أجمل أربعين مثل في العالم

كاميل حليم Ýí 2008-07-20

íÛáÈ ÇáÍÞ ÇáÈíä <br />
<br />
The soft words are more powerful than the naked truth <br />
Les mots doux sont beaucoup plus puissants de la v&eacute;rit&eacute; nue <br />
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ßáäÇ ßÇáÞãÑ .. áå ÌÇäÈ ãÙáã <br />
المزيد مثل هذا المقال :

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We are all like the bright moon, we still have our darker side <br />
On est tous comme la lune, nous avons en nous ce c?t&eacute; sembre <br />
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áÇ ÊÊÍÏì ÅäÓÇäÇð áíÓ áÏíå ãÇ íÎÓÑå <br />
<br />
Don't challenge someone whao has nothing to loose <br />
Ne lance pas un d&eacute;fi &agrave; quelqu'un qui n'a rien &agrave; perrdre <br />
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ÇáÚíä ÇáÊí áÇ ÊÈßí áÇ ÊÈÕÑ Ýí ÇáæÇÞÚ ÔíÆÇð <br />
<br />
The eye which doesn't know the meaning of tears, it doesn't know anything opf value <br />
L'oeil qui ne connait pas des larmes, elle ne connait rien de valeurs. <br />
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ÇáãåÒæã ÅÐÇ ÇÈÊÓã ÃÝÞÏ ÇáãäÊÕÑ áÐÉ ÇáÝæÒ <br />
<br />
Si le vaincu continu &agrave; garder son sourire il force le vainceur de perdre la jouissance du victoire <br />
If the loser keeps his smile the winner will loose the thrill of victory. <br />
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áÇ ÎíÑ Ýí íãäì ÈÛíÑ íÓÇÑ <br />
<br />
No benefit of a right without a left. <br />
Aucun profit d'une droite sans la gauche <br />
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ÇáÌÒÚ ÚäÏ ÇáãÕíÈÉ¡ ãÕíÈÉ ÃÎÑì <br />
<br />
The panic from a catastrophe is anothercatasrtophe <br />
La panic dans un cas catastrophique un une catastrophe <br />
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ÇáÇÈÊÓÇãÉ ßáãÉ ãÚÑæÝå ãä ÛíÑ ÍÑæÝ <br />
<br />
The smile is a famous word without letters <br />
Le sourire est un mot sans caract&egrave;res <br />
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ÇÚãá Úáì Ãä íÍÈß ÇáäÇÓ ÚäÏãÇ ÊÛÇÏÑ ãäÕÈß¡ ßãÇ íÍÈæäß ÚäÏãÇ ÊÊÓáãå <br />
<br />
Be cheerful when gettin-out as when you coming-in <br />
Soit acceuillant &agrave; ton d&eacute;part comme &agrave; ton arriv&eacute; <br />
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áÇ ÊØÚä Ýí ÐæÞ ÒæÌÊß¡ ÝÞÏ ÇÎÊÇÑÊß ÃæáÇ <br />
<br />
Don't be critic to yor wife's taste, she is the one who selected you at the first place. <br />
Ne soit pas criticant du go?t de ta femme, rappele-toi qu'elle ta choisie au premier lieu <br />
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áä ÊÓÊØíÚ Ãä ÊãäÚ ØíæÑ Çáåã Ãä ÊÍáÞ ÝæÞ ÑÃÓß æáßäß ÊÓÊØíÚ Ãä ÊãäÚåÇ ãä Ãä ÊÚÔÔ Ýí ÑÇÓß <br />
<br />
You can't chase worries flying over your head but you can do preventing them from nesting in your head <br />
Tu ne peux pas emp&ecirc;cher les craintes de voler en sessus de votre t&ecirc;te mais tu peux les emp&ecirc;cher de faire un nid dans ta t&ecirc;te <br />
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ÊÕÇÏÞ ãÚ ÇáÐÆÇÈ .. Úáì Ãä íßæä ÝÃÓß ãÓÊÚÏÇð <br />
<br />
Dive with the shark but bewarre not to be swallowed <br />
Nage avec les requins mais fais attention de ne pas &ecirc;tre avaler <br />
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Ðææ ÇáäÝæÓ ÇáÏäíÆÉ íÌÏæä ÇááÐÉ Ýí ÇáÊÝÊíÔ Úä ÃÎØÇÁ ÇáÚÙãÇÁ <br />
<br />
The demeanour will be thrilled in finding out a mistake of his great rival <br />
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Åäß ÊÎØæ äÍæ ÇáÔíÎæÎÉ íæãÇð ãÞÇÈá ßá ÏÞíÞÉ ãä ÇáÛÖÈ <br />
<br />
Every minute of anger will get you one more year older. <br />
Chaque minute de col&egrave;re vous rend un an plus vieux <br />
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end and don't <br />
<br />
Åä ÈÚÖ ÇáÞæá Ýä .. ÝÇÌÚá ÇáÅÕÛÇÁ ÝäÇð <br />
<br />
Elocution is an art so let listening be a similar art <br />
La diction est une art Il faut donc considerer l'&eacute;coute comme une art semblable <br />
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ÇáÐí íæáÏ æåæ íÒÍÝ ¡ áÇ íÓÊØíÚ Ãä íØíÑ <br />
<br />
The impossible can never decome possible <br />
L'impossible est impossible <br />
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ÇááÓÇä ÇáØæíá ÏáÇáÉ Úáì ÇáíÏ ÇáÞÕíÑÉ <br />
