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الثلاثاء ١٥ - مايو - ٢٠١٢ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

نص السؤال:
Dear Dr Ahmed Subhi Mansour I've read your opinions since a month ago. Your site is exactly what I've been looking for, for about four years. As an Iranian girl I'm very glad to attend such a Quranic site. God bless you. As you know I've been living in a Shiah society in which you are obligated to think in away that the clergy men and the government have difined but since four years ago I've been searching the real Islam just through the holly Quran. I should tell you that I'm not Shiah and I just feel responsibility for following Quran. Since there wasn't any reliable source in Persian, I started studying Arabic a year ago. When I read your articles, I can't understand all the sentences but I can comprehend the main idea. I hope I can learn Arabic as well as my mother tongue one day to be in contact with you and your site and especially with Quran. I wish I could comment on the site but I can't write in Arabic very well. I have some questions from you: 1- What did exactly happened in "ghadire khom" ? Is it a real event in history or just was created by shiah? 2- I know that there are many reasons for every rule of islam but I can't understand why it is said in 282Bagharah that two women equal to one man as witness. Could you please explain it for me?(this is a very important subject because these days the youth think that it is a sign of discrimination in islam ) 3- I've thought about the word "khemar" in 31Nour but I haven't understood yet. I have a question. All the teachers of the Quran in Iran, exept one(Mr Ahmed Ghabel), say that khemar means scarf and it was used those days by women but they tied it at the back of their head and God told them to tie it on their chest. I know your opinion about scarf but I want to ask you the reason of their mistake. And was khemar used by women those days and does "khemar" really mean "scarf"? I'm looking forward to hearing from you and thank you in advance.
آحمد صبحي منصور :
It's good news to know you. You are very welcome in our site .  
Let me answer your questions:
1-      What did exactly happened in "ghadire khom" ? Is it a real event in history or just was created by shiah?
( Ghadire khom ) is one of the biggest lies in the human made religion of Shiites. 
2-      I know that there are many reasons for every rule of islam but I can't understand why it is said in 282 Bagharah that two women equal to one man as witness. Could you please explain it for me?(this is a very important subject because these days the youth think that it is a sign of discrimination in islam ).
According to the Islamic Quranic Jurisprudence, there is an ( order / Amr) like this which is mentioned about the woman as witness.This (Amr ) or this order is controlled by its ( rule) and its justifications. Without its rules and justifications, the order itself does not work. So one woman is enough if the loan or the deal is written and documented with enough accuracy and enough credibility. Accuracy and credibility is the rule that controls the order here. 
3-      I've thought about the word "khemar" in 31Nour but I haven't understood yet. I have a question. All the teachers of the Quran in Iran, exept one(Mr Ahmed Ghabel), say that khemar means scarf and it was used those days by women but they tied it at the back of their head and God told them to tie it on their chest. I know your opinion about scarf but I want to ask you the reason of their mistake. And was khemar used by women those days and does "khemar" really mean "scarf"?
In our Arabic program ( Exposing Salafism ) I said Khemar is to cover the chest not the hair and it is understood from the Quran that (Necab ) is prohibited in Islam. There were not Hejab or Nicab in the Quran. Nicab was not in the time of the Prophet Mohamed and for more that two centuries after his death. This was invented in the third century after Hijra, because of the influence of the fanatic Sunnu Hanbali sect in the Abbasy time and also for different political and social reasons. I will give details in our program ( Exposing Salafism ). The verb ( Khamar ) in Arabic Language means cover. So , (Al Khamr ) is the drink that covers the mind. So, Khemar is this piece of clothes that covers some parts of the woman body. In Islam as I said, it is only to cover the chest not the head, not the face , not the hair.

اجمالي القراءات 10373
أضف تعليق
لا بد من تسجيل الدخول اولا قبل التعليق
تاريخ الانضمام : 2006-07-05
مقالات منشورة : 5148
اجمالي القراءات : 57,745,418
تعليقات له : 5,469
تعليقات عليه : 14,854
بلد الميلاد : Egypt
بلد الاقامة : United State

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