a criminal trial of Mubarak‏ :
Colonel Mohamed ELghanam: asks for a criminal trial of Mubarak‏

على الغنام Ýí 2011-02-09


Specific accusations from Colonel Mohamed ELghanam, as presented at a Human Rights Conference held in London, to ask for a criminal trial of Mubarak before the Belgian Court.This article contains several specific accusations from ColonelMohamedELghanam, clarified before a Human Rights Conference held in London to ask for a criminal trial of Mubarak in the Belgian courts for committing serious crimes against the Egyptian people. I find myself obliged to repeat a small part of this article, since everyone must know as much as possible about the crimes committed deliberately by Mubarak against the Egyptian people, and from the start, Colonel Mohamed Ghanam cannot be doubted in his testimony because the man lived in, and belonged to the security system of Egypt for a long time, and has served as Director of Legal Research, Ministry of Egyptian Interior, and was described by Dr. Muhamad Abbas as "one of the rare experts" in the area of the Egyptian security. (Note:  ELghanam remains "disappeared" in the Swiss jails since his arrest in March, 2007, without charge or trial.)


 Col. Mohamed Elghanam Says to the   Conference on Human Rights, held in London: 
Peace to you, and mercy and blessings from God.
Ladies and Gentlemen:   the Arab peoples, whether in East or West, suffer from severe problems under the hands of ruthless governors, the rulers of most of our countries, who do not value or respect humanity, and who do not confess any human right, even the most basic human rights. 
Specifically, in Egypt the matter has reached a grave degree after twenty years of Mubarak's dismal rule;  he has endorsed repression, murder, and torture, as a governmental policy;  his official business is the looting of public money, and we find that the super-corrupt, ultra-delinquents have attained state posts; extreme corruption and treachery throughout the land has caused the current condition of our country, as all of you know! 
August assembly, my address will not be oratory or rhetoric, but will focus on actual Egyptian cases with clear evidence, to prove that tyranny and corruption are the two wings of the policy of the dictator Mubarak, and to expose as false Mubarak's   allegations that what we are watching [the killing operations and torture of Egyptian people at the hands of some police officers] are actions from the police themselves, and merely a personal deviation. The vast majority of your brothers, the officers and policemen with whom I was graced to work for more than twenty years, fear God, and are aware of the sanctity of human life and the generosity of the Creator, and they are innocent of the false allegations of Mubarak. 
What we are seeing, the killing and torture committed by some police officers, is the result of intensive pressure that Mubarak exerts on the police to drive them in this direction, with his intent to terrorize, or worse, the Egyptian population.  Confronted by Mubarak's pressure, the strongest officers stand firm and refuse to violate the law or disobey the Creator to please their corrupt Governor, while those less strong, or vicious themselves, fall into Mubarak's trap by killing and torturing their own people to grasp for position or financial reward. 
 The dictator, "Mubarak" controls the police by pushing them to approve his diabolical policy that depends on suppressing and terrorizing the people in order to ensure his continued governance, (in spite of the nose of every one), via various means; we will mention two of these means:
 First, allocation of sensitive leadership positions in police departments to deviant elements, who do not hesitate about killing or looting, so Mubarak, through those elements, will ensure his control over the police departments, and guide the whole police in the direction that achieves his malicious objectives. 
 Second, the protection of those who fall into his trap, who commit killing and torture of their brothers.  And here follow some real-life situations supported by solid evidence to demonstrate how Mubarak realizes these devices;  the primary means:  control of the police service by encouraging corruption, and the allocation of leadership positions to the deviant elements:-
 1)  Since some years ago, there was a trial of General / Talaat Kamel Nassar, who was convicted in crimes of embezzlement and forgery, and after a few years, specifically in 1991, he was sanctioned administratively about seized funds for police soldiers, so it was natural to expect the exclusion of  this officer immediately, but... What happened under Mubarak's rule was quite different:-
 Hassan Al-Alfi (former Minister of Interior) extended the service of this officer, in the rank of General, while retiring his honorable colleagues, so those colleagues established a lawsuit against the Interior Minister in the Administrative Court.  That Court  condemned the minister, describing his behavior as an abuse of his authority (the rule of the Administrative Court in case No. 2117 for the year 52 Justice, the Ninth Circuit on December 27, 1999), and it was required after this sentence to investigate the Minister of Interior to exclude this officer, (General Nassar) but what happened was the opposite:- 
 The current Interior Minister, "Habib Ibrahim Habib al-Adli" on August 1, 2000, extended the service of that General (Nassar) for another year, throwing out the judiciary sentence (Interior Minister's decree No. 809 of 2000). 
Then came the great disaster on January 25, 2001, when the dictator / Mubarak, within the celebrations of the festivals of the police, granted this officer (General Nassar) the privileged medal of the first order (the news published in Al-Ahram newspaper issued on Jan. 26, 2001, page 15.)  So, is this reasonable?!?
 Is it possible to reach to this extent of encouragement and protection of corruption!  Could this happen with any Governor who meets the minimum requirement of "honesty", which is a prerequisite of the conditions of validity of the ruling?!