<br />
The gift of gab is a proof of jealousy <br />
La langue pendue est une preuve de la jalousie. <br />
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äÍä äÍÈ ÇáãÇÖí áÃäå ÐåÈ¡ æáæ ÚÇÏ áßÑåäÇå <br />
<br />
We have nostalgia for the past because it is gone. If it comes back we would hate it. <br />
Nous avons la nostalgie pour le pass&eacute; parce que nous l'avons quitt&eacute;, mais si il retournera nous allons le d&eacute;tester. <br />
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ãä ÚáÊ åãÊå ØÇá åãå <br />
<br />
The one whose ambition is great so his worries <br />
Celui qui as beaucoup d'ambition il a beaucoup de souci <br />
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<br />
ãä ÇáÚÙãÇÁ ãä íÔÚÑ ÇáãÑÁ Ýì ÍÖÑÊå Ãäå ÕÛíÑ æáßä ÇáÚÙíã ÈÍÞ åæ ãä íÔÚÑ ÇáÌãíÚ Ýí ÍÖÑÊå ÈÃäåã ÚÙãÇÁ <br />
<br />
People feel small in the presence of some of the great personality, , yet the greatest is the one who let all around him feel great as well <br />
Des gens qui sentent tout petit devant une grande personalit&eacute;, cependant une personne est digne d'&ecirc;tre appeler grand est celui qui laisse chaque personne de son entourage sentir important <br />
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ãä íØÇÑÏ ÚÕÝæÑíä íÝÞÏåãÇ ãÚÇð <br />
<br />
Celui qui chasse deux oiseaux en m&ecirc;me temps il les perd tous les deux <br />
Chase two birds at the same time and you will loose both. <br />
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ÇáãÑÃÉ åí äÕÝ ÇáãÌÊãÚ ¡ æåí ÇáÊí ÊáÏ æ ÊÑÈí ÇáäÕÝ ÇáÂÎÑ <br />
<br />
The woman is half the society and the one who educates the other half <br />
La femme est la moiti&eacute; de la soci&eacute;t&eacute; et c'est elle qui &eacute;l&egrave;ve l'autre moiti&eacute; <br />
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áßá ßáãÉ ÃÐä¡ æáÚá ÃÐäß áíÓÊ áßáãÇÊí¡ ÝáÇ ÊÊåãäí ÈÇáÛãæÖ <br />
<br />
For every word their is a listener and probably my words don't suit your ears. So please don't accuse me of being ambiguous <br />
Pour chaque mot en trouvera un &eacute;couteur et probablement mes mots ne te coviennent pas. Donc s'il te plait ne m'accuse pas d'&ecirc;tre un ambigu <br />
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<br />
ßáãÇ ÇÑÊÝÚ ÇáÅäÓÇä ÊßÇËÝÊ Íæáå ÇáÛíæã æÇáãÍä <br />
<br />
As more higher up one rises to as more clouds and problems will surround him. <br />
Plus que la personne s'&eacute;levera plus que ses probl&egrave;mes s'accro&icirc;tera <br />
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áÇ ÊÌÇÏá ÇáÃÍãÞ ¡ ÝÞÏ íÎØÆ ÇáäÇÓ Ýí ÇáÊÝÑíÞ ÈíäßãÇ <br />
<br />
Don't argue with an ignorant for it will be hard for people to differentiate between you <br />
Ne pas discuter avec un ignorant, le monde seront m&eacute;l&eacute;s entre vous <br />
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ÇáÝÔá Ýí ÇáÊÎØíØ íÞæÏ Åáì ÇáÊÎØíØ ááÝÔá <br />
<br />
The failure in planning will lead in planning to failure <br />
L'&eacute;chec en planification m&egrave;nera en planification vers l'&eacute;chec <br />
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ÞÏ íÌÏ ÇáÌÈÇä 36 ÍáÇð áãÔßáÊå æáßä áÇ íÚÌÈå Óæì Íá æÇÍÏ ãäåÇ æåæ .. ÇáÝÑÇÑ <br />
<br />
The coward will find 36 solutions to his problem but the one will like most is fleeing <br />
Le l&acirc;che trouvera 36 solutions pour son probl&egrave;me mais le plus qu'il pr&eacute;f&eacute;rera c'est de fuire <br />
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ÔÞ ØÑíÞß ÈÇÈÊÓÇãÊß ÎíÑ áß ãä Ãä ÊÔÞåÇ ÈÓíÝß <br />
<br />
Better set your path with a smile than with a sword <br />
Mieux creuser ton chemin avec un souris que le creuser avec une &eacute;p&eacute;e <br />
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ãä ÃØÇÚ ÇáæÇÔí ÖíóÚ ÇáÕÏíÞ <br />
<br />
If you listen to the telltale you will lose the friend <br />
Si tu &eacute;coutes le rapporteur tu perds l'ami <br />
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<br />
Ãä Êßæä ÝÑÏÇð Ýí ÌãÇÚÉ ÇáÃÓæÏ ÎíÑ áß ãä Ãä Êßæä ÞÇÆÏÇð ááäÚÇã <br />
<br />
Better being a cub in the family of Lions than being a king of the ostriches <br />
Mieux d'&ecirc;tre un lionceau dans une famille des lions qu'un roi des autruches.</p>
اجمالي القراءات 13687

