22); "...God sends down from the sky, and revives the earth with it after it had died..." (2:164); "God is He Who created the heavens and the earth, and sends down water from the sky, and with it produces fruits for your sustenance..." (14:32); "Or, who created the heavens and the earth, and rains down water from the sky for you? With it We produce gardens full of beauty, whose trees you could not have produced..." (27:60); "...And from the sky We sent down water, and caused to grow therein of every noble pair." (31:10); "And it is He who sends down water from the heaven. With it We produce vegetation of all kinds, from which We bring greenery, from which We produce grains in clusters. And palm-trees with hanging clusters, and vineyards, and olives, and pomegranates-similar and dissimilar. Watch their fruits as they grow and ripen. Surely in this are signs for people who believe." (6:99). The rain pouring from heaven/sky is implied in these two verses: "...and We sent the sky pouring down abundance on them..." (6:6); "...We would have opened for them the blessings of the heaven and the earth..." (7:96).

2- The Quran precedes science in informing people about the role of the winds in carrying clouds laden with rainwater and carrying pollen or seeds within the process of the reproduction of plants: "It is He who sends the wind ahead of His mercy. Then, when they have gathered up heavy clouds, We drive them to a dead land, where We make water come down, and with it We bring out all kinds of fruits. Thus We bring out the dead - perhaps you will reflect." (7:57); "We send the fertilizing winds; and send down water from the sky, and give it to you to drink, and you are not the ones who store it." (15:22); "God is He who sends the winds, which agitate clouds, which We drive to a dead land, and thereby revive the ground after it had died. Likewise is the Resurrection." (35:9); "God is He who sends the winds. They stir up clouds. Then He spreads them in the sky as He wills. And He breaks them apart. Then you see rain drops issuing from their midst. Then, when He makes it fall upon whom He wills of His servants, behold, they rejoice." (30:48); "Have you not seen how God propels the clouds, then brings them together, then piles them into a heap, and you see rain drops emerging from its midst? How He brings down loads of hail from the sky, striking with it whomever He wills, and diverting it from whomever He wills? The flash of its lightning almost snatches the sight away." (24:43).

Sending down torment from the heaven/sky and using the terms (sky) and (heaven) in Quranic parables:

1- The Lord God says the following about the destruction of the town to which He sent three messengers: "After him, We sent down no hosts from heaven to this people; nor would We ever send any down. It was just one Cry, and they were stilled." (36:28-29).

2- Here is an indication of the illness/plague which struck the Israelites during the lifetime of Moses; this plague seems to be spots on their skins from germs or bacteria coming from the atmosphere: "But the unjust ones among them substituted words other than those given to them, so We sent down on the unjust ones a plague from the sky, because of their wicked behavior." (2:59).

3- The Lord God says the following about the polytheists of the Qorayish tribe who defiantly demanded from Muhammad a torment descending upon them from the sky to prove to them that he is a real prophet: "And they said, "Our God, if this is the truth from You, then rain down on us stones from the sky, or visit us with a painful torment."" (8:32); they also demanded from Muhammad to ascend into heaven to prove to them that he is a real prophet: "Or make the sky fall on us in pieces, as you claim, or bring God and the angels before us. Or you possess a house of gold. Or you ascend into the sky. Even then, we will not believe in your ascension, unless you bring down for us a book that we can read." Say, "Glory be to my Lord. Am I anything but a human messenger?"" (17:92-93). The Lord God has refused to give them miracles/signs: "Even if We opened for them a gateway into the sky, and they began to ascend through it.They would still say, "Our eyes are hallucinating; in fact, we are people bewitched."" (15:14-15); this means that even if those polytheists were to embark into a space shuttle to ascend into the sky/heaven, they would adamantly refuse to believe in the Quran and would think that this is magic.

4- The following image symbolizes the loss of polytheists: "...Whoever associates anything with God - it is as though he has fallen from the sky, and is snatched by the birds, or is swept away by the wind to a distant abyss." (22:31). In this image, the polytheists/disbelievers are depicted as floating within higher strata of the atmosphere which have less amount of oxygen: "Whomever God desires to guide, He spreads open his heart to Islam; and whomever He desires to misguide, He makes his heart narrow, constricted, as though he were climbing up the sky. God thus lays defilement upon those who do not believe." (6:125).

5- The Lord God says the following about birds: "Have they not seen the birds, flying in the midst of the sky? None sustains them except God. In this are signs for people who believe." (16:79).

6- The Lord God says the following about the good word: "Do you not see how God presents a parable? A good word is like a good tree - its root is firm, and its branches are in the sky." (14:24).

7- From the above points, we conclude that the heaven/sky above human beings has several strata/degrees/levels of the atmosphere with different highness; God has said the following to Muhammad: "We have seen your face turned towards the heaven..." (2:144).

Secondly: the heaven means the physical one in this world/universe:

 The physical heaven above us is the one which we can see, and it is the first among the seven ones; human beings (and any of their machines, probes, or inventions) cannot see/reach/examine the other six metaphysical Barsakh levels of heavens located above the physical one in this world/universe. The jinn are located within the Barsakh levels of the earth and they cannot reach the Barsakh levels of the heavens and the ones of the physical heaven/firmament above the earth: "We probed the heaven, and found it filled with stern guards and projectiles. We used to take up positions to listen in; but whoever listens now finds a projectile in wait for him." (72:8-9).

Thirdly: the term (heaven) is used sometimes in the Quran to denote all the levels of the seven heavens:

 This meaning comes in the Quranic contexts about the creation of heavens by the Dominant Lord God the Creator Who will destroy them when the Hour comes.

1- Within these verses about the creation of the heavens, the word (heaven) refers to all of the seven heavens: "We did not create the heaven and the earth and everything between them for amusement." (21:16); "It is He who created for you everything on earth, then turned to the heaven, and made them seven heavens. And He is aware of all things." (2:29); "We placed constellations in heaven, and made them beautiful to the beholders. And We guarded them from every outcast devil. Except one who steals a hearing, and is followed by a visible projectile." (15:16-18); "Blessed is He who placed constellations in heaven, and placed in it a lamp, and an illuminating moon." (25:61); "Do they not look at the camels - how they are created? And at the heaven - how it is raised? And at the mountains - how they are installed? And at the earth - how it is spread out?" (88:17-20); "Have they not observed the heaven above them, how We constructed it, and decorated it, and it has no cracks? And the earth, how We spread it out, and set on it mountains, and grew in it all kinds of delightful pairs?" (50:6-7). In this verse, the plural form (heavens) is employed: "A revelation from He who created the earth and the high heavens." (20:4).

2- The Omniscience of the Lord God is linked to heaven (denoting all of the seven heavens) and the earth within this verse: "There is no mystery in the heaven and the earth, but it is in a Clear Book." (27:75).

3- The term (heaven) means all of the seven heavens within these verses about the destruction of the universe when the Hour comes: "When the heaven splits apart, and becomes rose, like paint." (55:37); "Then, when the Trumpet is blown a single time. And the earth and the mountains are lifted up, and crushed, with a single crush. On that Day, the Event will come to pass. And the heaven will crack; so on that Day it will be frail. And the angels will be ranged around its borders, while eight will be carrying the Throne of your Lord above them that Day. On that Day you will be exposed, and no secret of yours will remain hidden." (69:13-18).

(4) The Creation and the Destruction of the Heavens and the Earth

Firstly: definitive Quranic verses about the creation of the heavens and the earth:

1- The Big Bang Theory, in our view, is supported within the Quran about the creation of the heavens and the earth; i.e., the universe with its planets, moons, stars, and galaxies. The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "Do the disbelievers not see that the heavens and the earth were one mass, and We tore them apart? ..." (21:30). This one mass/point was not porous (i.e., it wasimpermeable) and it exploded by God's command in order to create the heavens and the earth; we tend to think that God has taken a piece of time and has caused it to explode; this resulted in the creations of all the levels of physical and metaphysical realms of the universe (i.e., the earth and the heavens). 

2- When the heavens and the earth (i.e., the physical and metaphysical levels of the universe) have been created, all elements and creatures in them are made in pairs: male/female, passive/active, negative/positive, etc. The Lord God the Creator is the Only One Who has no pair at all. In contrast, all His creatures are in pairs: human beings, animals, plants, energy, inanimate matter, etc. These Quranic verses assert this fact: "We created all things in pairs, so that you may reflect and ponder." (51:49); "He Who created all the pairs..." (43:12); "Glory be to Him who created all the pairs; of what the earth produces, and of their own selves, and of what they do not know." (36:36).

3- This means that the heavens and the earth are also created in a pair: positive and negative; each one of this pair moves in the opposite direction of each other; this is indicated here in this Quranic verse about the scientific fact that the universe is being expanded all the time: "We constructed the heaven with power, and We are expanding it." (51:47). The word (heaven) here refers to the universe, of course.

4- As the negative universe and the positive universe move into opposite directions, they move within an elliptic curve; this means both universes will collide at one point in time when the Hour comes and the universe is destroyed by the command of the Lord God, as we infer from this simile in this Quranic verse: "On the Day when We fold the heaven, like the folding of a book. Just as We began the first creation, We will repeat it..." (21:104). This means that the creation of the universe began with an explosion and it will be destroyed within another explosion; the universe will return to its zero point.     

5- The Quranic expression (the Trumpet is blown) indicates the explosion which will cause the destruction of the universe (i.e., the heavens and the earth and their physical levels and metaphysical Barsakh levels and all things created within such levels) as we understand from the following verses: "Then, when the Trumpet is blown a single time. And the earth and the mountains are lifted up, and crushed, with a single crush. On that Day, the Event will come to pass." (69:13-15). Another explosion will follow, and it is the one related to the creation of an alternative, eternal universe; i.e., the eternal heavens and earth of the Last Day of the Resurrection, Gathering, Meeting, Judgment, Hell and Paradise; this is when the Dominant Lord God will manifest Himself to judge all humanity: "On the Day when the earth is changed into another earth, and the heavens, and they will emerge before God the Dominant One." (14:48). We quote these verses about the first explosion: "On that Day, We will leave them surging upon one another. And the Trumpet will be blown, and We will gather them together." (18:99); "The Trumpet will be blown, then behold, they will rush from the tombs to their Lord." (36:51); "On the Day when the Trumpet is blown, everyone in the heavens and the earth will be horrified, except whomever God wills; and everyone will come before Him in humility." (27:87).We quote these verses about the first and second explosions (i.e., the first one linked to the Hour/destruction and the second one of creating the Eternal Realm of Resurrection and Judgment): "They have not esteemed God as He ought to be esteemed. The entire earth will be in His grip on the Day of Resurrection, and the heavens will be folded in His right. Superior He is beyond the polytheism to which they adhere. And the Trumpet will be blown, whereupon everyone in the heavens and the earth will be stunned, except whomever God wills. Then it will be blown another time, whereupon they will rise up, looking on. And the earth will shine with the Light of its Lord; and the Book will be put in place; and the prophets and the witnesses will be brought in; and Judgment will be passed among them equitably, and they will not be wronged. And every soul will be fully compensated for what it had done. He is well aware of what they do." (39:67-70).  

Secondly: definitive Quranic verses about gravity, which is part of the creation of the heavens and the earth:

 Before the Hour/destruction of the universe will take place in the first explosion, the current, physical and metaphysical universe has its own systems/patterns mentioned in several Quranic expressions which include the following.

1- The (Balance) here symbolizes the stability of the systems/patterns of the universe as per the Lord God's will, command, and measurement: "And the heaven, He raised; and He set up the Balance." (55:7).

2- The Lord God fully controls the heavens and the earth (i.e., the universe): "God holds the heavens and the earth, lest they fall apart. And were they to fall apart, there is none to hold them together except He..." (35:41); "Do you not see that God made everything on earth subservient to you? How the ships sail at sea by His command? That He holds up the sky lest it falls on earth - except by His permission?..." (22:65).

3- The Lord God fully controls the stable, elliptic orbits (i.e., the gravitationally curved trajectories) of celestial bodies; their movements seem like floating in the air: "It is He who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon; each floating in an orbit." (21:33); "And the sun runs towards its destination. Such is the design of the Almighty, the Omniscient. And the moon: We have disposed it in phases, until it returns like the old twig. The sun is not to overtake the moon, nor is the night to outpace the day. Each floats in an orbit." (36:38-40).

