أجمل أربعين مثل في العالم

كاميل حليم في الأحد ٢٠ - يوليو - ٢٠٠٨ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

íÛáÈ ÇáÍÞ ÇáÈíä <br />
<br />
The soft words are more powerful than the naked truth <br />
Les mots doux sont beaucoup plus puissants de la v&eacute;rit&eacute; nue <br />
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ßáäÇ ßÇáÞãÑ .. áå ÌÇäÈ ãÙáã <br />
<br />
We are all like the bright moon, we still have our darker side <br />
On est tous comme la lune, nous avons en nous ce c?t&eacute; sembre <br />
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áÇ ÊÊÍÏì ÅäÓÇäÇð áíÓ áÏíå ãÇ íÎÓÑå <br />
<br />
Don't challenge someone whao has nothing to loose <br />
Ne lance pas un d&eacute;fi &agrave; quelqu'un qui n'a rien &agrave; perrdre <br />
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ÇáÚíä ÇáÊí áÇ ÊÈßí áÇ ÊÈÕÑ Ýí ÇáæÇÞÚ ÔíÆÇð <br />
<br />
The eye which doesn't know the meaning of tears, it doesn't know anything opf value <br />
L'oeil qui ne connait pas des larmes, elle ne connait rien de valeurs. <br />
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ÇáãåÒæã ÅÐÇ ÇÈÊÓã ÃÝÞÏ ÇáãäÊÕÑ áÐÉ ÇáÝæÒ <br />
<br />
Si le vaincu continu &agrave; garder son sourire il force le vainceur de perdre la jouissance du victoire <br />
If the loser keeps his smile the winner will loose the thrill of victory. <br />
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áÇ ÎíÑ Ýí íãäì ÈÛíÑ íÓÇÑ <br />
<br />
No benefit of a right without a left. <br />
Aucun profit d'une droite sans la gauche <br />
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<br />
ÇáÌÒÚ ÚäÏ ÇáãÕíÈÉ¡ ãÕíÈÉ ÃÎÑì <br />
<br />
The panic from a catastrophe is anothercatasrtophe <br />
La panic dans un cas catastrophique un une catastrophe <br />
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ÇáÇÈÊÓÇãÉ ßáãÉ ãÚÑæÝå ãä ÛíÑ ÍÑæÝ <br />
<br />
The smile is a famous word without letters <br />
Le sourire est un mot sans caract&egrave;res <br />
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<br />
ÇÚãá Úáì Ãä íÍÈß ÇáäÇÓ ÚäÏãÇ ÊÛÇÏÑ ãäÕÈß¡ ßãÇ íÍÈæäß ÚäÏãÇ ÊÊÓáãå <br />
<br />
Be cheerful when gettin-out as when you coming-in <br />
Soit acceuillant &agrave; ton d&eacute;part comme &agrave; ton arriv&eacute; <br />
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<br />
áÇ ÊØÚä Ýí ÐæÞ ÒæÌÊß¡ ÝÞÏ ÇÎÊÇÑÊß ÃæáÇ <br />
<br />
Don't be critic to yor wife's taste, she is the one who selected you at the first place. <br />
Ne soit pas criticant du go?t de ta femme, rappele-toi qu'elle ta choisie au premier lieu <br />
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<br />
áä ÊÓÊØíÚ Ãä ÊãäÚ ØíæÑ Çáåã Ãä ÊÍáÞ ÝæÞ ÑÃÓß æáßäß ÊÓÊØíÚ Ãä ÊãäÚåÇ ãä Ãä ÊÚÔÔ Ýí ÑÇÓß <br />
<br />
You can't chase worries flying over your head but you can do preventing them from nesting in your head <br />
Tu ne peux pas emp&ecirc;cher les craintes de voler en sessus de votre t&ecirc;te mais tu peux les emp&ecirc;cher de faire un nid dans ta t&ecirc;te <br />
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<br />
ÊÕÇÏÞ ãÚ ÇáÐÆÇÈ .. Úáì Ãä íßæä ÝÃÓß ãÓÊÚÏÇð <br />
<br />
Dive with the shark but bewarre not to be swallowed <br />
Nage avec les requins mais fais attention de ne pas &ecirc;tre avaler <br />
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<br />
Ðææ ÇáäÝæÓ ÇáÏäíÆÉ íÌÏæä ÇááÐÉ Ýí ÇáÊÝÊíÔ Úä ÃÎØÇÁ ÇáÚÙãÇÁ <br />
<br />
The demeanour will be thrilled in finding out a mistake of his great rival <br />
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<br />
Åäß ÊÎØæ äÍæ ÇáÔíÎæÎÉ íæãÇð ãÞÇÈá ßá ÏÞíÞÉ ãä ÇáÛÖÈ <br />
<br />
Every minute of anger will get you one more year older. <br />
Chaque minute de col&egrave;re vous rend un an plus vieux <br />
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end and don't <br />
<br />
Åä ÈÚÖ ÇáÞæá Ýä .. ÝÇÌÚá ÇáÅÕÛÇÁ ÝäÇð <br />
<br />
Elocution is an art so let listening be a similar art <br />
La diction est une art Il faut donc considerer l'&eacute;coute comme une art semblable <br />
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<br />
ÇáÐí íæáÏ æåæ íÒÍÝ ¡ áÇ íÓÊØíÚ Ãä íØíÑ <br />
<br />
The impossible can never decome possible <br />
L'impossible est impossible <br />
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<br />
