ßÊÇÈ The Seven Principles of the Real Islamic Sharia and How to Apply Them

في الخميس ١٦ - مايو - ٢٠٢٤ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

Introduction                                                                                                            3

Section 1: The Seven Principle of the Islamic Sharia                              8

Chapter 1: The first principle of the Islamic sharia: equality              9

Chapter 2: The second principle of the Islamic sharia: People self-rule within direct democracy and prohibition of tyranny 15

Chapter 3: The third principle of the Islamic sharia: absolute freedom of religion                                                                                 27

Chapter 4: The fourth principle of the Islamic sharia: justice   36

Chapter 5: The fifth principle of the Islamic sharia: Peace     42

Chapter 6: The sixth principle of the Islamic sharia:

The right to live                                                                                        47

Chapter 7: The seventh principle of the Islamic sharia: Mitigation and alleviation in legislations                                                54                 

Section 2: On How to Apply the Seven Principles of the Islamic

Sharia                                                                                                                        58

Chapter 1: The theoretical corruption of the Sunnite sharia    58

Chapter 2: An overview of how to apply Islamic sharia in

the Quran                                                                                                     65

Chapter 3:  Reform legislation                                                                       69

Chapter 4: Reform Al-Azhar                                                                73

Chapter 5: Reform Mosques                                                                98

Chapter 6: Reform education                                                            117

Conclusion                                                                                                             121