للمزيد يمكنك قراءة : اساسيات اهل القران
التعليقات (2)
1   تعليق بواسطة   AMAL ( HOPE )     في   الأحد ٢٠ - يوليو - ٢٠٠٨ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

واكثر مااعجبني

¤¤¤ يوجد دائماً من هو أشقى منك ، فابتسم 

¤¤¤ إذا طعنت من الخلف فاعلم أنك في المقدمة 

¤¤¤ لن تستطيع أن تمنع طيور الهم أن تحلق فوق رأسك ولكنك تستطيع أن تمنعها من أن تعشش في راسك 

¤¤¤ لا تجادل الأحمق ، فقد يخطئ الناس في التفريق بينكما

واروعها ::::::

¤¤¤ ذوو النفوس الدنيئة يجدون اللذة في التفتيش عن أخطاء العظماء

2   تعليق بواسطة   سامر الغنام     في   الجمعة ٠٨ - أغسطس - ٢٠٠٨ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

الاخ كاميل

 هذا المثل اهديه لنا كلنا فنحن بحاجة اليه

لا تطعن في ذوق زوجتك، فقد اختارتك أولا 

مشكور جدا والسلام عليكم

أضف تعليق
لا بد من تسجيل الدخول اولا قبل التعليق
تاريخ الانضمام : 2006-08-14
مقالات منشورة : 22
اجمالي القراءات : 393,062
تعليقات له : 0
تعليقات عليه : 45
بلد الميلاد : Egypt
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