ÇááÓÇä ÇáØæíá ÏáÇáÉ Úáì ÇáíÏ ÇáÞÕíÑÉ <br />
<br />
The gift of gab is a proof of jealousy <br />
La langue pendue est une preuve de la jalousie. <br />
** ** ** ** <br />
<br />
äÍä äÍÈ ÇáãÇÖí áÃäå ÐåÈ¡ æáæ ÚÇÏ áßÑåäÇå <br />
<br />
We have nostalgia for the past because it is gone. If it comes back we would hate it. <br />
Nous avons la nostalgie pour le pass&eacute; parce que nous l'avons quitt&eacute;, mais si il retournera nous allons le d&eacute;tester. <br />
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<br />
ãä ÚáÊ åãÊå ØÇá åãå <br />
<br />
The one whose ambition is great so his worries <br />
Celui qui as beaucoup d'ambition il a beaucoup de souci <br />
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<br />
ãä ÇáÚÙãÇÁ ãä íÔÚÑ ÇáãÑÁ Ýì ÍÖÑÊå Ãäå ÕÛíÑ æáßä ÇáÚÙíã ÈÍÞ åæ ãä íÔÚÑ ÇáÌãíÚ Ýí ÍÖÑÊå ÈÃäåã ÚÙãÇÁ <br />
<br />
People feel small in the presence of some of the great personality, , yet the greatest is the one who let all around him feel great as well <br />
Des gens qui sentent tout petit devant une grande personalit&eacute;, cependant une personne est digne d'&ecirc;tre appeler grand est celui qui laisse chaque personne de son entourage sentir important <br />
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<br />
ãä íØÇÑÏ ÚÕÝæÑíä íÝÞÏåãÇ ãÚÇð <br />
<br />
Celui qui chasse deux oiseaux en m&ecirc;me temps il les perd tous les deux <br />
Chase two birds at the same time and you will loose both. <br />
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<br />
ÇáãÑÃÉ åí äÕÝ ÇáãÌÊãÚ ¡ æåí ÇáÊí ÊáÏ æ ÊÑÈí ÇáäÕÝ ÇáÂÎÑ <br />
<br />
The woman is half the society and the one who educates the other half <br />
La femme est la moiti&eacute; de la soci&eacute;t&eacute; et c'est elle qui &eacute;l&egrave;ve l'autre moiti&eacute; <br />
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<br />
áßá ßáãÉ ÃÐä¡ æáÚá ÃÐäß áíÓÊ áßáãÇÊí¡ ÝáÇ ÊÊåãäí ÈÇáÛãæÖ <br />
<br />
For every word their is a listener and probably my words don't suit your ears. So please don't accuse me of being ambiguous <br />
Pour chaque mot en trouvera un &eacute;couteur et probablement mes mots ne te coviennent pas. Donc s'il te plait ne m'accuse pas d'&ecirc;tre un ambigu <br />
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<br />
ßáãÇ ÇÑÊÝÚ ÇáÅäÓÇä ÊßÇËÝÊ Íæáå ÇáÛíæã æÇáãÍä <br />
<br />
As more higher up one rises to as more clouds and problems will surround him. <br />
Plus que la personne s'&eacute;levera plus que ses probl&egrave;mes s'accro&icirc;tera <br />
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<br />
áÇ ÊÌÇÏá ÇáÃÍãÞ ¡ ÝÞÏ íÎØÆ ÇáäÇÓ Ýí ÇáÊÝÑíÞ ÈíäßãÇ <br />
<br />
Don't argue with an ignorant for it will be hard for people to differentiate between you <br />
Ne pas discuter avec un ignorant, le monde seront m&eacute;l&eacute;s entre vous <br />
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<br />
ÇáÝÔá Ýí ÇáÊÎØíØ íÞæÏ Åáì ÇáÊÎØíØ ááÝÔá <br />
<br />
The failure in planning will lead in planning to failure <br />
L'&eacute;chec en planification m&egrave;nera en planification vers l'&eacute;chec <br />
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<br />
ÞÏ íÌÏ ÇáÌÈÇä 36 ÍáÇð áãÔßáÊå æáßä áÇ íÚÌÈå Óæì Íá æÇÍÏ ãäåÇ æåæ .. ÇáÝÑÇÑ <br />
<br />
The coward will find 36 solutions to his problem but the one will like most is fleeing <br />
Le l&acirc;che trouvera 36 solutions pour son probl&egrave;me mais le plus qu'il pr&eacute;f&eacute;rera c'est de fuire <br />
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<br />
ÔÞ ØÑíÞß ÈÇÈÊÓÇãÊß ÎíÑ áß ãä Ãä ÊÔÞåÇ ÈÓíÝß <br />
<br />
Better set your path with a smile than with a sword <br />
Mieux creuser ton chemin avec un souris que le creuser avec une &eacute;p&eacute;e <br />
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ãä ÃØÇÚ ÇáæÇÔí ÖíóÚ ÇáÕÏíÞ <br />
<br />
If you listen to the telltale you will lose the friend <br />
Si tu &eacute;coutes le rapporteur tu perds l'ami <br />
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<br />
Ãä Êßæä ÝÑÏÇð Ýí ÌãÇÚÉ ÇáÃÓæÏ ÎíÑ áß ãä Ãä Êßæä ÞÇÆÏÇð ááäÚÇã <br />
<br />
Better being a cub in the family of Lions than being a king of the ostriches <br />
Mieux d'&ecirc;tre un lionceau dans une famille des lions qu'un roi des autruches.</p>
اجمالي القراءات 13298