4- The Lord God protects and preserves the crust of Planet Earth by the mountains which act as stabilizers so as not to make Planet Earth move/revolve/float in the space too fast: "And We placed on earth stabilizers, lest it sways with them, and We placed therein signposts and passages, that they may be guided." (21:31).The Lord God also protects and preserves Planet Earth by the ozone layer: "And We made the sky a protected ceiling; yet they turn away from its signs." (21:32). Of course, Planet Earth revolves around its axis and this causes the alternation/succession between day and night, as both follow each other all the time, in a process which will go on until the Hour comes and the universe is destroyed: "He created the heavens and the earth with Truth. He wraps the night around the day, and He wraps the day around the night. And He regulates the sun and the moon, each running along a specific course until a predetermined time. He is indeed the Almighty, the Forgiver." (39:5).

5- Science confines gravity only to the physical, visible universe; in contrast, the Lord God tells us in the Quran that the idea of gravity (or balance/regulation) applies to the heavens and the earth and their Barsakh, metaphysical levels as well: "God is He who raised the heavens without pillars that you can see, and then settled on the Throne. And He committed the sun and the moon to the service of humankind, each running for a specified period. He manages all affairs, and He explains the signs, that you may be certain of the meeting with your Lord." (13:2); "He created the heavens without pillars that you can see, and placed stabilizers on earth lest it shifts with you, and scattered throughout it all kinds of creatures. And from the sky We sent down water, and caused to grow therein of every noble pair." (31:10).

6- The Lord God says the following (which should draw the attention of specialized scientists) about the stability of Planet Earth and the construction of the heavens: "Are you more difficult to create, or the heaven? He constructed it. He raised its masses, and proportioned it. And He dimmed its night, and brought out its daylight. And the earth after that He spread. And from it, He produced its water and its pasture. And the mountains, He anchored." (79:27-32).


 We infer from the Quran that the heavens and the earth will be destroyed simultaneously; this means that their systems/patterns will be destroyed at the same time when the (positive) universe (with its physical levels and the metaphysical/Barsakh/ethereal ones) will collide with its (negative) counter-universe; since everything is created in pairs, there is this universe and its opposite universe which move in separate directions but will converge/meet at some point in time known only to the Lord God; their meeting is the collusion which is the Hour of the destruction of the universe before the advent of Last Day within a New, Eternal Realm. The following Quranic verses cover this topic and specialized scientists should study, examine, and analyze them.

1- "When the sun is rolled up. When the stars are dimmed. When the mountains are set in motion. When the relationships are suspended. When the beasts are gathered. When the oceans are set aflame. When the souls are paired. When the girl, buried alive, is asked. For what crime was she killed? When the Records are made public. When the heaven is peeled away." (81:1-11).

2- "When the heaven breaks apart. When the planets are scattered. When the oceans are exploded." (82:1-3).

3- "When the heaven is ruptured. And hearkens to its Lord, as it must. And when the earth is leveled out. And casts out what is in it, and becomes empty." (84:1-4).

4- "Then, when the Trumpet is blown a single time. And the earth and the mountains are lifted up, and crushed, with a single crush. On that Day, the Event will come to pass. And the heaven will crack; so on that Day it will be frail." (69:13-16).

5- "On the Day when the heaven will be like molten brass. And the mountains will be like tufted wool." (70:8-9).

6- "On the Day when the heaven sways in agitation.  And the mountains go into motion." (52:9-10).

7- "When the earth is shaken with a shock. And the mountains are crushed and crumbled. And they become scattered dust." (56:4-6).

8- "When the stars are obliterated. And the heaven is fractured. And the mountains are blown away." (77:8-10).

9- "The Day when the Trumpet is blown, and you will come in droves. And the heaven is opened up and becomes gateways. And the mountains are set in motion, and become a mirage." (78:18-20).

Lastly: the Quran precedes modern science:

1- The Big Bang theory: The late Egyptian scientist Dr. Abdel-Mohsen Saleh (1928 - 1986) writes the following in his book (in Arabic) titled "The Universe and the Counter-Universe", about the Big Bang that caused the creation of the universe: (... In the beginning, the universe was a stacked mass within unimagined levels of pressure; this impermeable, non-porous mass exploded and the contents of its matter are being scattered and expanded until now; when I've read these scientific facts for the first time, I remembered this Quranic verse: "Do the disbelievers not see that the heavens and the earth were one mass, and We tore them apart? ..." (21:30); this means that the universe (i.e., "the heavens and the earth" as per the Quranic expression) was one point/mass which exploded and formed the visible universe (and its invisible levels) with its earth, planets, sun, stars, and galaxies in the outer space, within distances measured in millions of light years ... Some scientists assume that this explosion or the Big Bang took place 18.000 million years ago ... Some scientists, in 1965, discovered by their radio-telescopes the echoes of weak electromagnetic waves; they assume that such echoes are the ongoing reverberations of the Big Bang that formed the universe ...). The Cairo-based Al-Akhbar newspaper mentioned in Nov. 1989 that NASA had a budget of 400 US$ in order to launch a satellite to examine the rays resulted from the Big Bang (which formed the universe), which is estimated to have occurred more than 15 billion years. In April 1990, the same newspaper mentioned that the space shuttle Discovery with its Hubble Space Telescope will examine the movements of galaxies, stars, and comets for 15 years within precision exceeding ten times any other previous telescope; the mission of the Hubble Space Telescope is to determine when the universe has been formed/created within the Big Bang.  

2- The expansion of the universe: once the Big Bang occurred, the universe never ceased to expand, and it will continue to expand as per this Quranic verse: "We constructed the heaven with power, and We are expanding it." (51:47). The Cairo-based Al-Wafd newspaper mentioned in July 1987 within the article titled (The Universe Is Expanding in All Directions) that in astronomy, observing the gravitational redshift is used to measure the distances among different stars and galaxies and to estimate when the Big Bang took place in order to calculate the age of the ever-expanding universe. This newspaper article mentioned that a British astronomer asserted that the expansion of the universe causes the formation of new stars to fill in the void or space; this means that the movements of stars go on and the various distances among these stars do not remain the same. After 20 years of research, the American astronomer Allan Sandage asserted that the speed of the expansion of the universe is 230 million miles per minute and that this expansion in all directions has begun about 18 billion years ago. In 1974, as per the same article, astronomers in Texas University asserted that the universe is expanding limitlessly and endlessly and that the scope of such expansions is beyond being measured – at least at this point in time. The same article mentioned that as per the relativity theory of Einstein in 1916, asserted by the Russian physicist and mathematician Alexander Friedman (in his Friedman equations) in 1922, the universe is round within an elliptic shape taken billions of years ago.             

3- The pairs and the destruction of the universe when it will collide with the counter-universe: We quote the following passages about the expansion of the universe from the book titled "The Universe and the Counter-Universe" by Dr. Abdel-Mohsen Saleh. (... The matter and the anti-matter must be within equal quantity, and this applies to all celestial bodies: this is the concept of pairs or duality that governs the universe and all creatures in heaven and on earth ... In 1977, some scientists managed to form an atom of antiparticles and antineutrons within an anti-nucleus of hydrogen but this anti-atom of hydrogen 'died' and was transformed into electromagnetic waves; it is possible now to form anti-atoms of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, water, gold, etc. and such atoms will not differ from the ordinary atoms in physical/natural and chemical features; yet, there is no place on earth that may withstand the existence of one tiny drop of anti-water, unless when scientists would make it be suspended within a void so as not to let it collide with any atoms of this physical universe; in fact, until now, no scientists can create a space of total void. The anti-atoms cannot go on existing unless for few seconds; they explode once they touch any physical atoms of Planet Earth; such anti-atoms disappear in the form of waves which move in the speed of light ... The anti-atoms have reversed magnetic fields, charges, and direction of movement inside their nuclei ... When matter collides with antimatter at any point in time within any place, as in the case of an electron and its antielectron, both of them die or get annihilated and they turn into waves which move in the speed of light ... The matter on earth, and indeed elsewhere in the universe, contains huge destructive energies or rays; if you mix one liter of milk and one liter of anti-milk, the emitted energy can wipe out and annihilate a big city and kill millions of people living in it; the Einstein famous formula is E=mc2. This formula states that the equivalent energy (E) can be calculated as the mass (m) multiplied by the speed of light (c = about 3×108 m/s) squared. This means that two liters of milk and anti-milk are 2000 grams multiplied by 30 thousand million cm (or the speed of light per second) equal 30 thousand million erg (the erg is the unit of energy) or the number 18 and beside it 23 zeros; this type of explosion is equal to 2200 nuclear bombs like the one thrown at Hiroshima or the explosion of 44 million tons of TNT ... Let alone the emitted destructive energy when a star collides with an anti-star; thus, when the universe will collide with its counter-universe, this is total destruction within Doomsday ...). The Cairo-based Al-Wafd newspaper mentioned in Sept. 1987 within the article titled (Matter and Antimatter in Outer Space) that the antimatter is a very complicated field of scientific research which opens the door for studying the risks of allowing astronauts to remain for longer times within their journeys in outer space, because when matter collides with the antimatter in outer space, both disappear and a huge amount of energy emits as a result. 

  These passages are enough to make readers able to imagine the enormity of the collusion between the universe (i.e., the heavens and the earth and everything between them [Barsakh levels, galaxies, etc.]) and the counter-universe; this will cause the explosion of the Hour or the total destruction of the universe before the emergence of the Eternal Realm of the Last Day.  

N.B.: The passages quoted above were written more than 20 years ago; science progress/advancement and accumulated scientific knowledge surpassed such pieces of information mentioned in these passages; yet, there is still a gap between modern science and the Quran (as the Quran precedes modern science), and sadly, scientists of the West do not believe in the Quran and do not acknowledge the existence of seven heavens.


(5) Between the Heavens and the Earth


 The expression (everything between them) comes in some Quranic verses about the heavens and the earth; it refers to all celestial bodies located between the earth and the heavens: asteroids, moons, planets, black holes, white holes, stars, and galaxies; of course, the distances of billions of galaxies are measured in billions of light years.

Secondly: the Quranic terms for celestial bodies:

1- The Quran has descended and has been revealed in the Arabic tongue understood by Arabs of the 7th century A.D. in Arabia; they had their own terms to express the celestial bodies. Apart from the sun and the moon, the heavenly bodies appear by night like connected or unconnected points of light. Astronomers have proved later on that such connected points of light are (1) huge galaxies which are billions of light years away from Planet Earth, (2) nearer stars, and (3) the planets and moons of the solar system. Arabs knew and used certain Arabic terms to indicate star(s) (i.e., najm [sing.] and nojoum [pl.]), planet(s) (i.e.,kawkab [sing.] and kawakib [pl.]), comet(s) (i.e., shihab [sing.] and shuhub [pl.]), and constellations (i.e., buruj). These terms are also found in the Quranic text.  

2- The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "By the heaven with the constellations/buruj." (85:1); we do believe that the Arabic term (buruj) refers to all celestial bodies in general between the earth and the first level of the seven heavens (i.e., the physical outer space examined by astronomers). The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "We placed constellations/buruj in the heaven, and made them beautiful to the beholders. And We guarded them from every outcast devil. Except one who steals a hearing, and is followed by a visible projectile [comet/shihab]." (15:16-18). We read this verse about the difference between buruj/constellations on the one hand and the light-emitting sun and the moon reflecting its light on the other hand: "Blessed is He who placed constellations in the heaven, and placed in it a lamp [i.e., the sun], and an illuminating moon." (25:61).

3- We read this about planets: "We have adorned the lower heaven with the beauty of the planets/kawakib. And guarded it against every defiant devil. They cannot eavesdrop on the Upper Realm, for they get bombarded from every side. Repelled - they will have a lingering torment. Except for him who snatches a fragment-he gets pursued by a piercing projectile/shihab." (37:6-10); planets are mentioned within the vision of Joseph: "When Joseph said to his father, "O my father, I saw eleven planets, and the sun, and the moon; I saw them bowing down to me."" (12:4); Abraham saw a celestial body that emerged and then disappeared: "When the night fell over him, he saw a planet/kawkab. He said, "This is my lord." But when it set, he said, "I do not love those that set."" (6:76). This verse is about the destruction of the universe with its systems and patterns: "When the heaven breaks apart. When the planets are scattered." (82:1-2).

