ماذا لو كان أوباما مسلماً؟:
ماذا لو كان أوباما مسلماً؟

سعد الدين ابراهيم Ýí 2008-11-01

مع العد التنازلي للانتخابات الأمريكية، فجّر الجنرال كولين باول ثلاث قنابل، لا بد أن يكون لها تأثيرها، لا فقط علي المعركة الرئاسية، ولكن أيضاً علي مكانة ودور الأمريكيين المسلمين في الحياة الأمريكية العامة.

لقدتحولت الانتخابات الأمريكية في الستين عاماً الأخيرة، أي منذ ما بعد الحرب العالمية الثانية، إلي أهم انتخابات في العالم. ويكفي أن نذكّر القرّاء العرب بأن الحركة الصهيونية العالمية كانت من أوائل من تنبّه إلي انتقال مركز القوة من أوروباا إلي أمريكا.

من ذلك أن هذه الحركة كانت قد حشدت قوتها وراء القوة الأوروبية الأعظم، وهي بريطانيا، في الحرب العالمية الأولي، حتي فازت بوعد بلفور، الذي مهّد لإنشاء «وطن قومي» (وليس دولة) لليهود في فلسطين، ثم بناء علي رؤية ثاقبة، نقلت الحركة الصهيونية نشاطها إلي الولايات المتحدة، تمهيداً للضربة الثانية، وهي الانتقال من مجرد «وطن قومي» إلي «دولة يهودية».

وكان لا بد من دعم أمريكي لتحقيق هذا الهدف. وهو ما كان مع قرار التقسيم (١٩٤٧)، ثم الاعتراف الأمريكي بإسرائيل بعد ميلادها بثماني دقائق بواسطة الرئيس الأمريكي هاري ترومان (١٩٤٨).

وهو الذي قال قوله المشهور لوزير خارجيته، حينما طلب منه التريث في الاعتراف حتي لا يستفز العرب، «وكم صوتاً يملك العرب في نيويورك؟».

* فإذا كان ذلك كذلك. وكان لانتخابات الرئاسة الأمريكية كل هذه الأهمية عالمياً طوال الستين سنة الأخيرة، فما الجديد في الأمر هذا العام (٢٠٠٨)؟ الجديد، هو أن هناك مُرشحاً زنجياً، من أصل كيني إفريقي. وهذا يحدث لأول مرة في أكثر من ثلاثمائة سنة ـ أي منذ جلب تجار العبيد الأوروبيون الزنوج من موطنهم الأصلي (إفريقيا) ليعملوا في حقول القطن في الجنوب الأمريكي.

ورغم إلغاء العبودية بعد حرب أهلية طاحنة بين الشمال والجنوب (١٨٦٠- ١٨٦٤)، إلا أن الزنوج الأمريكيين ظلوا يعانون من التفرقة العنصرية لأكثر من قرن آخر، أي إلي أواخر ستينات القرن العشرين. وكان لا بد من حركة اجتماعية أخري، قادها داعية الحقوق المدنية مارتن لوثر كينج، حتي يستكمل الزنوج الأمريكيون كل حقوق المواطنة.

وفي خضم هذه الحركة، ولد باراك أوباما، لأم أمريكية بيضاء من أصل أيرلندي، وأب أسود، وهو طالب كيني مسلم ذهب إلي الولايات المتحدة في منحة دراسية في أوائل ستينات القرن الماضي.

* ورغم أن الطفل باراك أوباما، تم تعميده بواسطة أمه كمسيحي، بعد أن هجرهم أبوه وعاد وحده إلي كينيا، إلا أن منافسه عن الحزب الجمهوري، السيناتور جون ماكين، ظل هو وأنصاره يشكّكون في درجة أمريكية (ووطنية) باراك أوباما، خاصة أن أمه تزوجت ثانية من مسلم آخر من إندونيسيا، وعاشت معه هي وولدها باراك لعدة سنوات في جاكرتا.

وهنا يأتي كولين باول، القائد الأسبق للقوات المسلحة الأمريكية، وصاحب النصر العسكري الأمريكي الوحيد خلال ستين عاماً، في حرب تحرير الكويت (١٩٩١)، ووزير خارجية جورج بوش السابق (٢٠٠٠-٢٠٠٤)، وهو عضو الحزب الجمهوري الأكثر تقديراً واحتراماً. فماذا فعل كولين باول؟.

في مقابلة تليفزيونية شهيرة يوم الأحد ١٣/١٠/٢٠٠٨، فجّر كولين باول قنبلته الأولي، وهي أنه رغم عضويته في الحزب الجمهوري فإنه يؤيد مُرشح الحزب الديمقراطي، باراك أوباما، وسيصوّت له. ثم فجّر قنبلته الثانية بنقد لاذع لحزبه، الذي لجأ إلي دعايات انتخابية رخيصة، وتنطوي علي عنصرية مُبطّنه.

ولكن القنبلة الثالثة والأكثر أهمية لموضوع هذا المقال، هي تصريح كولين باول، رداً علي تشكيك رفاقه في الحزب الجمهوري في وطنية وديانة باراك أوباما، بعبارة استفسارية صارمة، وهي «ماذا لو كان أوباما مسلماً؟ فهل هذا يعيبه؟ وماذا عن ملايين الأمريكيين من أصول مسلمة؟ إنني أريد ألا يحرم أي طفل أمريكي مسلم من الحلم أن يكون رئيساً لأمريكا يوماً ما، كما حلم أمريكي كاثوليكي، وكما حلم زنجي أمريكي؟».

لقد نزل هذا التصريح «برداً وسلاماً»، لا فقط علي المسلمين الأمريكيين، ولكن أيضاً علي الأمريكيين من أصول إسبانية ولاتينية، وآسيوية.

إن أوراق اعتماد شخصية بقامة كولين باول لا يختلف عليها اثنان في الولايات المتحدة.