2) –  - The same matter applies to General / Mohamed Mahmoud Shehata who was tried and convicted after being caught in smuggling of goods from Porsaeed's Customs Port using a stolen car on which he had changed the license plate.  However, did this finish his service ?   No, on the contrary, the same minister (called / Habib Ibrahim el-Adli)  extended his service in the rank of General, while transferring his honorable colleagues into retirement, which prompted them to file legal proceedings against him, via the Administrative Court, which condemned "Habib Ibrahim El Adly," describing his behavior as misuse and obscene deviation of power (the rule of the Administrative Court in the case No. 428 for the year 53 Justice, the Ninth Circuit). 
3) - The Egyptian ruler expanded his plan, in order to tighten his  control through degenerate leaders of police, to the police academy.  In a malicious attempt to cultivate the seeds of deviation among students at the Police College, he appointed General / Omar Hassan Ads as director of the Academy, in spite of Ads' known history of theft of scientific research, and taking bribes - including even residential units- from junior officers in return for granting them favorable transfers and other personal requests, and the newspaper "Al Shab" published some of these deviations.  Also, in an opinion condemning Ads, the General Assembly of the Fatwa and Legislation sections in the State Council ruled that the General illegally contracted, and by proxy signed on behalf of the Ministry of the Interior, with one construction company for the amount of  350 million pounds to build a new police academy (which Mubarak named for himself!)   [See the advisory opinion of the general assembly of the sections of the Fatwa and Legislation File No. 54 / 1 / 344, 1998]
I am saying that even after the General Assembly decided that the choice of the company was "far from all the rules of law" and was a violation of rules that were established to protect the public funds, and indicated the existence of manipulation, yet this officer was kept in the same job, there was no exclusion, he was kept in his position to spread his poison among the college's students.  Also, without any right or authority, he distributed large tracts of the land allocated to the Officers' Academy, to his friends and to senior officials in the country, and nothing was done about that manipulation.  But worse, and even more astounding,  after reaching retirement age, he was appointed by Fathi Sorour, (Director of Egyptian Parliament) as his adviser !! 
There are many, many similar cases.  Also, there are on the other hand, many other cases about honest officers who refused to participate in corruption and looting of public money, that were given as their reward a transport, punishment and separation.
 But, in consideration of your valuable time, I will only mention three examples, cases supported by judicial verdicts which are the emblem of Truth, and also supported by findings of the Opinion and Legislation Department of the General Assembly, which is the highest level of Judiciary opinion in Egypt. 
It goes without saying that the allocation of leadership positions to the likes of those officers who have in themselves a depravity, and to those who do not hesitate to do anything in order to achieve their interests, enables Mubarak to implement his policy of oppression by forcing the other officers with small and medium ranks to be involved in the killing and torture of innocent people.
 The second way: Mubarak's rewards and protections for those who fall into his trap, for those who commit killing and torture against the sons of the population : -
The very few police officers who, having bowed to the pressure exerted by Mubarak and the deviant leaders that he empowered with key positions in the police, carried on killing and torture of people, I am saying that those few persons, who were deceived by Mubarak and his aides, enjoy the care and the protection of Mubarak's ruling system:-  
 The Attorney-General, in most of these cases does not move any criminal complaint against them, but closes the investigation, or merely requests the Minister of the Interior to apply an administrative penalty, and perhaps this causes a laugh, the evil laugh when you know that the penalty against some of the policmen for torturing their fellow citizens, for injuring them, is only a warning, or docking of a half-day of salary; and even in those cases, when the Attorney General is obligated as a  result of pressure from human rights organizations or the media, to transfer some police officers who were found guilty of murder and torture to the judiciary, there is strong pressure exerted on judges to acquit the accused or issue lenient sentences against them.
 It is sufficient proof that the dictator Mubarak interferes in judicial work, that in his interview for an American magazine during his recent visit to the United States in March 2001, he admitted that he had ordered the Attorney General to cancel the accusation of treason, which was against Dr. / Saad Eddin Ibrahim, because it was "a bad crime, and the punishment is big"!    
 And worse than all of this, even in strict cases, when the courts give lenient sentences to some police officers found guilty of killing people and torturing them to death, the dictator Mubarak issues pardons for the police, and honors them, and gives them medals.
 I will mention in this regard, some examples: - 
1) - Each of Major / Tarek Fouad,  Major / Moatsam Ahmed, and Sergeant / Abdul Nasser Saleh, and others, tortured a citizen who was locked up in Fayoum prison, and in a brutal manner killed him by the horror of torture.  When the case was brought to trial, they were dealt with leniently, each given a light sentence of five years, although the penalty for the crime is 25 years hard labor.  Now I will mention to you, from the pleadings of the Criminal Court of Fayoum,  the method of killing the citizen:-
 "tied him with rope made of cloth and beat him with a stick and with a belt of leather, burned different parts of the body with cigarette butts and iron skewers red hot from a fire, caused the injuries described by the autopsy report, which terminated his life;  as well as the first defendant also: indecently assaulted the victim by force, by shoving a stick into his anus, as determined by the investigation. " 
Despite this brutal torture and that violent death, and in spite of this light sentence, the dictator named "Mohammed Hosni Mubarak," issued a Presidential Decree No. 32 of 1994 in February 1994, an amnesty for the officers and the Sergeant, and thus, they did not fulfill their sentences and returned to practice in the Ministry of Interior as if nothing had happened!! 