4- The Arabic/Quranic term for (a star) is (najm) and at the same time, this verb/root means literally to appear/to emerge; it applies to the appearance of celestial bodies to the eyes of beholders on earth and to plants burgeoning and emerging on the surface of the earth, as we infer from this Quranic verse: "And the najm/plants and the trees prostrate themselves." (55:6). Stars and constellations are used by astronauts in space ships to know and mark their way and have been also used by Arabs to guide their camel caravans in the desert routes by night and to guide their ships also by night: "And landmarks. And by the stars they guide themselves." (16:16); "And it is He Who created the stars for you, that you may be guided by them in the darkness of land and sea. We thus explain the Verses for people who know." (6:97).  

Thirdly: using the Quranic terms for celestial bodies within contexts of calling people to seek guidance through the Quran:

1- The irrational polytheists deify mortals/creatures without realizing the fact that deification, sanctification, and glorification must be dedicated wholly and only to the Lord God the Creator; in addition, these polytheists do not realize that the creation of the heavens and the earth (i.e., the universe) is greater than the creation of human beings: "Certainly the creation of the heavens and the earth is greater than the creation of humanity, but most people do not know." (40:57). The Muhammadans claim that they believe in the Quran; this is NOT true because they deify Muhammad and make him a supreme, immortal, all-powerful god above Allah the Creator Who has no progeny and has never had any deities besides Him: "And they say, "God has begotten a son." Be He glorified. Rather, His is everything in the heavens and the earth; all are obedient to Him. Originator of the heavens and the earth..." (2:116-117) "Originator of the heavens and the earth - how can He have a son when He never had a companion? He created all things, and He has knowledge of all things." (6:101) "Or were they created out of nothing? Or are they the creators? Or did they create the heavens and the earth? In fact, they are not certain." (52:35-36).

2- The human beings cannot see/reach the seven (layers/levels of) heavens; they can only see everything between the heavens and the earth; i.e., outer space in the lower heaven with its different celestial bodies. The amount of knowledge of human beings about the outer space with its galaxies, etc. increases as technological advancement and scientific progress increase; this increases their amazement/wonder and they should regret and be ashamed of their atheism and polytheism; how come that some people deify creatures as equals/peers to the Lord God the Creator?! Hence, Quranic verses regarding guidance and monotheism often include the Quranic expression (everything between them) when the heavens and the earth are mentioned to show the Greatness, Majesty, and Omnipotence of the Lord God the Creator of the universe. Let us exemplify this in the points below.

3- It is a Quranic fact that the Lord God the Creator is the One Who has created the heavens and the earth and everything between them.

3/1: Hence, deified creatures cannot create the stars: "And landmarks. And by the stars they guide themselves. Is He who creates like him who does not create? Will you not take a lesson?" (16:16-17). The Lord God has never created something in vain, as jest/play, or for no reason, but within the Truth, Right, in earnest, and for a purpose: "We did not create the heavens and the earth, and everything between them, except with Truth. The Hour is coming..." (15:85); "We did not create the heaven and the earth and everything between them for amusement." (21:16); "We did not create the heavens and the earth and everything between them to play. We created them only for a specific purpose, but most of them do not know." (44:38-39). The Lord God refutes beforehand those who assume that the universe exists by random chance (or assume that it is without design or purpose) and has no Creator: "We did not create the heavens and the earth and everything between them in vain. That is the assumption of those who disbelieve..." (38:27). The universe as well as everything in it is created by the Lord God and it will be destroyed when the Hour takes place, even if disbelievers deny these facts; the Quran tells us to reflect and ponder on these facts: "We did not create the heavens and the earth and everything between them except with reason, and for a finite period. But the disbelievers continue to ignore the warnings they receive." (46:3); "Do they not reflect within themselves? God did not create the heavens and the earth, and everything between them, except with reason, and for a specific duration. But most people, regarding meeting their Lord, are disbelievers." (30:8).

3/2: The Lord God refutes those who hold the blasphemous view (found in the Old Testament's Book of Genesis in the Bible) that He got 'tired' after creating the universe: "We created the heavens and the earth and everything between them in six days, and no fatigue touched Us." (50:38).

3/3: The Lord God has not created the universe in vain or for no reason/purpose; He is the Omnipotent, Omnipresent Lord Who controls the universe which He has Created; this is symbolically mentioned in the Quran by the idea of the Throne which indicates His full control and dominance over the heavens and the earth; this Throne itself is the kingdom of heavens and the earth and everything between them: "God is He who created the heavens and the earth and everything between them in six days, and then established Himself on the Throne. Apart from Him, you have no master and no intercessor. Will you not reflect?" (32:4); "He who created the heavens and the earth and everything between them in six days, then settled on the Throne. The Dominant Lord..." (25:59).

4- Thus, Allah is the Lord God the Owner and Controller of the heavens and the earth and everything between them (i.e., the universe): "Lord of the heavens and the earth and everything between them. So worship Him, and persevere in worshiping Him. Do you know of anyone equal to Him?" (19:65); "Lord of the heavens and the earth, and everything between them; and Lord of the Easts." (37:5); "The Lord of the heavens and the earth, and everything between them..." (38:66).

5- Since the Lord God, Allah, is the Owner, Controller, and Creator of the universe (i.e., the heavens and the earth and everything between them) with its galaxies, etc., it is blasphemous and very insulting to God to assume that (1) He has a son, (2) He created Muhammad out of Divine Light, and (2) some human beings are 'children' of God and beloved by Him (the Sufi Muhammadans and some People of the Book still adhere to this lie/falsehood). The Lord God is the Creator of the universe and is the Only One Who knows when the Hour will take place (no human beings know when it will occur), and all human beings will return to Him on the Last Day; this is their inevitable, preordained Fate. We hope our readers would ponder deeply on these verses: "To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and everything between them, and everything beneath the soil." (20:6); "They disbelieve those who say, "God is the Christ, the son of Mary." Say, "Who can prevent God, if He willed, from annihilating the Christ son of Mary, and his mother, and everyone on earth?" To God belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth and everything between them. He creates whatever He wills, and God has power over everything. The Jews and the Christians say, "We are the children of God, and His beloved." Say, "Why then does He punish you for your sins?" In fact, you are humans from among those He created. He forgives whom He wills, and He punishes whom He wills. To God belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth and everything between them, and to Him is the return." (5:17-18); "And blessed is He Who has sovereignty over the heavens and the earth and everything between them. He alone has knowledge of the Hour, and to Him you will be returned." (43:85).

Fourthly: Quoted information from the Arabic website (https://fussilat.org) about the heavens and the earth and everything between them; i.e., within the visible, physical universe, asserted within Quranic miraculous scientific indications:

(... ponderings on these verses: "I swear by the galaxies. Which are sweeping and running their courses." (81:15-16) ... Within science, we know that the gravitational power of any mass increases when the mass increases; for instance, the gravitational power on the moon is 1/6 of that on Planet Earth; this means if a man's weight is 60 kilograms, it will be 10 kilograms only on the surface of the moon. Hence, the gravitational power of Planet Earth is stronger 6 times more than that of the moon. Astronomers consider Jupiter as the planet that plays the role of the vacuum cleaner of the solar system because Jupiter gravitates to itself many comets and asteroids; this should remind readers of this Quranic verse about the protection of outer space (which is the first, lowest heaven among the seven heavens): "...We decorated the lower heaven with lamps, and for protection..." (41:12). At the beginning of the formation of our solar system, the areas around the smoke condensation center (as per the nebular hypothesis) were full of asteroids, while the farthest areas contained water, hydrogen and helium. The solid planets were formed as a result of the gathering of asteroids in solid bodies such as Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, which in turn clean, sweep, or vacuum their orbits from the asteroids during their movements. The asteroid belt  located roughly between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter remained the same because no planets exist in it to clean, sweep, and vacuum any orbits, despite the  existence of the bigger asteroids like Ceres, Vesta, Pallas, and Hygiea which are too small to vacuum, sweep, and clean any orbits. Mars has little ability to vacuum or sweep its orbit when compared to the strong ability of Jupiter to vacuum its orbit outside the asteroid belt ... After long, extensive debates, in 2006, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) reached the definition of (planet) within our solar system: it is the celestial body that moves within an orbit around the sun, that has a round shape because of its gravitational force, and that has no minor planets or asteroids within its orbit; these descriptions fit the Quranic verses 81:15-16 which were revealed more than 1400 years ago and that describe planets as they sweep their way within orbits as per the definition of IAU. Since this definition does not apply to Pluto, it is redefined now as a dwarf planet ... We see now that this vacuuming ability (or sweeping) discovered by recently astronomers is miraculously mentioned in the Quranic verses 81:15-16 more than 1400 years ago ... ponderings on these verses: "I swear by the locations of the stars. It is an oath, if you only knew, that is tremendous." (56:75-76) ... What is great or tremendous about the locations of stars? The Stars seem to us at night as if they were stable/unmoving in their locations; it has been assumed that they appear to move because of the movement of Earth around its axis and then within its orbit around the sun; yet, recent astronomical discoveries show that it is not that simple; stars do move and change their locations ... All stars seen by the human naked eye by night are located within our galaxy and the distances between them and earth remain the same; we feel as if they move because of the movement of the earth itself around its axis ... This is why the verses 56:75-76 miraculously tell us about the locations of the stars, as some of them exploded and are no longer there; we see only their lights; and some stars change their locations all the time ... In 1989, the European space Agency (ESA) launched its satellite named Hipparcos and it operated until 1993 within the mission to spot the accurate measurement of the positions of celestial objects and stars on the sky ...The resulting Hipparcos Catalogue, a high-precision catalogue of more than a million stars, was published later on. Our galaxy – the Milky Way – contains between 200 to 300 billion stars ... The atmosphere of the earth makes the measurements of the position of celestial bodies inaccurate when done by devices and machines on earth by scientists. The earth rotates around its axis with a certain tilt and the movements of the solar system (and sun and the planets that rotate around it) make any measurements inaccurate when done by scientists on earth ... The celestial bodies of our galaxy move with the speed of about 800 thousand km per hour around the galactic nucleus ... Hence, locations of stars cannot be accurately measured by devices and machines from earth; high technology was needed to put such changes into consideration ... This is an ancient science, though; the first scientist to try to measure the locations of stars was the Greek astronomer named Hipparchus (c. 190 – c. 120 BC) ... The Hipparcos Catalogue tells us only about a small sample of stars which are near our solar system; but there are no stable positions or locations of stars; all of them change their locations constantly all the time; the available technology of today has not yet reached a way to fully study the pattern of movements of stars  ... We quote this from the Arabic page of https://en.wikipedia.org about the number of stars: (... The human naked eye can see about 6000 stars within the ones nearer to us within our galaxy, but recent studies show that there are at least 100 billion galaxies and each of them contain the average number of 200 billion stars (as per the astronomer and author Harald Lesch of Munich University). Accordingly, there are about 10 thousand trillion stars within the known, observable universe; this is beyond the human imagination, of course, as humanity does not know the borders and magnitude of the universe; the most distant point from which some light reaches us since the Big Bang is away from us within about 13.7 billion light years ... When astronomers try to study how the universe looked like before this time, they perceive they cannot go beyond the universal horizon; no one knows what lies behind this horizon ... Yet, scientists know for sure that the universe has an amazing design of precise measures, balance, and calculations with no room at all for error ...)... ponderings on these verses: "By the sky and Al-Tariq. But what will let you know what Al-Tariq is? It is the Piercing, Knocking Star." (86:1-3)... Stars are divided scientifically as per its color spectra, luminosity, temperature, and apparent magnitude, and our sun seems to be a medium-sized star (within the category "G") in comparison to the other stars in our galaxy. Stars have several phases; they are born within the process of condensing and fusing hydrogen into helium in high-temperature and high-pressure reactions near the core of each star, within other gases resulting from the explosions (or death) of previous gigantic stars that existed and whose light still remains for longer time ... Any exploded star is turned into a huge red mass that is dwarfed gradually and turn into a white color, with huge masses like the neutron stars ... among them are the pulsating stars or pulsars which are white dwarf stars that emit electromagnetic waves detected by receiving units/stations by scientists on earth; these successive pulses are like knocking sounds; such pulses/knocks continue for millions of years until the star is suddenly silent and dwarfed ... The neutron stars cannot pierce the sky; they die suddenly, lose density, and emit Gamma rays for seconds as if one great last knock, before they turn into black-holes that suck in light and whatever comes near them with great gravitational power ... These black-holes seem to the human eye as holes pierced into the heaven; these black-holes slowdown movement and time as they pierce the heaven ... We quote this from the English page of https://en.wikipedia.org about black holes: (... A black hole is a region of space-time exhibiting such strong gravitational effects that nothing - not even particles and electromagnetic radiation such as light - can escape from inside it. The theory of general relativity predicts that a sufficiently compact mass can deform space-time to form a black hole. The boundary of the region from which no escape is possible is called the event horizon. Although the event horizon has an enormous effect on the fate and circumstances of an object crossing it, no locally detectable features appear to be observed. In many ways a black hole acts like an ideal black body, as it reflects no light. Moreover, quantum field theory in curved space-time predicts that event horizons emit Hawking radiation, with the same spectrum as a black body of a temperature inversely proportional to its mass. This temperature is on the order of billionths of a kelvin for black holes of stellar mass, making it essentially impossible to observe. Objects whose gravitational fields are too strong for light to escape were first considered in the 18th century ... Black holes were long considered a mathematical curiosity; it was during the 1960s that theoretical work showed they were a generic prediction of general relativity. The discovery of neutron stars in the late 1960s sparked interest in gravitationally collapsed compact objects as a possible astrophysical reality. Black holes of stellar mass are expected to form when very massive stars collapse at the end of their life cycle. After a black hole has formed, it can continue to grow by absorbing mass from its surroundings. By absorbing other stars and merging with other black holes, supermassive black holes of millions of solar masses may form. There is general consensus that supermassive black holes exist in the centers of most galaxies. Despite its invisible interior, the presence of a black hole can be inferred through its interaction with other matter and with electromagnetic radiation such as visible light. Matter that falls onto a black hole can form an external accretion disk heated by friction, forming some of the brightest objects in the universe. If there are other stars orbiting a black hole, their orbits can be used to determine the black hole's mass and location. Such observations can be used to exclude possible alternatives such as neutron stars. In this way, astronomers have identified numerous stellar black hole candidates in binary systems, and established that the radio source...at the core of the Milky Way galaxy, contains a supermassive black hole of about 4.3 million solar masses ...) ... This means that the meaning of this verse: "It is the Piercing, Knocking Star." (86:3), a verse which was revealed more than 1400 years ago, can be known now in our modern age; this proves that the Quranic text contains more scientific miraculous indications which will remain in store for the next generations to be examined and studied so that their meanings will be discovered within more scientific advancement and discoveries made by scientists ...).