وكونه يتجاوز مجرد التأييد لباراك أوباما إلي الحديث عن حق الأجيال الصاعدة من المسلمين الأمريكيين، هو اعتراف ضمني من الرجل بأن ثمة ظلماً قد أصاب، لا فقط باراك أوباما، ولكن أيضاً كل المسلمين الأمريكيين، من مجرد إثارة ما إذا كان أوباما "مسلماً" أم لا، أنها إهانة،

حيث إن صياغة السؤال بواسطة منافسه من الحزب الجمهوري، جعلت الأمر يبدو كما لو أن "إسلام" أوباما تهمة، ينبغي الفرار منها، أو نفيها. وهو ما لا يجوز أن يحدث لأي إنسان. فالدين واللغة ولون البشرة هي من الموروثات، التي لا دخل لأي فرد فيها.

ولا ينبغي ـ بالتالي ـ لأي إنسان أن يعتذر عنها، أو يحاول إخفاءها أو التستر عليها، كما لو كانت عاهة ابتلي بها الإنسان، «فإذا بُليتم فاستتروا»! ورسالة كولين باول لمسلمي أمريكا، واضحة، هي أن يتمسكوا بهويتهم، وفي نفس الوقت أن يمارسوا كل حقوقهم، بما في ذلك حق الطموح والحلم لأي طفل مسلم أن يكون رئيساً لأمريكا.

ولم لا؟ لقد جاءت أسرة كولين باول نفسه من أحد جزر الكاريبي، وهو أسمر البشرة... ومع ذلك فقد ارتقي إلي أعلي منصب عسكري في بلاده، وكذلك حدث نفس الشيء مع باراك أوباما، الذي أتي أجداده الأفارقة إلي أمريكا عبيداً. ولكن ها هو يتهيأ لتقلد أعلي منصب في بلاده، وفي العالم.

إن كولين باول وأوباما، نموذجان للحلم الأمريكي في أحسن صوره. ولكنهما أيضاً يدركان تماماً الوجه القبيح للواقع التاريخي والاجتماعي لهذا البلد العجيب. فكل مجموعة بشرية وفدت إلي أمريكا بإرادتها أو قسراً، عانت الأمرين في البداية، سواء من الاستغلال والعبودية (مثلما في حالة الأفارقة) أو من التفرقة والاضطهاد، (كما في حالة اليهود، والمسيحيين الكاثوليك والبوذيين الصينيين، والمسلمين).

وفي حالة البعض مثل الأفارقة، فإن هذه المعاناة امتدت لأكثر من ثلاثة قرون. وفي حالة المسيحيين الكاثوليك امتدت لحوالي قرن. وكان انتخاب جون كنيدي رئيساً لأمريكا عام ١٩٦٠، وهو من أصول كاثوليكية أيرلندية، رمزاً درامياً علي نهاية التفرقة ضد الكاثوليك.

وسيكون لانتخاب أوباما نفس الرمزية، وهي نهاية معاناة التفرقة العنصرية ضد الأمريكيين ـ الأفارقة. ومغزي تصريح كولين باول، عن إمكانية أن يكون أوباما مسلماًً، هو أنه آن الأوان لكسر هذه الدورة من المعاناة، لكل مجموعة بشرية وافدة، إلي أن تقبل تماماً، ويستطيع أحد أبنائها أو بناتها الترشيح واعتلاء اي منصب في الولايات المتحدة.

وهذا فأل حسن بالنسبة للمسلمين الأمريكيين. لذلك قد قلنا منذ عشرة شهور، علي نفس هذه الصفحة، إن مجرد ترشيح باراك أوباما للمنصب الرئاسي «ثورة اجتماعية أمريكية».

أما انتخابه فسيكون بمثابة «ثورة عالمية كونية». فهل نتعلم نحن المصريين والعرب من هذا الدرس، فنكف عن التمييز والتفرقة تجاه غير المسلمين، وتجاه غير السُنة، وتجاه غير العرب ممن يعيشون معنا في نفس الأوطان؟ فالله نسأل أن يزيل التعصب من قلوبنا، وأن ينهي التفرقة من سلوكنا ضد الآخر المختلف. آمين.

اجمالي القراءات 15378

للمزيد يمكنك قراءة : اساسيات اهل القران
التعليقات (24)
1   تعليق بواسطة   عمرو اسماعيل     في   السبت ٠١ - نوفمبر - ٢٠٠٨ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

Is Racism only white?

The American Presidential Election season is always a fun to watch and follow, but what struck me this season is the media bias, always in favor of Obama and always against his opponent. It happened in the primaries and cost Hillary the Democratic nomination and it is happening again in the presidential race and it may cost McCain the presidency, why is that?
In my opinion, the media, especially the major networks and particularly MSNBC are trying to prove that they not racist as part of their liberalism. But the question that should come to the mind is racism only white? Why the racism was not an issue when it was clear that black voters will only vote for Obama because he is black although many of them were initially republicans especially that black political analyst that appear on CNN backing Obama right or wrong. Is hiding the stories about Obama and not investigating them not Racism? Stories that may shed light about Obama, who is he in reality, through investigating his associates, his past even his achievements as a Senator and being a great spender as it was proven beyond doubt by his financial behavior in his campaign.
Yes, the voters have all the rights to know everything about Obama, his past, his associates and why he associated with them, people like Reverend Wright, Ayers and Khalidi and this is not Racism but rather an educated informing to help voters judge and decide.
Why don’t we consider the voting of blacks to Obama only because of the color of his skin Racism, or voting of the American Muslims for him, who had been in the past traditionally Republican, just because his father was a Muslim, Racism. What about the Sexist attitude of the Media against Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin.
Yes, the Media is biased in covering this election and yes, the is a lot of Racism associated, but Ironically it is black Racism rather than White

2   تعليق بواسطة   عمرو اسماعيل     في   الأحد ٠٢ - نوفمبر - ٢٠٠٨ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

Neither, Nor

Obama is neither white nor black, neither Muslim nor Christisn, neither Kenyan nor American, he is only Barack Obama.  If he wins, the great loosers will be Arabs and Muslims because he is going to be manipulated by Israel Lobby in the  United States, to prove his patriotism.

