( 1 ) : The Emergence of Wahabism in Najd and Its Spread in Egypt




PART I: The Emergence of Wahabism during the Ottoman Era as an Alternative to the Sunnite Sufism

CHAPTER I: The Savagery of Wahabism Smashes the Equation in the Last Decades of the Ottoman Era

CHAPTER II: A Reading within the Book Titled "The Glorious History of Najd" by the Wahabi Historian Othman Ibn Bishr

PART II: The Third Current Saudi State Has Spread Wahabism in Egypt

CHAPTER I: The Role of Rasheed Reda: An Overview of the Savagery of Wahabism during the Establishment of the Third Current Saudi State

CHAPTER II: The Role of Hafiz Wahba

CHAPTER III: The Role of Moheb-Eddine Al-Khateeb in Spreading Wahabism in Egypt

PART III: The Terrorist MB Organization

CHAPTER I: The Terrorist MB Organization Has been Created by the Wahabism of the Saudi State

CHAPTER II: The Political Divorce between the Terrorist MB Organization and the Saudi State

CHAPTER III: The Terrorist MB Organization Applies its Wahabi Sharia Laws within the Liberal Epoch of Egypt

CHAPTER IV: The Wahabism/Salafism in Egypt



The Emergence of Wahabism in Najd and Its Spread in Egypt
The Emergence of Wahabism in Najd and Its Spread in Egypt
Authored by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour
Translated by: Ahmed Fathy

This book is the PART TWO of our trilogy titled "A Historical Overview of the Emergence and Development of the Earthly Religions of the Muhammadans". It will be followed by PART THREE about our intellectual jihad against Wahabism in Egypt. We discuss here how Wahabism has emerged in the Arabian Najd region within the Ottoman Era and how it has spread gradually in Egypt during the 20th century.