(6) Water within the Heavens and the Earth in this Physical World and in the Hereafter


 Several Quranic verses inform us that water descend on earth from the (sky) and not the (heavens); this indicates that rain comes from the earth's atmosphere, as we have mentioned before in this BOOK. The Quran precedes the scientists of the West in describing how rain descends on the surface of the earth. Of course, within modern science, there are so many scientific facts, filling many tomes/volumes/books, about water; yet, there are new Quranic facts about water which are not known to scientists of today; there are other facts about water mentioned in the Quran which have been discovered centuries later within modern science. 

Firstly: Quranic facts about water which are not known to scientists of today:

Water is the origin of creation and of the Lord God's Kingdom:

1- The Throne of the Lord God is His Kingdom; i.e., the universe or the heavens and the earth along with all seen and unseen creatures and inanimate things (galaxies, stars, etc.), and this includes things/beings we do not know of which exist in the metaphysical Barsakh levels. This Divine Throne is all moving creatures we do (and do not) know/see, from the amoebae to angels. The origin of the Throne of the Dominant Lord God is water: "It is He who created the heavens and the earth in six days - and His Throne was upon water..." (11:7). Of course, the scope of human knowledge is confined to what is perceived through the senses and through machines/apparatuses/devices invented by human beings. Modern science tells us now that water is the most vital element of life; the Lord God in the Quran tells us about a fact which has not been reached yet by astronomers; i.e., water is the origin of the heavens and the earth; hence, there are types of water, unknown to human beings, which exist in the metaphysical realms/worlds or parallel universes created by the Lord God the Creator.   

2- This fact is hardly surprising; there are types of water on earth apart from the fresh water we all drink; for instance, heavy water or deuterium oxide (D2O) which is a form of water that contains a larger than normal amount of the hydrogen isotope deuterium (also known as heavy hydrogen), rather than the common hydrogen-1 isotope that makes up most of the hydrogen in normal water. Another example is the nitric acid (HNO3) discovered by the Arab chemist Jabir Ibn Hayyan, also known as aqua fortis (Latin for "strong water"), which is a highly corrosive mineral acid and it can dissolve metals like silver. There is also aqua regia (Latin for "royal water"), which is a mixture of nitric acid and hydrochloric acid and it can dissolve metals like gold and platinum. Since these examples pertains to our physical world, we can easily believe that in other metaphysical realms/worlds or parallel universes, there are types of water about which we do not know anything. The reason for the existence of known and unknown types of water is simple: water is the origin of life.

Water is the origin of life:

1- The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "Do the disbelievers not see that the heavens and the earth were one mass, and We tore them apart? And We made from water every living thing. Will they not believe?" (21:30). The Quranic fact that the Lord God has made from water every living thing comes here in 21:30 directly after mentioning the great explosion, or Big Bang, which occurred when the universe was created; this means that water is the origin of life on earth and in the heavens as well; this means that there are different types of water within the Barsakh levels of the earth and of the heavens. This is logical and easy to comprehend even if human beings cannot see the Barsakh ethereal beings like angels, jinn, and devils; this also means that such creatures are created from different types of water which fit the metaphysical realms of their existence and not from ordinary water we know as (H2O). This is asserted further by the Quranic fact that human beings are created from clay/mud (i.e., dust + water) and the jinn from the energy of fire plus the type of water which fits this fire: "We created the human being from clay, from molded mud. And the jinn We created before, from piercing fire." (15:26-27); "He created man from hard clay, like bricks. And created the jinn from a fusion of fire." (55:14-15). Iblis, who later on became Satan the Devil, arrogantly refused to bow down to Adam, as per the Lord God's command to bow down to Adam once he was created, because Iblis assumed that clay/mud is less important than fire: "He said, "What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?" He said, "I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud."" (7:12); "He said, "I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from clay."" (38:76).

2- The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "God created every living creature from water. Some of them crawl on their bellies, and some walk on two feet, and others walk on four. God creates whatever He wills. God is Omnipotent" (24:45); the term (living creature) refers to any living organism that can move willingly; this definition applies also to the Barsakh, ethereal creatures/beings; the verse 24:45 describes the movements of animals and insects on earth, but we cannot imagine how the Barsakh creatures move and in which speeds; this is beyond our limited understanding; we are to believe that our Lord God is the Omnipotent Lord.

Water within the Resurrection process of the dead souls on the Last Day:

1- The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "It is He who sends the wind ahead of His mercy. Then, when they have gathered up heavy clouds, We drive them to a dead land, where We make water come down, and with it We bring out all kinds of fruits. Thus We bring out the dead - perhaps you will reflect." (7:57); we see here an indication of the role of the wind in moving clouds laden with rainwater; on the Day of Resurrection, a different type of water will fall as rain on souls to revive them and bring them out for Judgment.

2- This is repeated here: "He who sends down water from the sky in due proportion; and so We revive thereby a dead land. Thus you will be brought out." (43:11); the dead land is the one without plants; again, the growing of plants by rain-water is seen as like the process of raising the dead on the Last Day within Resurrection.

3- The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "And We brought down from the sky blessed water, and produced with it gardens and grain to harvest.And the soaring palm trees, with clustered dates. As sustenance for the servants. And We revive thereby a dead town. Likewise is the Resurrection." (50:9-11); this means that Resurrection of the human souls is getting them out of their Barsakh tombs by special, different type of water-rain. 

Water in the Hereafter:

1- Water is what makes life continue on earth; water is involved in the process of Resurrection of souls on the Last Day; likewise, water in the Hereafter will help maintain eternity for the dwellers of both Hell and Paradise, as we infer from the Quran. There is a water cycle which helps maintain life in our physical, transient Planet Earth; likewise, there are eternal water cycles in both Hell and Paradise; this means there is eternal water for maintaining the bliss and pleasures of Paradise forever and the Eternal life of its dwellers and another eternal water which will help continue the torment of Hell forever for Hell-dwellers who will never die.     

2- Inside Hell there will be boiling, scalding water: "...These are the ones who are delivered to perdition by their actions. They will have a drink of scalding water, and a painful torment..." (6:70); "...As for those who disbelieve, for them is a drink of boiling water, and agonizing torment,..." (10:4). Here is the Lord God's description of the mechanism of Hell-torment: "...As for those who disbelieve, garments of fire will be tailored for them, and scalding water will be poured over their heads. Melting their insides and their skins." (22:19-20); this means that this water of Hell will be incendiary, combustible, and flammable and it will maintain the non-stop cycle of torment: "When the yokes are around their necks, and they will be dragged by the chains. Into the boiling water, then in the Fire they will be consumed." (40:71-72) "This is Hell that the guilty denied. They circulate between it and between seething water." (55:43-44); this boiling water will be consumed along with the food of Hell-dwellers within endless torment: "Then you, you misguided, who deny the truth. Will be eating from the Tree of Bitterness. Will be filling your bellies with it. Will be drinking on top of it boiling water. Drinking like thirsty camels drink." (56:51-55). This means there are different levels and types of fire inside Hell-torment; Hell dwellers will never die and will never get out of Hell; their bodies will be eternal when maintained by Hell-food and Hell-water within their everlasting torment: "...We have prepared for the unjust ones a Fire, whose curtains will hem them in. And when they cry for relief, they will be relieved with water like molten brass, which scalds the faces. What a miserable drink, and what a terrible place." (18:29); "Those who reject Our Verses - We will scorch them in a Fire. Every time their skins are cooked, We will replace them with other skins, so they will experience the torment. God is Most Powerful, Most Wise." (4:56); "Beyond him lies Hell, and he will be given to drink putrid water. He will guzzle it, but he will not swallow it. Death will come at him from every direction, but he will not die. And beyond this is relentless torment." (14:16-17).

3- The water/drinks of Paradise-dwellers are contrasted here with the boiling water of Hell-dwellers; of course, the Eternal Life and the bodies of Paradise-dwellers will be maintained by the food and water/drinks they will enjoy inside Paradise: "The likeness of the Garden promised to the righteous: in it are rivers of pure water, and rivers of milk forever fresh, and rivers of wine delightful to the drinkers, and rivers of strained honey. And therein they will have of every fruit, and forgiveness from their Lord. Like one abiding in the Fire forever, and are given to drink boiling water, that cuts up their bowels?" (47:15); "The dwellers of the Fire will call on the inhabitants of the Garden, "Pour some water over us, or some of what God has provided for you." They will say, "God has forbidden them for the disbelievers."" (7:50).

Secondly: Quranic facts about water which precede modern science as scientists have discovered these facts later on:

About the creation of humankind:

 These Quranic facts precede scientific discoveries made by the people of the West: "Then made his reproduction from an extract of insignificant water" (32:8); "Did We not create you from an insignificant water?" (77:20); "And it is He who, from water, created the human being. Then He made relationships through marriage and mating. Your Lord is Omnipotent." (25:54).

Source of water:

This verse is about the role of water in reviving (i.e., providing life to) the earth: "God sends down water from the sky, with which He revives the earth after its death. In this is a sign for people who listen." (16:65). Water has two sources as per the following points.

1- The sky or atmosphere of the earth: "And brought down from the clouds pouring water?" (78:14); "Have you seen the water you drink? Is it you who sent it down from the clouds, or are We the Sender? If We will, We can make it salty. Will you not be thankful?" (56:68-70); "He who sends down water from the sky in due proportion; and so We revive thereby a dead land..." (43:11).

2- The interior of the earth: "And the earth after that He spread. And from it, He produced its water and its pasture." (79:30-31). Water is derived from rocks as well; e.g., in the form of rivers, and springs, and wells: "Then after that your hearts hardened. They were as rocks, or even harder. For there are some rocks from which rivers gush out, and others that splinter and water comes out from them..." (2:74). Water can go deeper within the interior of the earth and it may not be reached by human beings: "Say, "Have you considered? If your water drains away, who will bring you pure running water?"" (67:30); "Perhaps my Lord will give me something better than your garden, and release upon it thunderbolts from the sky, so it becomes barren waste. Or its water will sink into the ground, and you will be unable to draw it."" (18:40-41).