Obama cares only about Obama, he did not care for his Aunt who was living illegally and in bad condition in Boston, he spent millions of dollars that he took from ordinary people to give to rich  TV  networks ,  he ran to the office in the senate and then without achieving any thing he ran to the office in the white house,

Every controversial aspect of Obama's history is kept by  lthe  jewish lobby to be used in the proper time, if he is elected as president.

The best Scinario for ordinary Americans is a Republican in the white house and a Democratic house and Senate ,

But at the end of the day and regardless who wins or looses I envy the American people  because the people will decide and the candidates are sucking their toes r

3   تعليق بواسطة   فوزى فراج     في   الأحد ٠٢ - نوفمبر - ٢٠٠٨ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

أخى عمرو, أعتقد أنك مخطئ تماما!!

أخى عمرو, أحمد الله انك لست مواطنا أمريكيا وليس لك حق التصويت, مما يحرم ماكين من صوت مثل صوتك, انك تتحدث وكأنك تقرأ اوراق الدعاية من الحزب الجمهورى ومن ماكين تماما كلمة بكلمة. يا دكتور عمرو, لو كان أوباما رجلا أبيض ذو إسم مسيحى عادى مثل جون او جاك, لكان تفوقه وإنتصاره على ماكين الأن أكبر من تفوق ريجان على كارتر بسنوات ضوئية. ولنعقد مقارنه بسيطه.

كانت الحالة الإقتصادية فى السنوات الأخيرة من كارتر سيئة, غير أنها لا تقارن ,وأكرر لا تقارن بالحالة الإقتصادية التى تمر بها أمريكا الأن , وليس أمريكا فقط بل العالم نتيجة لحماقة الإدارة الأمريكية وحماقة بوش فى ترك الإقتصاد الأمريكى تحت سيطرة أصدقاءهم الإثرياء وإسقاط الرقابة تماما عنهم, وماكين هو من أكبر من كان يدعو الى إطلاق أيدهم ورفع جميع خطوط الرقابة عن الأسواق المالية, مما أدى الى الإنهيار التام الذى حدث عالميا, والذى سوف يؤدى الى إرتفاع نسبة البطالة ....بل وربما الى ليس فقط كسادا إقتصاديا, بل الى ( depression) ولا أعرف لها ترجمة بالعربية سوى إكتئاب إقتصادى , مما سوف يؤثر على العالم أجمع وليس على أمريكا فقط. ماكين يا سيدى الفاضل إنسان أحمق بكل ما تعنية الكلمة, وصداقته وسياسته الإقتصادية والخارحية لا تختلف كثيرا عن بوش فى أى شيئ. هذه هى المقارنه الأولى.
كارتر كان قد حاول إنقاذ الرهائن وفشلت المهمه بسبب العواصف الترابية مما أدى إى سقوط بعض طائرات الهليوكوبتر ووفاة عدد من الجنود, قارن هذا بدخول حرب العراق التى تكلفت حتى الأن اكثر ما يقارب من 750 بليون دولار, ووفاه ما يقارب على خمسة ألاف جندى وجرح اكثر من أربعين الفا, ولم تنتهى الحرب بل انها اطول من الحرب العالمية الثانية, ثم حرب اخرى فى أفغانستان ولا زال بن لادن طليق السراح والقاعدة تسبب حرجا دائما لأمريكا.

المشاكل الأخرى الداخلية اكبر من أن يتسع لها مقالا واحدا او تعليقا واحدا سواء التأمين الصحى, او التعليم او البيئه او الإسكان او الطرق.............والقائمة لا تنتهى. فمن المنطق ان يكون المرشح الديموقراطى أيا كان متفوقا على الجمهورى الذى يمثل الحزب الحاكم, ولكن كما قلت أعلاه, لأنه أوباما أسودا, فلسنا نرى ان نسبة نجاحه تعادل نسبة نجاح اى مرشح اخر ضد نتائج السياسة الحاليه, وهذا يثبت ان هناك عنصرية ( لا زالت) الى حد ما من ( بعض ) البيض ضد السود, ورغم ذلك فإن بوش الذى سيدخل التاريخ كأسوأ رئيس أمركى او من أسوأ الرؤساء الأمريكيين . وسو ف اكتب مقالة عن ذلك قريبا إن شاء الله.
بالنسبة لإنحياز بعض شبكات التليفزيون, فمن العجب انك تذكر شبكة ( msnbc ) والتى هى فى الواقع منحازة الى حد ما , ولكن بالمقارنه لاى شبكة (Fox) التى تنحاز الى ماكين , فليس هناك مقارنه مطلقا, وأعجب من انك لم تذكر ذلك, فهل كان ذلك عن عمد؟؟؟

اننى قد صوت لصالح أبوما, لأن ماكين كما قلت فى مقالتى على القسم الإنجليزى, وفد قرأت انت بعضها , يمثل إنتصارا للقاعدة ,ويمثل إستمرارا للسياسة الأمريكيه الفاشلة عالميا والتى سببت فى ما يقرب من ( عزل) أمريكا عن العالم ووضعها فى موضع معادى للأغلبية. أما عن تصويت السود لأوباما, فلست بصدد أن اتحدث عن إتهامك لهم بالعنصرية سوى بأنك لا تفهم جيدا ما تتحدث عنه هنا وان هذا الإتهام يدل فى حد ذاته على عدم فهم المجتمع الأمريكى والتاريخ الطويل الملوث بالعنصرية بدأ بالسخرية والعبودية الى الوقت الحالى الذى لازالت العنصرية ( الخفية) حية وبصحة جيدة. هذا لا يمنع مطلقا ان هناك من السود البعض الذى يستغل كل ذلك لمصلحتهم الشخصية, وهذا أيضا موضوع يطول شرحه. مرة أخرى , أرجو أن ينتصر أبوما, ليس لأن أبوه مسلم كما تقول متهما العرب او المسلمين ال1ين سوف يصوتون له, فإن فى ذلك سطحية مضحكة منهم إن كان ذلك إعتقادهم , ولكن لأنه يمثل تغييرا تحتاجة أمريكا كما يحتاجه العالم بأكلمه, أما السبب الأخر, فأود أن أرى أن أمريكا تمثل فعلا ما تعلن عنه للعالم من الحرية ومن العدالة ومن المساواة, بأن أرى رجلا من الأقلية السود رئيسا لأمريكا, ولأنه سيكون الأول, فمما لا شك فيه انه سوف يحاول ان يكون من أعظم الرؤساء وليس مجرد ظاهرة غير عادية فى تاريخ امريكا.

