10 Questions for President Obama

Tawfic Hamid Ýí 2012-05-21


Q1: If an Islamic Radical group declared Jihad on the US, will the President follow the view of his National Security Advisor John Brennan that 'Jihad' is a peaceful concept or, in his words, "a holy struggle and legitimate tenet of Islam" and thus send this radical group a 'thank-you' card, or will he consider their declaration a 'violent' threat to the US?
Q2: What will the president do to prevent the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt from using our US Aid to support the Hamas terrorist organization?
Q3: In the name of freedom the President supports gay marriage. Will he also -in the name of freedom- support the freedom of Muslims to practice female genital mutilation for Muslim girls in the US as it is acceptable and promoted by many Islamic scholars?
Q4: How would President Obama react if another Sep 11 occurred?Is he going to fight the ideological basis that drives the Jihadists to attack the US -or will he continue to ignore the role of the ideology in creating such a problem?
Q5: Why, when the President met with King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, did he only give him an Islamic Symbol (a verse from the Quran) without giving him a gift to represent our values (e.g. an icon of the Statue of Liberty)? Is he not proud of American values?
Q6: Why has the President invited to the Iftar dinner (during Ramadan) at the White House several Islamic organizations that have not made a clear and strong stand against Islamic Radicalism, and has not invited Muslim reformers such as Dr. Zuhdi Jasser and Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour - who clearly and unambiguously stand against Islamic Radicalism? Is there a reason or explanation for this discrimination against true Muslim reformers?
Q7: Will the President accept or allow parallel laws in the US- such as Sharia Law -knowing that this law clearly discriminates between men and women (for example; a man inherits double the woman) and justifiesanti-constitutional principles such as killing apostates, gays, and adulteries. It seems contradictory to support gay marriage and at the same time accept Sharia Law that promotes gay killing.  
Q8: Why has President Obama repeatedly expressed clear support for the rights of American Muslim women to wear the Hijab and has not shown similar support for the rights of American Muslim women -such as Rifqa Bary- to practice their freedom of religion in the US and convert to Christianity?
Q9: When President Obama supported the collection of Zakat (obligatory Islamic tax collected from Muslims by the Islamic Caliphate) by non-profit organizations within the US, did he know that according to traditional Islamic teaching, refusing to pay Zakat is punishable by death? Will he accept this should be practiced in the US?
If the President had known of this fact about Zakat,then it is a disaster. And if he had not known about this then he probably should consult better advisors when he speaks about Islam.
Q10: When you bowed to the king of Saudi Arabia in Aug 2009, were you doing this at a personal level or as the US President who was representing the US to Saudi Arabia?
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بطاقة Tawfic Hamid
تاريخ الانضمام : 2011-03-09
مقالات منشورة : 18
اجمالي القراءات : 157,733
تعليقات له : 0
تعليقات عليه : 0
بلد الميلاد : Egypt
بلد الاقامة : Egypt

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