3- Within the deluge/flood of Noah, the water of the earth met with the water of the sky; later on, as the deluge ended, each type of water returned to its original place: "So We opened the floodgates of heaven with water pouring down. And We made the earth burst with springs, and the waters met for a purpose already destined." (54:11-12); "And it was said, "O earth, swallow your waters," and "O heaven, clear up." And the waters receded, and the event was concluded..." (11:44).

Description of fresh water:

 When Arabs saw the megacities of Egypt (before and after the Arab conquest of Egypt) they used the Arabic word for Egypt (i.e., Misr) to indicate any major country or megacity in general. Likewise, when the Arabs saw the Euphrates River in Iraq (this river is named "Forat" in Arabic), they used its name to describe any pure, fresh water in general; the Quran descended in the tongue of the Arabs and it uses the same terms known to them: "...and given you pure/Forat water to drink." (77:27); the Quran describes rain-water as pure and blessed:"...And We send down from the sky pure water." (25:48); "And We brought down from the sky blessed water, and produced with it gardens and grain to harvest." (50:9).

The water of rivers and that of seas/oceans:

1- Overt locations for the storage of water on Planet Earth are rivers and seas/oceans; human beings sail through them and consume the water-creatures as food; this means that rivers and seas/oceans are committed to the service of humankind as per the Lord God's command: "God is He Who created the heavens and the earth, and sends down water from the sky, and with it produces fruits for your sustenance. And He committed the ships to your service, sailing through the sea by His command, and He committed the rivers to your service." (14:32); "And it is He who made the sea to serve you, that you may eat from it tender meat, and extract from it ornaments that you wear. And you see the ships plowing through it, as you seek His bounties, so that you may give thanks." (16:14).

2- We read this in the Quran about the difference in the types of water in rivers and in seas/oceans: "The two seas are not the same. One is fresh, sweet, good to drink, while the other is salty and bitter. Yet from each you eat tender meat, and extract jewelry which you wear. And you see the ships plowing through them, so that you may seek of His bounty, so that you may give thanks." (35:12).

3- The water of rivers do not mix with that of seas/oceans: "He merged the two seas, converging together. Between them is a barrier/Barsakh, which they do not overrun." (55:19-20); "And it is He who merged the two seas; this one fresh and sweet, and that one salty and bitter; and He placed between them a barrier/Barsakh, and an impassable boundary." (25:53).

The balance and measure:

1- The Lord God the Creator has created everything within balance and measure: "Everything We created is precisely measured." (54:49); "He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth...Who created everything and determined its measure." (25:2).

2- This applies to everything on Planet Earth: "We spread the earth, and placed stabilizers in it, and in it We grew all things in proper measure. And in it We created livelihoods for you, and for those for whom you are not the providers. There is not a thing but with Us are its stores, and We send it down only in precise measure." (15:19-22).

3- This applies to the water cycle as some water descends on earth and some of it evaporates: "And We sent down water from the sky in proper quantity, and settled it in the ground, and We are Able to take it away." (23:18); "He who sends down water from the sky in due proportion; and so We revive thereby a dead land. Thus you will be brought out." (43:11).

4- Eventually, human beings consume certain measure of food, drink, and air and they breathe, urinate, and defecate, and when they die, their corpses decompose, and elements of their interred/buried bodies/corpses (including water) return to earth within a certain measure known to the Omniscient Lord God: "We know what the earth consumes of them, and with Us is a comprehensive book." (50:4).


 We assert here, as we have done in previous books and articles of ours, that the Quran is NOT to be considered as a book on science or on history (i.e., stories of the ancient nations); rather, it is a Book of Guidance; thus, the miraculous scientific indications in the Quranic text serve the call for guidance by addressing those who reflect, ponder, and contemplate and show that the Author of the Quran is God Himself the Creator of the universe. The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "In the creation of the heavens and the earth; in the alternation of night and day; in the ships that sail the oceans for the benefit of humankind; in the water that God sends down from the sky, and revives the earth with it after it had died, and scatters in it all kinds of creatures; in the changing of the winds, and the clouds disposed between the sky and the earth; are signs for people who understand." (2:164). As always, the Lord God says nothing but the Absolute Truth.


(7) The Barsakh Metaphysical Realm and Parallel Universes


 The Quran precedes modern science in the topic of the heavens and the earth; if the people of the West would get to know about the miraculous scientific indications in the Quran, this will change to the better the course of history of scientific progress/advancement and improve the human civilization.


Firstly: the meaning of the term (Barsakh) in the Quranic text:

  The Arabic/Quranic term (Barsakh) literally means a barrier/boundary between two things; this term is mentioned three times in the Quranic text; two times about the barrier between fresh, drinkable water of rivers and salty water of seas/oceans and one time about the barrier/boundary between this physical world and the next world of the Hereafter on the Resurrection Day: " And it is He who merged the two seas; this one fresh and sweet, and that one salty and bitter; and He placed between them a barrier/Barsakh, and an impassable boundary." (25:53); "He merged the two seas, converging together. Between them is a barrier/Barsakh, which they do not overrun." (55:19-20); "Until, when death comes to one of them, he says, "My Lord, send me back. That I may do right in what I have neglected." By no means! It is just a word that he utters. And behind them is a barrier/Barsakh, until the Day they are resurrected." (23:99-100).   

Barsakh as boundary which cannot be crossed:

 The impassable boundary of the dead people is also called Barsakh: a metaphysical, unknown realm into which no living persons can enter; only souls of the dead people are carried to it by the angels of death who store the souls of the dead human beings inside Barsakh tombs which will never be reached/explored by living people. We quote the following passage from our book, in English, titled "The Book of Barsakh", found on this link: (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/book_main.php?main_id=138): (...What we cannot witness, feel, or see while we are alive is the entering of our souls into Barsakh upon our death. Before one was born, one's soul was dead in Barsakh in a state of senselessness as if in a coma; within the time preordained by God, this soul enters (or is breathed) into the fetus/embryo to make it a living human being after it was merely a lifeless piece of flesh and blood; i.e., a project of making a human being. This human being is born to be tested within the predetermined duration of his/her life until the predestined moment of death; when one sees the angels of death, one cannot be returned to this transient, temporary life, as the soul of dying people enter into a metaphysical Barsakh level; souls remain in Barsakh in a state of timelessness and senselessness in the same way when it was there before being breathed into human flesh. Souls will be resurrected or will wake up on the Day of Resurrection, and human beings will assume they have slept for a day or a part of a day. Believers know this and will say it on the Last Day, while sinners/criminals will swear as if their deep slumber of death lasted for merely one hour: "On the Day when the Hour takes place, the sinners will swear they had stayed but an hour. Thus they were deluded. But those endowed with knowledge and faith will say, "You remained in God's Book until the Day of Resurrection. This is the Day of Resurrection, but you did not know." On that Day, the sinners' excuses will not benefit them, nor will they be excused." (30:55-57). The souls of sinners upon dying will scream for a second chance of life from the angels of death but in vain: "Until, when death comes to one of them, he says, "My Lord, send me back. That I may do right in what I have neglected." By no means! It is just a word that he utters. And behind them is a barrier/Barsakh, until the Day they are resurrected." (23:99-100). All dying people cannot return to life once they see the angels of death, and they will remain in Barsakh until the Day of Resurrection. Thus, when the disbelievers mockingly demanded from Muhammad to see God or the angels, the response in the Quran is that when they see the angels of death, they will receive no glad tidings and will experience the impassable boundary of their being unable to return to life once more: "Those who do not expect to meet Us say, "If only the angels were sent down to us, or we could see our Lord." They have grown arrogant within themselves, and have become excessively defiant. On the Day when they see the angels - there will be no good news for sinners on that Day; and they will say, "An impassable boundary."" (25:21-22) ...).

Secondly: about the metaphysical Barsakh levels of the heavens and the earth and everything between them:

1- The Quran tells us that the Lord God the Creator has originated the heavens and the earth (i.e., the universe) within a tremendous explosion; this explosion of a mass torn apart is known now as the Big Bang. "Do the disbelievers not see that the heavens and the earth were one mass, and We tore them apart? ..." (21:30). The universe has a physical realm and a metaphysical one; the physical realm contains the celestial bodies: the earth, planets, stars, and galaxies, whereas the metaphysical realm (as per the Quran) consists of seven Barsakh levels of the earth and the seven Barsakh levels of the heavens. 

2- The difference between the level of the physical earth and the physical universe and the metaphysical levels of the earth and the heavens is the speeds of the vibrational levels; these speeds are slow in the physical realm and they vary within unimagined speeds within the overlapping Barsakh levels of the heavens and the earth. Of course, the Barsakh levels of the earth overlap with the physical world we live in. The higher any given Barsakh level of the heavens, the more is the speed of the vibrational level and the speed of movements of ethereal creatures (i.e., angels) in it.

3- We quote the following passage from our book, in English, titled "The Book of Death", found on this link: (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/book_main.php?main_id=120); by the way, this book was printed (in Arabic) in 1990  in Cairo, Egypt. (... Science tells us that atoms rotate within speeds between 400 billion to 750 billion cycles per second, and when they rotate faster, we can no longer see them. This is why we cannot see fan blades if they rotate at fast speeds; we cannot see atoms of volatile materials though we can smell them. The atoms of the six-dimensional realm rotate faster and we cannot see them because they have vibrational levels that differ from those of our physical world. Hence, we cannot see angels, Jinn, and devils nor souls that get out of the dying bodies. The scientific field called quantum mechanics, which is related to waves, indicates that overlapping or lack of overlapping between bodies is directly linked to the similarity or difference of the vibrational levels. Thus, if both bodies belong to the same realm, it is impossible that they overlap or merge; e.g., a man cannot move with his body through a wall as both the man and the wall have the same vibrational levels. The beings that have higher vibrational levels can overlap with or move through beings that have lower vibrational levels. Thus, angels, Jinn, and devils as ethereal beings can exist on earth as the overlapping between them and the physical world is possible and natural. Thus, the souls inside the human bodies are deemed as another example of this overlapping and merging possible as per this scientific field called quantum mechanics. This applies to radio waves that fill the atmosphere on earth and they never overlap, unless when two waves have the same frequency level. Within our physical realm, solid atoms rotate and vibrate within the speed of 400 billion cycles per second, and this speed increases up to 750 billion cycles per second when solid matter turns into gas and we can barely see gases, and it is impossible for the human naked eye to see energy. Thus, within higher levels of our physical realm, invisible energy types can be detected and used like X-rays, which can penetrate our bodies and solid objects that have lower vibrational levels which include the lowest level for human bodies: 400 billion cycles per second. Let us remember that energy is converted matter and that matter and energy are two faces of the same coin. If there is a being with a vibration level above 750 billion cycles per second, then this being is linked to the Barsakh realm and it is natural that it can overlap/merge with our bodies and that beings of higher levels of Barsakh with higher vibrational levels can overlap/merge with beings with lower vibrational levels. This means that the levels of the Barsakh realm (of angels, Jinn, and devils who are ethereal beings) surround human beings. This means that human beings live within two overlapping realms of the physical realm and the metaphysical one, and each has its different vibrational levels, and this is how the physical bodies contain the souls that originally belong to Barsakh, and this is how on earth, there are human beings and angels (who record deeds of people) while the formers cannot see the latters. Human beings can see the ethereal creatures, i.e., angels, only upon dying and on the Last Day. Thus, there are two elements that overlap inside each one of us: our physical, earthly body and our soul that came originally from Barsakh; death occurs when the soul leaves the body, and leaves the physical realm seen and sensed by us, forever. The human naked eye cannot see everything within its field of vision; God says in the Quran: "Indeed, I swear by what you see. And by what you do not see." (69:38-39). Thus, human beings cannot see the two angels assigned to record deeds of each one of the human beings: "We created the human being, and We know what his soul whispers to him. We are nearer to him than his jugular vein. As the two receivers receive, seated to the right and to the left. Not a word does he utter, but there is a watcher by him, ready. The daze of death has come in truth: "This is what you tried to evade." And the Trumpet is blown: "This is the Promised Day." And every soul will come forward, accompanied by a driver and a witness. You were in heedless of this, so We lifted your screen from you, and your vision today is keen." (50:16-22). Those two angels carry the resurrected soul and its record of deeds on the Last Day, this is the only time when the human soul can see these angels: "You were in heedless of this, so We lifted your screen from you, and your vision today is keen." (50:22). ...).