بالمناسبة, هذا هو المقال ربما الوحيد الذى اتفق فيه تماما مع سعد الدين إبراهيم. 

4   تعليق بواسطة   عمرو اسماعيل     في   الأحد ٠٢ - نوفمبر - ٢٠٠٨ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

Dear fellows

Although I don't have the right to vote yet, but hopefully soon, and although I consider myself demcrat rather than republican, and a socialist and liberal rather than conservative,  if I were to vote this time I would have cast my vote to the republicans in the presidential race and the democratic in the senate, just because I do not know who is Obama, he made me angry when he considered mentioning his middle name an attack though he could respond the same way Collin Powell did, and because of the media bias in covering the primaries of the democratic party and because I felt a sexist attitude against Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin.

If Obama wins this election, he will be removed from office prior to completion of his term, consider this a sixth sense guess. He is a good actor although Denzel Washington is a better one. He can preach but he can not lead, it is getically determined. I have been to Oakland and New York and believe me, these places can be like Congo and Darfour in no time

Why I wrote these comments in English? mybe because I can say things in english that I feel shy saying them in Arabic.. ;

5   تعليق بواسطة   عمرو اسماعيل     في   الأحد ٠٢ - نوفمبر - ٢٠٠٨ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

Do you know Rahm Emanuel Fellows?

"As Barack Obama continues to absorb accusations that he is not committed to maintaining America's staunch support for Israel, knowledgeable Democrats have leaked word that he is considering a well-known, pro-Israeli Jewish congressman to be his chief of staff if elected.

The Associated Press reported Thursday night that Obama's campaign has approached Illinois Rep. Rahm Emanuel about the job".

Such an appointment could be seen as a salve to Jewish voters, some of whom have grown skeptical of Obama despite his repeated statements that he is committed to Israel's security


6   تعليق بواسطة   Mohamed Awadalla     في   الأحد ٠٢ - نوفمبر - ٢٠٠٨ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

For Mr. Amr Ismail

Why you want to put Black and White in the same basket? if Blacks wants to vote for Black maybe because they do not have the same privileges as the Whites have for hundreds of years and I see it very normal and if you were in their shoe you will do the very exact same thing, in addition it's not only the Blacks going to vote for him if you might know.

If you asking about his (Obama) history, what is any other one's history? did Bush has history? what did we do with his history you think? and do not forget that he was so independent making up his mind about voting against the war when that was extremely unpopular and I believe this is a great indication how strong he is would you think?

you could say that he will be manipulated by the Israelis but who was not, may be he will be able to diffuse definite wars coming, what you need to do as Arab or Moslems is be more clever than them instead of setting down waiting for Obama to give it to you, and you saying that he works for himself he is hypocrite and fake that was really NAIVE from you to say that ....yes it's coming WHO'S NOT

7   تعليق بواسطة   عمرو اسماعيل     في   الأحد ٠٢ - نوفمبر - ٢٠٠٨ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

الأغلبية في صف اوباما ..

يبدو أن الأغلبية هنا في صف أوباما .. ولذا أعلن انتصاره علي موقع أهل القرآن .. كما هو الحال في معظم استطلاعات الرأي ..
وأجد نفسي كالعادة في صف المعارضة ..
الحقيقة الوحيدة المؤكدة .. ان العالم المسمي العالم العربي ... يشارك في الانتخابات الامريكية أكثر مما يشارك في بلاده .. فحطامه بارك الله فيهم وادام نعمة الاستقرار علينا قرروا أن يريجوا شعبهم من وجع الدماغ في اختيار المرشح !!!!! .. زكلهم يشاركون قول سيدنا عثمان الحكمة السديدة .. هذا قميص البسينه الله فلا أخلعه .. وقرروا من فرط أيمانهم!!! أن يكون عزرائيل هو آلية شعوبنا لتداول السلطة في الغالب طعنا او سحلا ... منذ عهد عمر بن الخطاب وحتي الآن

8   تعليق بواسطة   فوزى فراج     في   الأحد ٠٢ - نوفمبر - ٢٠٠٨ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

Let's get this straight

Amr, I find it insulting that for the relatively short time that you have spent in the US, you are telling me and the rest of us who has been in this country for decades that we are either stupid , naïve, or not savvy enough to understand the intricacy of politics in the US, that you understand that much better. that you are able to tell us what we all missed, that you are far more astute in your comprehension of where each candidate stands , that we are unable to discover what you have brilliantly discovered in Obama, that he is a ( hipocrat “Sp”, and a fake), and the rest of a litany of names you called him!!!!

You are speaking as if you were reading from the talking points or the handbook form the McCain campaign , with one minor difference, that you are telling the voters that he would be” removed from office”, a very serious and to say the least hilarious prediction, did not know that you possess such powers as a clairvoyance.

What then is the foundation of this outrageous prediction??

You said you do not know who is Obama in one of your comments, fair enough; do you know who McCain is?

Since you do not know, so let me tell you who Obama is, an extremely intelligent, extremely educated, extremely well thought, extremely able, and few more extremely positive descriptions that goes with them, a self made individual who came from an extreme disadvantage position that life dealt him, to what he is now, something that any fair minded person, regardless of their background or convictions should be proud of. Who is McCain compared to that, a high school then military academy that his high ranking dad helped him get into, that graduated next to the last in his class, a pilot who could not fly straight and ditched his aircraft more than once, a pilot who got shot down most likely because he did not have enough skills to fly when thousand s of his comrades managed to finish their missions successfully, a POW that for all intensive purpose could have been brain washed in Vietnam, a pilot who in all likelihood has innocent blood on his very own hands, who killed innocent people and proud of it, a senile man now who like to play “war games” and everything for him is a war and a fight with one goal, victory, a senator for the last 26 years who has done nothing of any magnitude save supporting an unlawful war, and the irresponsible agenda of the new cons, a man whose choice for VP is Sarah Palin, ( and by the way, the media went out of its way to give Hillary every opportunity to win, contrary to what you said, and it is unbelievable that you accused them of sexism, Hillary was a force to reckon with, the Clintons were a power to reckon with, and you are coming “lately” to defend them, this is a joke, but no one is laughing), as far as Sarah, she is the most shallow minded uneducated, silly and ignorant VP that I have ever seen nominated in all the 37 years I have been here, even so many of the “conservatives” said so, let alone the liberals. So where do you come from with all this inaccurate misguided information!!


