What do they have in common?

فوزى فراج Ýí 2006-10-22

ith death and terror, people who faces the daily inconveniences in the airports or work whether they are Muslims or not, blame Muslims and Islam whether they say it loud or not Bush’s action had changed how the entire world views the US that was the symbol of freedom and the greatest human rights defender, to a nation that is more dangerous to world peace than Israel or Al-Qaeda, and that views does not only come from the Arab/Islamic world but form America's own allies and friends in Europe.

 Bin Ladden lives in hiding, may be in a cave somewhere, no one knows where, travels in total secrecy if he ever does , communicate his message by an audio tape or rarely now a video, delivered to Al-Jazeerah TV, his messages are ridiculous and unrealistic, his announced goals are unclear and unachievable. Bush lives in the White House, his travel schedules are known except when he flies secretly to Iraq, communicate his messages through most TV networks, his messages are unclear and his goals can not be defined either.

Bin Laden helps Bush greatly, in 2004 election, he won with a razor sharp margin beating John Kerry with the narrowest margin ever, Bin Ladden provided that margin by airing a video tape a couple of days prior to the election, which in every political analysis was the turning point for some of the undecided who thought Bush does a greater job protecting them from terrorism. Bush helped Bin Ladden tremendously by his invasion of Iraq and all the changes he made in the laws for home land security, add to that the G’tanamo and Abu Grieb incidents all that helped Bin Ladden and AL-Qaeda recruit more people to fight the infidels and the invaders.

Do we need more !!!

Now do they have anything in common, or are they two different faces for the same coin!!!!!

 Fawzy Farrag

اجمالي القراءات 13546

للمزيد يمكنك قراءة : اساسيات اهل القران
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تاريخ الانضمام : 2006-08-18
مقالات منشورة : 149
اجمالي القراءات : 3,473,541
تعليقات له : 1,713
تعليقات عليه : 3,274
بلد الميلاد : Egypt
بلد الاقامة : United State