4- We quote the following two passages from our book, in English, titled "The Book of Barsakh", found on this link: (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/book_main.php?main_id=138): (... There are seven Barsakh levels overlapping with physical earth and also seven ones overlapping with the heavens, and the Divine Decrees/Commands of the Lord God move through these levels while being carried/conveyed by the angels: "God is He Who created seven heavens, and their like of earth. The command descends through them, so that you may know that God is Capable of everything, and that God Encompasses everything in knowledge." (65:12). Within one Barsakh level of the earth, the jinn exist and live; they cannot move into higher Barsakh levels of the heavens: "We realized that we cannot defeat God on earth, and that we cannot escape Him by fleeing." (72:12). Of course, within another Barsakh level of the earth, there are the angels who record deeds and words of human beings; each human being has two angels to record his/her deeds and words; these two angels overlap with our bodies and the physical earthly existence: "Though over you are watchers. Honest recorders. They know everything you do." (82:10-12); "As the two receivers receive, seated to the right and to the left. Not a word does he utter, but there is a watcher by him, ready." (50:17-18). Human souls belong to the ethereal, Barsakh realm and they existed before people are born; thus, our own soul existed thousands of years ago before we were born in 1949; when the preordained time came, our soul was breathed inside the womb of our mother when she carried us as an embryo; we were born within the predetermined time to be tested in life like all humanity. Our soul returns temporarily to Barsakh during sleep to get relieved from the heaviness of the physical world; science tell us that a human being sleeps for one-third of the life duration. Souls return to sleepers upon waking up; souls leave bodies forever in death; souls are resurrected from Barsakh on the Last Day to be judged. Of course, Barsakh contains souls of the dead people among our ancestors and the souls of our yet-to-be-born grandchildren. Within a Barsakh level of the earth, there are devils who whisper evil deeds/thoughts into the souls of human beings; such devils, when they control souls, will make people choose misguidance and feel as if they were guided, but they will see such devils on the Last Day and will realize that they are misguided losers in the Hereafter who will reside in Hell: "Whoever shuns the remembrance of the Dominant Lord, We assign for him a devil, to be his companion. They hinder them from the path, though they think they are guided. Until, when he comes to Us, he will say, "If only there were between me and you the distance of the two Easts." What an evil companion!" (43:36-38). ...). (... Yet, the Quran mentions that within an ethereal, metaphysic world, souls of Moses' Pharaoh and his people who were drowned in the Red Sea are tormented (and thus, they feel the passage of time) in a way we cannot imagine: "...while a terrible torment besieged Pharaoh's people – Hell; they will be exposed to it morning and evening. And on the Day the Hour takes place: "Admit the people of Pharaoh to the most intense torment."" (40:45-46). This applies to the people of Noah who drowned in the deluge/flood and are tormented until the Day of Resurrection: "Because of their sins, they were drowned, and were hurled into a Fire..." (71:25). Those people who are killed for God's sake and because they served His cause are living in the ethereal Barsakh Paradise, but how this is happening cannot be imagined or sensed by our limited minds; God tells us not to deem such people as 'dead' because they are alive in the Barsakh Paradise: "And do not say of those who are killed in the cause of God, "Dead." Rather, they are alive, but you do not perceive." (2:154). Thus, there are Quranic indications to help us understand the fact that these souls are alive in a unique manner, enjoying bliss and pleasures within the unreachable dimension/location of the Barsakh Paradise: "Do not consider those killed in the cause of God as dead. In fact, they are alive, at their Lord, well provided for. Delighting in what God has given them out of His grace, and happy for those who have not yet joined them; that they have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve. They rejoice in grace from God, and bounty, and that God will not waste the reward of the believers." (3:169-171). ...).


Thirdly: the Quran precedes the Quran precedes human knowledge within modern science:

 The following four points are quoted from our book, in English, titled "The Book of Barsakh", found on this link: (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/book_main.php?main_id=138).

 (...1- The Planet Earth seems as if it were a speck of sand in the desert when its size is compared with the universe with its galaxies, stars, and planets and the distance between any two celestial bodies are measured with millions of light years; dreams of scientists of today include to reach one day any spot within the universe where there is/was life and civilization.

2- Yet, modern science has not yet reached what the Quran informs us about. Scientists now are knocking at the doors or thresholds of Barsakh levels or parallel universes within the Superstring theory that informs us with things beyond the relativity theory.  

3- A femtosecond is one of a million billion part of the second; the Egyptian-American Dr. Ahmed Zuwail has made machines to take photos of chemical interactions or anything else; this opens the field of trying to study the parallel universes or the metaphysical Barsakh realms. The ratio between the second and the femtosecond is like the one between the second and 32 million years; there are smaller time units; e.g., attosecond which is 1×10−18 of a second, or a quintillion of a second, and the ratio between the attosecond and the second is like the ratio between a second and 31.71 billion years, which is about the double of the estimated age of the universe since its creation. The attosecond is 1000 zeptosecond or 1/1000 from the femtosecond. We focus here on the fact that modern science with its advanced machines reached smaller time unites within our physical universe and vibrational levels on earth (which is from 400.000 to 750.000 million cycles per second). Yet, what about the smaller time units which cannot be measured until now. This means that modern science is trying to explore and get nearer to the Barsakh levels now.     

4- The major problem facing modern theories about the physical universe and the parallel universes is not only to link between the relativity theory and other theories after it or to reach a comprehensive theory; rather, it is, in our view, combining between two facts: (1) the Big Bang Theory about the creation of the universe and its counter-universe, tackled by us before, and (2) the seven Barsakh levels of the earth and those of the heavens. ...).


1- The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "He who created seven heavens in layers. You see no discrepancy in the creation of the Dominant Lord. Look again. Can you see any cracks? Then look again, and again, and your sight will return to you dazzled and exhausted." (67:3-4); this means that the eyesight of astronomers is dazzled and exhausted when they examine the outer space with their telescopes and other advanced machines. They can only see the physical realm: galaxies, stars, etc. and not the ethereal, metaphysical Barsakh-realm levels. There are more than 100 billion galaxies discovered until now within the observable universe; yet,this number is likely to increase to about 200 billion as telescope technology in space improves. The distance between the Planet Earth and the 'border' of the observable universe is estimated to be about 46 billion light years. As per the website (https://en.wikipedia.org), there are galaxies in various sizes with varying numbers of stars; dwarf galaxies contain just a few hundred million stars, whereas giant galaxies have about 100 trillion stars. Galaxies are categorized according to their shapes as elliptical, spiral, or irregular. Many galaxies contain black holes. The farthest galaxy (until May, 1915) is thought to be located 1.13 billion light years away from Planet Earth. The diameter of the Milky Way galaxy (the galaxy that contains the solar system which, in turn, includes the earth) is between 150,000 and 200,000 thousand light years and it is estimated to contain 100 - 400 billion stars; the estimated average distance between any two stars in the Milky Way is 5 light years. There are probably at least 100 billion planets in the Milky Way. The solar system is located within the disk, within 26,490 light years from the galactic center. It takes the solar system about 225 - 250 million years to complete one orbit through the Milky Way. 

2- The above pieces of information are confined to the physical realm of the observable universe; what about the realms of the six Barsakh metaphysical levels of earth and the seven ones of the heavens?

3- The Muhammadans who absentmindedly read the Quranic verses about the creation of the heavens and the earth (i.e., the universe) without pondering upon them should be ashamed of themselves when they insist on deifying a mortal; i.e., Muhammad, by putting his name alongside with the Name of Allah the Creator in the testimony of monotheism (i.e., There is no God but Allah). Indeed, the Muhammadans have not esteemed God as He should to be esteemed. The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "They have not esteemed God as He ought to be esteemed. The entire earth will be in His grip on the Day of Resurrection, and the heavens will be folded in His right. Superior He is beyond the polytheism to which they adhere." (39:67). As always, the Lord God says nothing but the Truth.



(8) The Lord God Has Committed the Universe to the Service of humankind


1- Many Quranists asked our person about this Quranic verse: "O communities of jinn and humans! If you can pass through the bounds of the heavens and the earth, go ahead and pass. But you will not pass except with authorization." (55:33). Answering this question entails that we tackle the Quranic topic of how the Lord God has committed the universe to the service of humankind.

2- By committing everything in the heavens and the earth (i.e., the universe) to the service of human beings, the Lord God informs humanity, in the Quran, that everything in the universe can be used for the benefit of all people; this means that the amount of scientific knowledge of humanity can reach levels of using and controlling any types of energy within what is visible/seen and what is invisible/unseen (in the same way human beings use electricity and invisible rays found on earth). This Quranic fact will save time, money, and efforts of the scientists of the West who come up with contradictory theories (e.g., those astronomers who assume there are aliens or any forms of life in outer space should know from the Quran that this is impossible; the universe is created only to test human beings; this means there is no life except on Planet Earth). As for the verse 55:33, it informs us that it is impossible that any living mortals will pass through the metaphysical levels of the heavens and the earth; yet, we maintain here that it will be possible to use the types of energy in the Barsakh levels of the earth for the welfare and prosperity of human beings since we know from the Quran that the Lord God has committed the universe to the service of humankind. We hope that one day, the people of the West would take heed of these Quranic facts.   

3- Let us examine the Quranic fact that the Lord God has committed the universe to the service of humankind while linking it to the Quranic verse 55:33.


Firstly: The Lord God has committed the universe to the service of humankind:

 This fact about committing the universe to the service of human beings is mentioned in the Quran within contexts which enumerate God's creatures and urge humanity to follow the Quranic Guidance: "Have they not seen the birds committed to the service of humankind, flying in the midst of the sky? None sustains them except God. In this are signs for people who believe." (16:79); "Have you not seen how God merges the night into the day, and merges the day into the night? That He committed the sun and the moon to the service of humankind, each running for a stated term? And that God is Cognizant of everything you do?" (31:29); "God is He who raised the heavens without pillars that you can see, and then settled on the Throne. And He committed the sun and the moon to the service of humankind, each running for a specified period. He manages all affairs, and He explains the signs, that you may be certain of the meeting with your Lord." (13:2).

1- The Lord God never forces human beings to worship Him; rather, He has created them as free agents who choose to (dis)obey and to (dis)believe during their lifetimes on earth; this is the test for all human souls. In fact, the Lord God has created the universe for one purpose: to test human beings: "It is He who created the heavens and the earth in six days - and His Throne was upon water - in order to test you - which of you is best in conduct..." (11:7). Thus, after each soul wears a body of human flesh to be tested during its lifetime on earth, the human being dies while the soul returns to Barsakh (its original place); when the predestined number of human beings are tested, the test of all human beings will end and the Hour will take place (i.e., the destruction of the universe), as all the physical and metaphysical levels of heavens and the earth will be destroyed and a New, Eternal Realm will be created and it will witness the manifestation of God Himself  to the resurrected souls on the Last Day: "On the Day when the earth is changed into another earth, and the heavens, and they will emerge before God, the One, Dominant Lord." (14:48).

2- Hence, the Lord God has created the universe with its visible/ physical realm and its invisible/metaphysical Barsakh-levels realm  only to test human beings; hence, all things in both the physical and the metaphysical realms are committed (by the Lord God's Will) to the service of the human beings: "Do you not see how God placed at your service everything in the heavens and the earth?..." (31:20); "And He placed at your service whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on earth - all is from Him. In that are signs for a people who reflect." (45:13). 

3- Domesticated, tamed animals (e.g., cattle) are committed to the service of humankind, unlike savage animals who attack and eat human beings and it is rather difficult to tame them; sacrificial cattle are offerings made by pilgrims in Mecca. The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "We have made the animal offerings as part of rituals ordained by God. In them is goodness for you. So pronounce God's name upon them as they line up. Then, when they have fallen on their sides, eat of them and feed the contented and the beggar. Thus We have subjected them to you, that you may be thankful. Neither their flesh, nor their blood, ever reaches God. What reaches Him is the righteousness from you. Thus He subdued them to you, that you may glorify God for guiding you. And give good news to the charitable." (22:36-37); "And there is a lesson for you in cattle: We give you a drink from their bellies, from between waste and blood, pure milk, refreshing to the drinkers. Neither their flesh, nor their blood, ever reaches God. What reaches Him is the righteousness from you. Thus He subdued them to you, that you may glorify God for guiding you. And give good news to the charitable." (16:66); "And God has given you in your homes habitats for you, and has provided for you out of the hides of livestock portable homes for you, so you can use them when you travel, and when you camp; and from their wool, and fur, and hair, furnishings and comfort for a while." (16:80).