9   تعليق بواسطة   فوزى فراج     في   الأحد ٠٢ - نوفمبر - ٢٠٠٨ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

Let's get this straight

Amr, your tactics is all about destroying Obama, just like McCain’s, but so far, you have not told us ONE thing or ONE reason to vote for MCSame, the tactic of vote for me because my opponent is bad, not a damn thing for why should we vote for McCain. It is by his campaign admission, that if they talked about the economy, the most important thing for 99% of Americans, they would lose, so let us focus on

negative remarks and attack the opponent, nice try, but no dice.

You raise the Israel support issue, this is one thing that is out of the equation my friend, Israel was, is, and will remain a taboo for any politician running for president, and as long as the Arab Word worship in the American temple, they have no prayer that the situation will change. And by the way, Rahm Emanuel is a product of the Clintons in case you did not know, and the Clinton era was not bad for the Arabs compared to this Bush or his Dad or Reagan, so what is your issue with Rahm, do you think he is going

to be worse than Joe Lieberman!!! Come on, be real.

By the way, New York and Oakland are for Obama with a great majority, so what exactly did you mean that they can ( i.e. have the potential ) to be like Congo and Darfour? Please explain as I am not quit sure that I follow your thoughts, are you suggesting civil war because there are considerable number of blacks there!!!

I am also fascinated by your last comment, and what in God's name supporting Obama have anything to do with Othman and his shirt???

10   تعليق بواسطة   عمرو اسماعيل     في   الإثنين ٠٣ - نوفمبر - ٢٠٠٨ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

Let's get this straight

This is Democracy my Dear fellows, some back Obama and others will vote for his opponent, and at the end of the day only one will win and should be accepted. Many of my family memebers have the right of voting and most of them did vote for or about to vote for Obama  although I am still trying to convince them to do the opposite. Your comments made me hope that obama wins the election, not because you've  convinced me, but this will be the practical way to prove my point. As for not understanig America as you have tried to implicate my dear friend Fawzy, I have been to the states many times in the past 30 years prior to the attempt of settling for good and I tell you, it is only because of the system created by whites, the areas where the majority are balcks, would have turned to the chaos and unrest we see in africa, it runs in the genes my friends, you all have the right to call this Racism. Africa was doing far better under colonial regimes. The polls are for Obama in US and here, let us wait for election day and what may happen next to get this straigt. I still think Obama is a hypocrite though he is a great preacher, not different from reverend Wright who was his Pastor for 20 years, he is a good sales man..  

11   تعليق بواسطة   Mohamed Awadalla     في   الإثنين ٠٣ - نوفمبر - ٢٠٠٨ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

Again for Mr. Ismail

I think you did us a great favor and I mean it that you raise this issue for us to find out why we like or dislike one of the 2 candidate, I would like for you to explain to us what is the "African gene" on a real human terms, and what is the similarity between African live in Africa and African American live in the United States, and what effect of this gene on someone like Obama and the rest of the Blacks here.

Again Obama as you say "hypocrite, fake, work for himself" so did you think that Bush, Clinton, Carter, Ford, Nixon ...ect. did not do the same exact thing.

I do not look at Obama as he is the savior or the best even though he could be, but one of the main reason he would be good is just he be in office will soften the image of this country on the international level after all what happened by the Necons, they were like a mad bear in a tent, look down on everyone in the world killing hundreds of thousand make the rest of them refugees even Iran is a lot stronger, so by all measures those people should loose otherwise you would be sending the wrong message "no matter what you do we will still elect you" and in the end people do not have so much choice in it, there is no other parties, Mccain or Obama

12   تعليق بواسطة   عمرو اسماعيل     في   الإثنين ٠٣ - نوفمبر - ٢٠٠٨ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

It is a good debate

 Let us consider our discussion a sort of a practice on debating,  a practice on how to practice democacy.

It seems to me that the main point of backing Obama is that most of you against Bush, and most of you think that electing Obama will improve the image of United States and lastly that it a sort of an apology for the past history of racism in America.

Let me ask you this, how many of you were registered Republicans in the past and why?.

A lot of you refuse to associate Obam to Rev. Wright or Ayers inspite of all the evidence and at the same time associate McCain with George Bush inspite of  the fact that he was his opponent just 8 years ago and he opposed him on many issues in the Senate contrary to what Obama says.

Yes I believe that genes control at the end of day whom we are,and I do not consider this Racism. Blacks have many talents especially in preaching and making speaches as part of their genetic talents in arts and sports, in entertaining, but the same genes make them undisciplined and violent and tend to cause chaos. The same way I believe that the Egyptian genes inspite of my love to Egypt make the egyptians succumb to any dictator.

Why don't any one of the arab and muslim americans think of voting to an independent like Frank Nader.

I have sent a letter to Hillary Clinton urging her to run as an independant and if she did I would have done my best to convince those whom I know to vote for her as I did in the primaries.

Believe me or not, I am more democrat, more liberal and even a leftist than most of you and people who are sharing such ideas are the ones that may give Obama the presidency, but at the same time I do not trust Obama 

The thing I've noticed is that the americans may have overcome racism but they could'nt overcome sexism

I apologize for any spelling or typing mistakes and hope that my english could convey my opinion, I may think of running for an office in te future!!!! Obama did it so why any one of us don't think about it ,

13   تعليق بواسطة   فوزى فراج     في   الإثنين ٠٣ - نوفمبر - ٢٠٠٨ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

I am very disappointed!!!!

