عدد أهل القرآن

الأربعاء ٠٨ - يوليو - ٢٠٠٩ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

نص السؤال:
how many follerwers by the ahl al-quran circa in egypt, and how many worldwide? do you know how many readers have your page?
آحمد صبحي منصور :

1- About the number of traffic in our site, my son Al Amir can answer it because he is our web master.
2- I used to publish in many different Arabic sites, being very busy I decide to publish only in one of them ( Modern Discussion). In this site I have more than one thousand readers come daily. In few years the total number of them is more than one million.
3- Many Arabic sites publish my writings, and many people distribute them , others copy than as I was told by many friends from different countries in the middle East.The Shiites use my articles against the Sunni trends , while some of the Sunni trends use my writing against the Sufi trend. The Secular and the Copts use my writings against the radical Sunni trends.
4- The old Quranists in Egypt were few thousands scholars. Most of them are silent because of the persecutions from the state and the religious Sunni trends and organizations. Internet brings to us more few thousands from the entire world, from China to America. I can say : Our number is increasing every day. We are more than 10 thousands now. I am talking about scholars not ordinary people , because not any one is considered to be Quranist. He has to be knowledgeable to understand the difference and the contradiction between Sunna and the Quran, and the difference between Islam as a religion and Muslims as a humans

مقالات متعلقة بالفتوى :
اجمالي القراءات 11141
أضف تعليق
لا بد من تسجيل الدخول اولا قبل التعليق
تاريخ الانضمام : 2006-07-05
مقالات منشورة : 4988
اجمالي القراءات : 53,595,119
تعليقات له : 5,333
تعليقات عليه : 14,632
بلد الميلاد : Egypt
بلد الاقامة : United State

مشروع نشر مؤلفات احمد صبحي منصور

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قاعة البحث القراني

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باب القاموس القرآنى

باب علوم القرآن

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