4- Seas/oceans, lakes, and rivers on the surface of the earth are also committed to the service of human beings: "God is He Who created the heavens and the earth, and sends down water from the sky, and with it produces fruits for your sustenance. And He committed the ships to your service, sailing through the sea by His command, and He committed the rivers to your service." (14:32); "And it is He who made the sea to serve you, that you may eat from it tender meat, and extract from it ornaments that you wear. And you see the ships plowing through it, as you seek His bounties, so that you may give thanks." (16:14); "It is God who placed the sea at your service, so that ships may run through it by His command, and that you may seek of His bounty, and that you may give thanks." (45:12); this is about ships and other means of transportation: "He Who created all the pairs; and provided you with ships, and animals on which you ride. That you may mount their backs, and remember the favor of your Lord as you sit firmly upon them, and say, "Glory be to Him Who placed these at our service; surely we could not have done it by ourselves." (43:12-13).

5- The Lord God has given certain powers to water; it is described in the Quran as pure and blessed; it can remove stains and impurities; it revives dead soil and makes plants grow; it healed Job who suffered a long period of ailments. The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "And it is He who sends the winds, bringing advance news of His mercy; and We send down from the sky pure water. To revive dead lands thereby, and to provide drink for the multitude of animals and humans We created." (25:48); "And We brought down from the sky blessed water, and produced with it gardens and grain to harvest." (50:9); "And mention Our servant Job, when he called out to his Lord, "Satan has afflicted me with hardship and pain." "Stamp with your foot - here is cool water to wash with, and to drink."" (38:41-42). Sadly, instead of scientifically examining water based on these Quranic indications, the Arabs/Muhammadans of the Middle-Ages discarded and abandoned the Quran and were busy fabricating contradictory, disputable hadiths/narratives with Isnad (i.e., series of narrators) which are falsehoods and lies they have ascribed to the Lord God's Religion; these hadiths were never uttered by (or even known to) Muhammad. We tend to think that the people of the West should use the scientific methodology to examine and study the Quranic text (in its own terminology) in order to explore what is yet to be known about what the Lord God has committed to the service of humankind.     

6- In some exceptional cases, some elements of nature are placed at the service of a prophet/messenger. The following is about David: "...And We committed the mountains to the service of David to sing Our praises, and the birds as well..." (21:79); "We committed the mountains to glorify along with him, in the evening and at daybreak." (38:18). The following is about Solomon: "So We placed the wind at his service, blowing gently by his command, wherever he directed. And the demons - every builder and diver. And others fettered in chains. This is Our gift..." (38:36-39).

7- Committing things on earth to the service of humanity does NOT contradict the Lord God's full control of everything in the heavens and the earth; the Lord God has used elements of nature to torment and destroy sinful, disbelieving people; e.g., "...they were annihilated by a furious, roaring wind. He unleashed it upon them for seven nights and eight days, in succession. You could see the people tossed around, as though they were stumps of hollow palm-trees." (69:6-7).

Secondly: the possibility of passing through the bounds (or Barsakh levels) of the heavens and the earth:

1- The advanced telescope technology allows human beings to know more about galaxies; there are about 200 billion galaxies in the observable universe. Yet, until now, human being cannot examine and see such galaxies clearly; we are to wait for more progress/advancement within the field of the telescope technology to be able to fully detect galaxies and celestial bodies by more sensitive machines. We should bear in mind that this pertains only to the first heaven within the physical realm to which Planet Earth belongs; i.e., this is only about what is between the earth and the heavens; what about the unreachable metaphysical, Barsakh levels of the earth and the heavens?

2- Human beings dreamed in the past of ascending into outer space and of colonizing some planets of the solar system; the Quran precedes this wish/dream by talking about another greater one; namely, the possibility of passing through galaxies (which still astonish human beings until now) in the physical realm and also through the metaphysical, invisible Barsakh levels of Planet Earth. This is inferred from the following verses: "O communities of jinn and humans! If you can pass through the bounds of the heavens and the earth, go ahead and pass. But you will not pass except with authorization. So which of your Lord's marvels will you deny? You will be bombarded with flares of fire and brass, and you will not succeed." (55:33-35).

3- Pondering deeply on the verses 55:33-35, we infer the following points.

3/1: There are metaphysical Barsakh levels within the earth and other different metaphysical Barsakh levels within the heavens.

3/2: The verses 55:33-35 address both jinn and human beings; of course, human beings are confined to the physical realm (i.e., the earth, solar system, galaxies and the physical universe in general) and they are still amazed as they study and examine it. In contrast, the jinn are ethereal beings/creatures who live in and can move/pass through the metaphysical, Barsakh levels which are overlapping with the physical Planet Earth. The jinn have said the following about this physical Planet Earth: "We do not know whether ill is intended for those on earth, or if their Lord intends goodness for them." (72:10); in contrast, when the jinn have mentioned the word "earth" in the following verse, they meant their own metaphysical, Barsakh levels of the earth where they live (i.e., the levels which overlap our physical Planet Earth): "We realized that we cannot defeat God on earth, and that we cannot escape Him by fleeing." (72:12). The jinn (and devils) cannot pass through the metaphysical, Barsakh levels of the heavens (they are not even allowed to come near the borders of the vibrational level of the first metaphysical, Barsakh level which overlaps with the physical heaven from above), unless within permission granted only by the Lord God; this is the meaning of the verses 55:33-35. This fact is repeated in other Quranic verses: "We have adorned the lower heaven with the beauty of the planets. And guarded it against every defiant devil. They cannot eavesdrop on the Upper Realm, for they get bombarded from every side. Repelled - they will have a lingering torment." (37:6-9); "We have adorned the lower heaven with lanterns, and made them missiles against the devils; and We have prepared for them the torment of the Blaze." (67:5); "We probed the heaven, and found it filled with stern guards and projectiles. We used to take up positions to listen in; but whoever listens now finds a projectile in wait for him." (72:8-9).

3/3: Hence, we conclude that the metaphysical levels of the earth can be passed through by jinn and devils; this is permissible to human beings as well and it will take place one day, because the verses 55:33-35 address human beings along with jinn on equal footing. For sure, this also means that both jinn and human beings can never pass through the metaphysical Barsakh levels of the heavens, unless within permission granted only by the Almighty Lord God.

4- The most important question is raised here: how is that going to happen within the limits of what is made possible and permissible by the Lord God? This will entail more scientific knowledge and progress/advancement in the future; human beings now use unseen/invisible types of energies on earth like electricity and certain rays; this means that one day, the human beings will use the types of energies surrounding them in the metaphysical Barsakh levels of the earth (and with more control of both energy and time) even  if human beings will not be able to see these types of energy.


(9) What the West Does Not Know about Time


Firstly: time and the creation of the heavens and the earth:

1- The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "I did not call them to witness the creation of the heavens and the earth, nor their own creation..." (18:51). Of course, human beings never witnessed the creation of the heavens and the earth and everything between them (i.e., the universe) and the creation of all human souls; yet, we know from the Quran that the Lord God has originated the universe out of nothing; this is the meaning of this Quranic verse: "Praise be to God, Originator of the heavens and the earth..." (35:1). 

2- Of course, the physical universe of the heaven and earth is enveloped by the dimension of time. We tend to think that the Lord God has also created time (and all the universe) out of nothing (i.e., creatio ex nihiloin Latin). The Lord God has created two types of time as follows.

2/1: Along with the Big Bang and the creation/origination of the universe, a moving time has been created that goes ahead and never turns back and it has a beginning (i.e., Big Bang) and an end (i.e., when the Hour takes place and the universe is destroyed within a tremendous explosion). This moving, transient time of the physical world has a certain predetermined duration known to the Lord God: "Do they not reflect within themselves? God did not create the heavens and the earth, and what is between them, except with reason, and for a specific duration..." (30:8); "We did not create the heavens and the earth and everything between them except with reason, and for a finite period...." (46:3).

2/2: The other type of time is eternity which will begin with the Last Day; of course, eternity has no end; it will be for human beings in Hell and those of them in Paradise an everlasting life which will feel like timelessness; the Eternal Realm of the Hereafter will have its static, unmoving time which will last forever; it is as if an everlasting present, with no sense of the past, present, or future typical of time on earth. This is hard to grasp with the limited capacity of the human mind and harder to express using any of the human languages/tongues.

Secondly: the moving time in this physical world:

1- The moving time on earth makes human beings have a sense of what the past, the present, and the future are like; human beings never cease to wonder how the present turns into past and the future into present within succession of days that seems apparently endless:  "And it is He who made the night and the day alternate - for whoever desires to reflect, or desires to show gratitude." (25:62). We have to bear in mind that one's preordained lifetime or one's limited duration on earth is moving like a non-stop train; the second which passes will never return; one's soul comes from Barsakh, wears human flesh momentarily, and when one dies, the soul returns to the timelessness of Barsakh once more. Within our physical world, measuring the femtosecond has led to the hypothesis of the parallel universes; for sure, the metaphysical Barsakh levels are greater and beyond the wildest imagination.  

2- Time varies in the planets of the solar system and within different galaxies in the observable universe; this helps us understand the fact that time in the physical universe (and on earth, of course) differs from that of the metaphysical, Barsakh levels; we infer this from this verse about the divine command of the Hour which has been issued already by the Omnipotent Lord God and we are not to rush it: "The command of God came, so do not rush it. Glory be to Him; exalted above what they associate." (16:1). This divine command has been issued within a Barsakh-level time whose nature/essence cannot be imagined by human beings; yet, the time cycles on earth have not yet reached the specified moment of the occurrence of the Hour when the universe (with its physical and metaphysical levels) will be destroyed. Within the Eternal Realm of the Last Day after the Resurrection Day, the eternal time will have no past, present, or future in the sense we know of on earth; the limited capacity of the human mind cannot imagine the nature/essence of eternity or what if feels like to be living forever. 

3- The word (days) refers to different time units in various (meta)physical levels in the universe; the word (days) here refers to this time unit on earth in relation to pilgrimage: "And remember God during the designated days. But whoever hurries on in two days commits no wrong, and whoever stays on commits no wrong..." (2:203). In other verses which we will not quote here, there are references to years and months as per calculations on earth. This has nothing to do with the six days/epochs/phases of the origination/creation of the universe: "It is He who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then settled over the Throne..." (57:4); "Say, "Do you reject the One who created the earth in two days? And you attribute equals to Him? That is the Lord of the Universe." He placed stabilizers over it; and blessed it; and planned its provisions in four days, equally to the seekers. Then He turned to the heaven, and it was smoke, and said to it and to the earth, "Come, willingly or unwillingly." They said, "We come willingly." So He completed them as seven heavens in two days, and He assigned to each heaven its laws. And We decorated the lower heaven with lamps, and for protection. That is the design of the Almighty, the Omniscient." (41:9-12)

4- The Lord God says the following in the Quran about how His divine commands manage the affairs of the (meta)physical realms of the universe; the time in the Upper Realm in the metaphysical level differs from the time on our physical earth as we infer from these two Quranic verses: "...A day with your Lord is like a thousand years of your count." (22:47); "...on a Day the length of which is a thousand years by your count." (32:5). We quote the following passage from our book, in English, titled "The Book of Barsakh" (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/book_main.php?main_id=138): (... Dr. Mansour Hasabennabi wrote an article in the Egyptian Al-Ahram newspaper on the 11th of May, 1995, in which he tackles a scientific understanding or pondering of these two verses [i.e., 22:47 and 32:5]...Dr. Hasabennabi maintains that the phrase (by your count) means by the human calculation and counting of time on earth; hence, the distance covered by the divine command to reach and descend on earth within the Night of Decree is to be calculated using the speed of light of Einstein and the time-frame of 1000 lunar years of the Quranic equation in 22:47 and 32:5. Dr. Hasabennabi maintains also that the equations of Einstein have predicted (before Superstring theory) that speeds faster than the speed of light may exist within the tachyon or the tachyonic particle (i.e. hypothetical particle that always moves faster than light). Superstring theory maintains that there is a six-dimensional universe overlapping with our known four-dimensional universe (or our known four-dimensional continuum of three dimensions of space plus the fourth dimension of time, shown in the typical space-time diagrams made by scientists), and speeds more than the speed of light exist there, but they cannot be measured by human beings – yet. ...). This Quranic equation shows that the speed of the divine command within the time on earth is exactly like the speed of light in vacuum; i.e., 186,282 miles per second (299,792 kilometers per second).