First I want to congratulate you on deciding to stay in the US, a wise decision, and wish you the best with getting the US citizenship, so you can practice democracy just like the rest of us here. However, I would caution you that the things that you wrote here and elsewhere may hinder your efforts especially when they reflect some opinions that sound – racist – and I say that with all sincerity.


Second, you still have not given one good reason to vote for McCain, not one, you have focused totally on destroying Obama, and on us and our affiliations and Obama’s affiliations in the past, and all that empty slogans that comes right from the RNC handbook, it is our prerogative as citizens to select either candidate despite our registration card, do you have a problem with this?

Thirdly, you have totally demagogue the debate, and have not respond to any of the points that I have raised, I suggest you stop listening and watching Fox news and Rush Dumb-augh, because they will lead you nowhere.


Finally, I am not only shocked but disappointed, we can disagree on issues, but your statement about black genes and Egyptian genes, this is a total nonsense, there is no such a thing as black or Egyptian genes, and for this to come from a man of science is nothing but pure racism in its ugliest form, how does a black gene look like, is the black gene of Haitians similar to that of Sudan, and the Egyptian gene, is all different from that of the neighboring Sudan, Amr, I am sorry you have crossed the line, of all people you who talked often about human rights and equality and the equal rights of citizens under the law regardless of their faith or belief , which Amr am I talking to now. By the way, according to what you said, Hitler, must have had black genes since he gave such arousing speeches, and the same goes for Reagan, for Clinton, and many others who must have had black genes, or in the Olympics all those whites who beat so easily all blacks, they must have their skin dyed white!!! What you said is what Rush Limbaugh, or dumbaugh says all the time, and you are repeating it word for word. I am very disappointed!!!!

14   تعليق بواسطة   فوزى فراج     في   الإثنين ٠٣ - نوفمبر - ٢٠٠٨ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

From Awni

this was sent to me by Awni, he , for some reason, could not post it, so he asked me to post it for him.

Dr. Ismail, 

You say:

<<The American Presidential Election season is always a fun to watch >>

If it is fun to you it is more than that to us who live in the U.S. with children and grand children to worry about their future.

<<Why the racism was not an issue when it was clear that black voters will only vote for Obama because he is black although many of them were initially republicans especially that black political analyst that appear on CNN backing Obama right or wrong.>>

Obama won primaries in States with over 90% white and less than 10% African Americans. Now may I ask you my dear Dr., if an Egyptian, or a Muslim, runs for office wouldn’t you support his because you relate to him and he understands your problems more than others!

<<Is hiding the stories about Obama and not investigating them not Racism? >>

Obama’s past was analyzed with a magnifying glass. They even accused him of ‘paling around with domestic terrorists’ while he was 8 years old!

<<his associates and why he associated with them, people like Reverend Wright, Ayers and Khalidi and this is not Racism but rather an educated informing to help voters judge and decide.>>

For your information, Ayers and Khaledy are full professors in big universities. Khaledy could be innocent of the accusations piled on him because he talked in a public lecture about the racial discrimination in Israel. How do you see that wrong?

<<Obama is neither white nor black, neither Muslim nor Christisn, neither Kenyan nor American, he is only Barack Obama.>>

And what would you be when you get the American citizenship ..Egyptian, Arab, American.

<<Obama cares only about Obama>>

And how in heavens name did you arrive to this conclusion? A Harvard Law School graduate top of his class. He preferred to work as community organizer than making big money in a big name law firm. State Senator two terms, US Senator one term.

For your information, my wife and I are active volunteers in the Obama campaign as well as donors. We know, I believe, a little more than you about American politics simply because we lived in this country for 40 years, participated in every election since we became eligible to vote.

Dr. Ismail, I hate to tell you this but you are repeating the exact words of a racist talk-show host called Rush Limbaugh. You haven’t changed one word of his words to the point that some may consider that plagiarism. You know, we the Arab Muslim Americans consider Rush Limbaugh as the enemy of Arabs and Islam and I really hate for some to get you confused. I hope and pray that you reconsider your words. If you are to be an American, I sure hate for you to join the friends of the Zionists the likes of Joseph Leabermans, and the Rush Limbaughs of America.

As for McCain and his views of the Arabs it is enough to repeat what he said to a woman in his Town Hall meeting when she is scarred that Obama is an Arab …He said “No mam …No mam … He is a decent American citizen” Does that mean that Arabs are not decent? I wish you answer that question, if you can!

Awni Sammakia

15   تعليق بواسطة   عمرو اسماعيل     في   الإثنين ٠٣ - نوفمبر - ٢٠٠٨ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً


It is because I am a man of science I say that it the genes which decide whom we are, not only the color of our skin, but our IQ, our temperate and tendencies to discipline or violence, our talents and weaknesses, this is not racism but rather science
I hope my dear friend Fawzy to read about genes in a scientific way rather than an emotional one and read the opinion of the man who was awarded Noble Prize for his contribution in DNA research.

Secondly you are the one who did not give a reason why you are electing Obama apart from the fact that you oppose George Bush( not the republicans) and I bet my a>< as the Americans say that you had voted republican and against Clinton and Al Gore down to 2000 and now you shift to Obama in spite of of the fact that he is adopting the same economic policies of the democrats although in a more distorted way and far more towards the left.
In fact I totally agree with McCain in his opinion about war in Iraq and war against terrorism, history will remember George Bush that he kept America safe after 9/11 and any premature withdrawal from Iraq will lead only to more terrorism every where

But I assure you that it seems that Obama will win and I hope that we are alive after one year and re discuss that choice again
As for my friend Awny I assure him that I have never heard of Rush Limbaugh
and when it comes to religion,I assure you it has no implications whatsoever in my choice of the candidate, whether he is a Muslim, Christian or Jewish or Buddist
But let me ask both of you as long that you backing Obama that much, are you pro abortion, pro gay marriage

16   تعليق بواسطة   عمرو اسماعيل     في   الإثنين ٠٣ - نوفمبر - ٢٠٠٨ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

أنظر الي افريقيا لتعرف ماذا أعني ..