2) - Left Colonel / Hassan Ibrahim El Sohagy, tortured a citizen in a hideous manner, until he died in his hands, and during El Sohagy's appearance in the Court, the dictator / Mubarak, on January 25, 1994,  awarded  him the Order of Distinction of the second degree, so honoring him for torturing a son of the population to death, and as a clear sign to the Court that the system is protecting El Sohagy; so the court understood the sign and sentenced the officer to imprisonment for one year, of which he served only six months, not in jail, but in dignity at the Police Academy, and then they released him to return to his post in Cairo Investigations (he received the Order of Distinction by Presidential Decree No. 11, issued on January 20, 1994). 
In the interest of your valuable time, I mentioned only these two extremely revealing cases, which expose the blatant personal  intervention of dictator Mubarak to encourage killings and torture of the population's sons, although it is assumed that it is the responsibility of this dictator to take care of their interests and preserve the rights of his citizens.  I would like to draw your attention to the two resolutions referenced above, that these two Presidential Decrees, were issued within a period not exceeding fifteen days (January 20, 1994 to Feb. 5, 1994), which reveals the rate of issue of such resolutions and the rate of people killed under torture. 
And I wonder, i"5"> 
The most basic principles of justice refuse to let Mubarak escape from his crimes, such as the examples I presented to you with confirmed evidence, and I am calling on all those concerned with issues of human rights and democracy to join with me in solidarity in my efforts to bring the dictator Mubarak  before the Belgian Courts for criminal prosecution.  And I would like to inform you that I have already begun some contacts with a group of senior lawyers in Belgium to examine the possibility of providing  Mubarak to criminal prosecution for committing serious crimes against the people of Egypt which constitute flagrant violations of basic human rights norms, and I hope that whoever has evidence that could convict Mubarak, especially with regard to detentions and torture, will submit that evidence to the Islamic Marsad. 
 Dear listeners:  Mubarak knows that the people of Egypt reject and denounce his corrupt regime, so he depends on the tools of repression, terror, trickery and deception, to maintain power.   So it is no wonder that the state of emergency he imposed from the first day of his miserable rule has continued over twenty years until the present day; and it is not surprising that he has held tens of thousands of innocent people in prisons and detention camps for many years; and not surprising that he has deliberately forged the elections and manipulated the results, to the degree that in the last parliamentary elections he assaulted the voters, in some cases even shooting them, to prevent them from entering polling stations to cast their ballots; and so, Mubarak cannot stop his repressive policy, because his staying in power depends on it,  and human rights violations will continue in Egypt as long as Mubarak remains governor.  Removal of this tyrant from power is the only way to save our country and ensure the security of Egypt's sons, and I want to draw your attention in this regard as follows: -
First:  Mubarak depends on the policy of "divide and rule", seeking to provoke discord between Muslims and Copts and to maintain the state of tension and resentment in the relationship between those parties; in addition he seeks to make problems among the various opposition factions and feeds their differences, which demands that the opposition parties to join ranks and unite their words, since the murder, torture and looting of the people's money is rejected by all holy messages, and unacceptable to all philosophies and local systems.  The economic disaster that befell Egypt under Mubarak's rule, throwing Egypt's people into destitution and poverty, was not confined to adherents of one religion without the others, or any one political group, but the devastation attacked all, Muslims and Copts, the right and left.
 Second:  Mubarak depends on blackmail of the West, convincing them to support his regime by frightening the United States and Europe with the threat of an alleged Islamist danger, and some factions of the Egyptian opposition unwittingly support Mubarak in his claims by making extremist statements.   What requires continuous emphasis and confirmation is the fact that Islam is a religion of peace and security, co-existence and cooperation and respect for all other religions.
Third:  the Egyptian ruler seeks to antagonize the host countries for some factions of the Egyptian opposition abroad of those factions, in a malicious attempt to divert the attention of the opposition abroad on issues far from the homeland real cases, and to drag them to differences subsidiary with democratic nations to be hosted, which requires attention to these malicious attempts. 
Conclusion:  I wish to all the participants in this conference every success, and hope this assembly will gather at the earliest opportunity in Cairo after the liberation.  Tommorow will arrive soon. 
Peace and God's mercy and blessings be upon you, 

Colonel.  Dr / Mohamed Ghannam 
Former Director of legal research, the Egyptian Interior Ministry 
Curently: a political asylee in Switzerland.
    N.B. .ELghanam remains " disappeared" in the Swiss jails since his arrest in March 2007, without charge or trial
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