5- The Superstring theory has paved the way to talk about parallel universes which are the metaphysical Barsakh levels. The human soul leaves the body for good by death to return to Barsakh, its original location; this occurs temporarily during sleep, when the soul goes to Barsakh and returns to the body upon waking up. When one dies, the soul remains in Barsakh in a state of deep slumber until the Day of Resurrection. In the Quran, the Lord God indicates the difference between the time in Barsakh and the time on earth; e.g., the people of the cave slept for 309 years and when they woke up, they assumed they have slept for a day or part of a day: "And they stayed in their cave for three hundred years, adding nine." (18:25); "Even so, We awakened them, so that they may ask one another. A speaker among them said, "How long have you stayed?" They said, "We have stayed a day, or part of a day." They said, "Your Lord knows best how long you have stayed."..." (18:19). Another example is the man whom God caused to die/sleep for 100 year and upon waking up, the man felt he slept for a day or part of a day: "Or like him who passed by a town collapsed on its foundations. He said, "How can God revive this after its demise?" Thereupon God caused him to die for a hundred years, and then resurrected him. He said, "For how long have you tarried?" He said, "I have tarried for a day, or part of a day." He said, "No. You have tarried for a hundred years..." (2:259). Upon Resurrection, human beings will feel as if the the duration of their life on earth and their sleep/death were a day or part of a day: "On the Day when they witness it - as though they only stayed an evening, or its morning." (79:46)

6- The Last Day has its eternal time within the Eternal Realm; it differs from the day of this temporary physical realm (with its earth, heavens, and metaphysical Barsakh levels) which is a transient day off life whose duration is 50000 years as per the divine calculations (not years as per calculations on earth) and it is contrasted with the Last Day of eternity in these verses: "Unto Him the angels and the Spirit ascend on a Day the duration of which is fifty thousand years...They see it distant. But We see it near. On the Day when the heaven will be like molten brass. And the mountains will be like tufted wool." (70:4-9). Thus, since the Big Bang, the moving, temporary duration of the universe is marching towards its predetermined end; i.e., total destruction when the Hour comes; each creature (from human beings and angels to stars and galaxies) has its limited, preordained duration or lifetime within this 50000 years allotted to the (meta)physical universe; when the Hour occurs after the end of this duration, it will be faster than the speed of light: "And Our command is but once, faster than the twinkling of an eye." (54:50); "To God belongs the unseen of the heavens and the earth. The coming of the Hour is only as the twinkling of the eye, or even nearer..." (16:77).

Thirdly: The Last Day and eternity or the everlasting time:

1- The Eternal Realm will include a new earth and new heavens within the eternal time; after Resurrection and Judgment, human beings, those in Hell and those in Paradise, will never die: "On the Day when the earth is changed into another earth, and the heavens, and they will emerge before God the Dominant One." (14:48).; "Remaining in it eternally, without their torment being eased from them..." (3:88); "But as for those whose faces are whitened: they are in God's mercy, remaining in it forever." (3:107).

2- It is noteworthy that most words used in the Quran about the topic of the Last Day are linked to the idea of time: the Last Day, Resurrection Day, Judgment Day, the Hour, etc. Let us quote one example about two usages of the word (hour) within one Quranic verse: "On the Day when the Hour takes place, the sinners will swear they had stayed but an hour. Thus they were deluded." (30:55). Of course, (the Hour) is the destruction of the universe followed by Resurrection in the Eternal Realm, whereas (an hour) is part of a day as per time as we know it on earth now. 

3- Hence, we tend to think that the Lord God has originated/created the eternal time out of nothing and that He took a piece of this eternal time to explode it (i.e., within the Big Bang) to create the physical world with its moving, temporary time which will last for 50 thousand years as per the Divine measure and estimation (not years in the sense of time as we know it on earth now). When this preordained duration comes to an end, the Hour will take place faster than the speed of light; the physical universe will be destroyed and the Eternal Realm will emerge along with eternity or the everlasting time for those who will be tormented in Hell forever and those who will enjoy the bliss and pleasures of Paradise forever.

4- It is a veritable loss to waste one's lifetime (or one's limited duration on earth) by getting busy sinning and disobeying the Lord God; on the Last Day, the unrepentant ones will suffer for eternity (within the eternal time) inside Hell-torment; they will never get out of Hell and its torment will never cease or be lessened: "Remaining in it eternally, without their torment being eased from them..." (3:88).


(10) Nuclear Science between the Quran and Modern Science


  Until the 19th century A.D., the people of the West believed in the views of Greek philosophers of the 5th century B.C. about atoms which cannot be divided. In contrast, the Quran, which was revealed more than 1400 years ago, tells us about the fact that atoms can be divided and that they contain smaller particles; the Quran includes other scientific indications unstudied yet by the West and by Arabs. When scientists of the West have managed to divide the atoms (i.e., nuclear fission), the field has been open to study the realms of smaller particles inside atoms; this has led later on to knocking at the gates of the metaphysical levels of the universe especially in the field of energy. The energy emitting from nuclear fission is very powerful; the nuclear energy exceeds the energies of our weak, heavy, physical world. We provide some details in the points below.

Firstly: an overview of the development of the nuclear science in the West:

 (N.B.: within the following points, we include some pieces of information (briefly and partially) from the website https://en.wikipedia.org).

1- The English word (atom) is derived from the Greek language; it is derived from a word which refers to the idea of indivisibility; i.e., the word "atom" is derived from the Greek word (atomos), meaning "uncuttable".  This means that the dominant wrong view at the time was that there is nothing smaller than the atom, as per the views held by the two ancient Greek philosophers Leucippus and his pupil Democritus (c. 460 – c. 370 B.C.).   

2- The physicist J. J. Thomson measured the mass of cathode rays in 1896 - 1897 A.D., showing they were made of lighter particles which were not atoms, but new particle: the first subatomic particles to be discovered; this led to the discovery of electrons; this showed that the ancient view of atoms is wrong and that the atoms are divisible and contain smaller particles within complicated formations.

3- In 1909, the studies of Ernest Rutherford and others led to the discovery of the nucleus and its subatomic particles and positive charges, electrons which have negative charges, protons which have positive charges, and neutrons as uncharged particles.   

4- The nuclei are 100,000 smaller than atoms themselves; this means that the formation of the atom consists mostly of vacuum; quarks were later on discovered as the smallest unit of matter; the discovery of nuclear energy, fission, and fusion led to the making of atomic bombs and nuclear weapons in the West.

5- Many theories have emerged after the scientists of the West focused their studies on nuclei; the Superstring theory, which is an attempt to explain all of the particles and fundamental forces of nature in one theory, has led to the hypotheses that there are realms smaller than the smallest unit within the nuclei and that there are types of energy within particles without mass that can move in speeds faster than the speed of light; these particles entail the existence of 11 dimensions and not the four typical ones of matter (time and the 3 other spatial dimensions: length, width, and height) as per the relativity theory. Other studies and theories within the Superstring theory have led to the discovery of new powers apart from gravity based on vibrational levels; these new powers are linked to electromagnetism radiation and the formation of nuclei. Our physical space is observed to have three large spatial dimensions and, along with time, is a boundless 4-dimensional continuum known as space-time. However, nothing prevents a theory from including more than 4 dimensions. In the case of string theory, consistency requires space-time to have 10 dimensions (3D regular space + 1 time + 6D hyperspace).    

6- There are five consistent superstring theories within the umbrella term (Superstring theory) linked to tachyons, bosons, fermions, open and closed strings, and 11 space-time dimensions. Theoretical physicists were troubled by the existence of five separate superstring theories. A possible solution for this dilemma was suggested at the beginning of what is called the second superstring revolution in the 1990s, which suggests that the five string theories might be different limits of a single underlying theory, called M-theory. 

7- Thus, the Superstring theory has led to the discovery of new dimensions in the universe. The 3 main dimensions in the universe are length, width, and height, and the fourth dimension enveloping all the others is time. The Superstring theory assumes that there are 11 dimensions in this universe: the four ones we have mentioned plus 7 others; this is a mathematical hypothesis, of course.

8- As far as we know, this is what has been reached by the scientists of the West; the Quran precedes the West in mentioning scientific indications about atoms. Had the people of the West paid attention to these Quranic scientific indications centuries ago, they would have saved much time, money, and effort.

Secondly: Quranic facts about nuclear science:

1- The universe (i.e., the heavens and the earth) consists of atoms that can be divided and contain smaller particles: "You do not get into any situation, nor do you recite any Quran, nor do you do anything, but We are watching over you as you undertake it. Not even the weight of an atom, on earth or in the heaven, escapes your Lord, nor is there anything smaller or larger, but is in a Clear Record." (10:61); the Quran mentions that there are particles smaller than atoms; this is part of the Omniscience of the Lord God: "Those who disbelieve say, "The Hour will not come upon us." Say, "Yes indeed, by my Lord, it will come upon you. He is the Knower of the unseen." Not anatom's weight in the heavens and the earth, or anything smaller or larger, escapes His knowledge. All are in a Clear Record." (34:3); the word ''smaller'' here indicates particles which are smaller than atoms. There are overlapping Barsakh levels of the earth (overlapping the physical earth) and other overlapping Barsakh levels of the heavens; those of the heavens overlap the physical outer space. The Superstring theory focuses on (1) particles of atoms and nuclei, (2) quarks, and (3) strings and their vibrations in the universe. The Quran precedes modern science in indicating the fact that atoms can be divided and contain smaller particles within both the physical realm and the metaphysical one.

2- The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "For every person We have attached his bird to his neck. And on the Day of Resurrection, We will bring out for him a book which he will find spread open. "Read your book; today there will be none but yourself to call you to account."" (17:13-14).  Human beings are physical bodies controlled by the human souls (souls are ethereal beings that pertain originally to Barsakh); the word (bird) here indicates one's feelings, deeds, thoughts, movements, (dis)belief, etc. which emitted/flew from one's soul and are recorded by the Lord God's angels in the Book of Deeds of each soul which will be read by resurrected souls on the Last Day; this is why one's fate in the Hereafter is determined by this Book of Deeds and one's being (mis)guided; this is a personal, individual responsibility: "Whoever is guided - is guided for his own good. And whoever goes astray - goes astray to his detriment. No burdened soul carries the burdens of another, nor do We ever punish until We have sent a messenger." (17:15). Hence, it is NOT the mission of any State or government to 'guide' people to make them enter into Paradise; in Islam (i.e., the Quran) there is no penalty for apostasy or rejecting Islam (i.e., by converting to other religions or to embrace atheism) and there is no compulsion in religion.  

3- Our focus here is the Quranic fact that the Book of Deeds written by angels for each of the human beings is being written within atomic measure or weight; our deeds, thoughts, feelings etc. are weighed in that way; all resurrected human beings will see this on the Last Day: "On that Day, the people will emerge in droves, to be shown their works. Whoever has done an atom's weight of good will see it. And whoever has done an atom's weight of evil will see it." (99:6-8). There is no room for injustice or being wronged on the Day of Judgment within weighing one's good/evil deeds: "God does not commit an atom's weight of injustice; and if there is a good deed, He doubles it, and gives from His Presence a sublime compensation." (4:40); "We will set up the scales of justice for the Day of Resurrection, so that no soul will suffer the least injustice. And even if it be the weight of a mustard-seed, We will bring it up. Sufficient are We as Judge." (21:47).

4- There are rocks whose weight is very light in the Barsakh levels of the heavens; we infer this from the words of Luqman who advised his son by reminding him of the fact that God will weigh all deeds of all people on the Day of Judgment: ""O my son, even if it were the weight of a mustard-seed, in a rock, or in the heavens, or on earth, God will bring it. God is Kind and Expert." (31:16). The Lord God is the Sole Owner of the (meta)physical universe with all its atoms and particles: "Say, "Call upon those whom you claim besides God. They possess not an atom's weight in the heavens or the earth, and they possess no share of either, and He has no backers from among them."" (34:22).


 By the way, we pose these two questions to the so-called Umma/nation of Muhammad: What did Muhammad own/control in the realm of the Dominant Lord God? Was he a group of atoms among the creatures of the Lord God the Creator or not?!

The West and the Miraculous Scientific Indications in the Holy Quran

The West and the Miraculous Scientific Indications in the Holy Quran
Authored by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour
Translated by: Ahmed Fathy

This book includes our previously written articles and recent ones (plus annexes) about the miraculous scientific indications in the Quranic verses and the vital importance to raise the awareness of the West about them.