أخي احمد .. انظر الي أفريقيا لتعرف عن ماذا اتحدث .. انظر الي أكثر الأماكن خطورة وارتفاع في نسبة الجريمة داخل أمريكا لتعرف عن ماذا أتحدث .. اسأل أخي فوزي عن الآماكن التي سيفكر ألف مرة قبل أن يتواجد فيها بعد غروب الشمس في أمريكا ..

17   تعليق بواسطة   فوزى فراج     في   الإثنين ٠٣ - نوفمبر - ٢٠٠٨ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

And still very disappointed

Amr, your diversionary tactics are very obvious and will not work in this discussion.


Again, I do know about genes a whole lot more than you give me credit for, and remember I am of a scientific background, so you do not have a monopoly on the subject, so it is not based on emotions , should I go further!!!


Of course the genes plays a major role in shaping one’s characteristics, but my dear friend do not eat your own words, it is very disingenuous on your part to divert and try to distant yourself from your own words, you have classified and generalized ALL blacks based on their color of skin, made them inferior, and violent, this is RACSIM, and there is no other definition for it, NONE. Now since you have kept your own profile unknown which is your right, I just wonder what color of skin do you have, is it olive, white, black somewhere in between, and I do not really care to know, just to make a point!!!! and how if someone decided to put you , your behavior, your intellect , your intentions, in a specific category based on your color of skin, or color of eyes or your weight or height, how about Africa, do they all have the same genes, or similar ones, and where does Egypt fit


As far as my voting record, it is all in some of my articles in the English section and you have read them and made some comments, so I say, your so called (I bit my a** thing ) is a nice try.


We vote not based on the color of the candidate skin as you have implied, we vote based on the issues, again my dear friend, based on the ISSUES, and the issues does change every election, that is why you are free to vote for the candidate of your choice not the candidate of your party. No one candidate will meet all the requirement, unlike your Mubarak who is a superman, a man for all seasons; we cannot tailor a one candidate to meet all our needs, so we select the BEST. We may disagree with the candidate on some issues, and I did with every single one that I voted for, so please do not try to play that game of gay marriage which Obama is AGAINST, got that, there is no one candidate for gay marriage, got that again, as far as abortion, I may disagree with him but not totally, there are situations where a woman should have an abortion, but I am not going to turn this on a debate about abortion.

Now, you still have not answered any of my questions above, and repeating what the Fox news says all the time or what the right wing nuts fill the airways with is very obvious, so please let me know your own thoughts. But I am still disappointed and never in my wildest dreams expect to read this kind of words that demonstrate racism and hatred from a civil rights advocate or so he says.

18   تعليق بواسطة   عمرو اسماعيل     في   الإثنين ٠٣ - نوفمبر - ٢٠٠٨ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً


This is not a discussion about superiority or inferiority, it is about seeking to understand differences, about why some of us are great musicians and others great engineers.
I quote from James Watson
I was disappointed myself when I reached this conclusion, and I apologize if I had put it in a blunt and shocking way, I did not mean that blacks are inferior to whites or the reverse, I rather meant that each race has a special set of talents and that is why whites are more disciplined and better administrators and executives while blacks could be better artists and entertainers and the fact remains that obama has a sort of mixed race and he may have the best of both worlds 
.Tomorrow the Americans will decide and they should have the credit for that, they have proved that every one has the right to pursue his dreams and that at the end of the day it is uo to the people to choose, so if Obama looses (a remote possibility) I hope that no one says it is a sort of racism
 Believe me or not Mr Fawzy i was and will always be a civil rights advocate, but I also believe that I have the right to choose and say why
Best of luck for your Candidate

19   تعليق بواسطة   فوزى فراج     في   الإثنين ٠٣ - نوفمبر - ٢٠٠٨ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

, 1 These are the McCain supporters

No comments, a DVD was mailed to just about every household in America called Obsession, made by and distributed by and paid for by McCain rightwing neocons and supporters in the US, he never condemned it or opened his big mouth with a word of criticism, this article was written by a Jew, a Rabbi, condemning it, it speaks for itself

The "Obsession" film

Is there something wrong with being a Muslim in America?

by Rabbi Arthur Waskow

We need to explore the meaning of this question, which was raised - and answered - by Colin Powell in a recent major interview: "The correct answer is, he [Obama] is not a Muslim. He\\\'s a Christian. He\\\'s always been a Christian. But the really right answer is: \\\'What if he is?\\\' Is there something wrong with being a Muslim in this country? The answer is no. That\\\'s not America."

Of course Colin Powell is only partly right. Fear and even hatred of Islam is a part of the actual America at this moment of our history. It is also true that in part of America there is a real effort of Muslims, Jews, and Christians to learn from each other, make peace with each other -and beyond.

The atmosphere of fear and hatred toward Islam has actually increased in the US during the last few years. Why? Partly because it has been deliberately stimulated. But partly because of what psychologists call "cognitive dissonance." Most people who do something that runs against ordinary rules of decent behavior want to believe there is some extremely important reason to do it. So if you spend almost a trillion dollars and send thousands of Americans to their deaths and thousands more to lose their legs, arms, eyes, genitals, minds, and souls - all in order to kill Muslims who are not terrorists, do not have weapons of mass destruction, and are citizens of a weak and defenseless nation - it becomes imperative to see Muslims and Islam - without distinctions-as extremely dangerous. Not quite human. Not real Americans. Not one more thread in the lovely multi-colored fabric of American democracy.

And of course the fear and rage had a root in the actions of a small number of terrorists who did claim Islam as their justification, even though the mainstream organizations and leaders of Islam and the vast majority of Muslims in the world condemned the terrorist attack.

20   تعليق بواسطة   فوزى فراج     في   الإثنين ٠٣ - نوفمبر - ٢٠٠٨ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

These are the McCain supporters 2

But this disorganized fear and rage would have remained disorganized, inchoate, ineffective, if some organizations had not whipped it up.

Enter a DVD called "Obsession," which a month ago was mailed as a free embedded ad to the readers of more than a dozen major newspapers. At the time I briefly remarked upon its distortions and promised you a more through assessment. Then big chunks of the American and world economy fell apart, and my attention turned to what our traditions teach about a flourishing abundance - and its choke-off.

And just as anti-Jewish rage in the 1930s was a danger not only to Jews but also to all who affirmed a free democracy and sought to reempower the poor and the middle class, so widespread rage against Muslims today would be a danger not only to Muslims.

"Obsession" is an attempt to make not a band of terrorists but all Islam the enemy. Bad enough in itself; even worse that it was deliberately sent to millions of homes through newspapers in the major "swing states" of presidential politics. It was an attempt to transform religious fear and ignorance into religious hatred, and hatred into an election tool.

The film never shows the millions of Muslims, leaders and grass-roots, who spoke their grief and horror at the World Trade Center murders. It does not show the meetings of Muslim scholars and teachers who issued fatwas (decrees) against killing civilians, or the work of Muslim organizations that not only called for dialogue but took part in it and patiently sent teachers to explain Islam to Jews and Christians. It does not show the work of Muslim charities trying to meet the needs of desperately poor families, of sick children, in countries as far-flung as Pakistan and Palestine.

When the film does show Muslims at prayer, it delivers the message that Muslims who become murderers are the same as those who pray - rather than counter posing the hundreds of millions who pray with the hundreds who kill..

On the other side of the same coin, the film ignores violence perpetrated in the names of religious and nationalist ideals when they are committed by Jews, Christians, Hindus, Communists, patriotic Americans. I do not mean only such acts as blowing up the Federal building in Oklahoma City or killing 29 Muslims prostrate in prayer in the Tomb of Abraham or murdering hundreds of Irish folk because they espouse one wrong flavor or another of Christianity.

I mean also this: Killing thousands of civilians is mass murder whether it is done by turning a truck or a plane with no national flag upon it into a bomb ("terrorism"), or dropping bombs from airplanes with a national flag proudly painted on them ("war"). For an American president who proclaims himself a born-again Christian and depends on the political heft of millions of born-again Christians to kill at least 300,000 Iraqis smells to me as much of religious terrorism as does the murder of 3,000 people in the World Trade Center by a band that proclaimed itself devout Muslims.

21   تعليق بواسطة   فوزى فراج     في   الإثنين ٠٣ - نوفمبر - ٢٠٠٨ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

These are the McCain supporters 3

What to do?

Speak out against the obsessive fear of Islam. Speak out to highlight the most important line in Colin Powell's interview. Speak out to political candidates, urging them to speak in all sorts of houses of worship if they speak in any. Speak out to the publishers of the newspapers that carried "Obsession" as an ad, asking them whether a DVD about the "International Jewish Conspiracy" would have found so quick acceptance, no matter how much the money offered their shrinking bank accounts. Speak out to their editors and columnists as well, asking them to critically analyze the film. Since the producers of "Obsession" have announced a follow-up film called "Relentless," be proactive in addressing the future as well as the past.

Above all, do not leave the defense of Islam's dignity and honor to Muslims alone. Christians and Jews must make clear that their own celebration of the One affirms the diversity that alone can express the Infinite. (For a multi religious effort to address "Obsession," see the work of "Hate Hurts America" at http://www.obsessionwithhate.com .)

And listen - to the real sorrows and angers of different communities in the world, Arab and Muslim and Hispanic and African and Mountain White in the American West and Appalachia. Listen with the ears of our hearts before responding, and then respond. Through action.

The speaking out and the listening, even beyond our concern with truth, must flow from our concern for love.. For the love that all our traditions teach: love your neighbor as yourself. For the deep and loving understanding that the Quran teaches: God brought into the world different cultures and communities not for us to hate and despise each other but to lovingly know and deeply experience each other in our diversity.

22   تعليق بواسطة   عمرو اسماعيل     في   الثلاثاء ٠٤ - نوفمبر - ٢٠٠٨ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

I concede

You have won the debate with passionate comments, and I concede.

But why you consider those who released that DVD supporters of any of the canidates, they are but lunatic extremists that we have a lot of them in our societies and our stupid acts gave them the material of the DVD.

Crazy lunatics such as those are the same whether they are christians, Muslims or Jews. Rev. Wright would have made his stupid comment if he were a Muslim or a Jew.

and as I said before I may have supported Obama if he commented the same way as Collin Powel did when his middle name was used in the campaign, if his reply was what if I were a Muslim,  and if he said bluntly and frankly that he is proud of his father's name and islamic background, but he did not, he considered mentioning his middle name a negative attack. His response was exactly like the response of MacCain when someone claimed that Obama is an Arab, only in a more political way.

I concede and declare that you won this debate the same way as I expect, McCain will concede and declare that Obama won the election.

I only hope to complete this debate a year from now to see who was right and who was wrong in judging Obama, if both of us are alive at the time.

أما لأخي احمد ابراهيم وقبل انهاء هذا النقاش وانتظار نتائج الانتخابات .. فأعدك أن أكتب مقالا عن علاقة الجينات بالذكاء والسلوك ومدي تأثير البيئة .. هل تأثير البيئة أهم من تأثير الصفات الوراثية أم العكس .. من منظور علمي وليس عاطفي .. منظور علمي ليس له أي علاقة بالعنصرية ولا بالعاطفة .. 

23   تعليق بواسطة   عصام عمر     في   الثلاثاء ٠٤ - نوفمبر - ٢٠٠٨ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

نار الديمقراطيين ولا جنة الجمهوريين

هذا ما علمتني إياه إدارة بوش في الثمن سنوات الماضية.

ودمتم بألف صحة وعافية!

24   تعليق بواسطة   Mohamed Awadalla     في   الثلاثاء ٠٤ - نوفمبر - ٢٠٠٨ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

few hours and we will find out about the elections, and I do not know why we went too far with the genes thing, and what that got to do with Obama being the president of the United States, and why we did not say anything like that when Rice or Powell when they hold their positions on this Administration? and whoever try to tie the ghetto to Obama, I think they going too far as well, if you deal with 2 group of people differently would you get different results in the end? that what happened between white and black.

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تاريخ الانضمام : 2007-03-23
مقالات منشورة : 217
اجمالي القراءات : 2,488,276
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تعليقات عليه : 410
بلد الميلاد : Egypt
بلد الاقامة : Egypt