Answering those who say that Quran contradicts itself (Introduction)

????? ????? Ýí 2007-04-04

is for protein so imagine from 20 amino acids how may proteins can you form (whether the proteins are functioning or not).

Water in the early ages of earth used to contain so many organic compounds including amino acids so the probability that the amino acids were united in particular sequence and number to form the living material by coincedence is nearly zero..... How, let me make it more simple:

Imagine that you are carrying so many small pieces of papers and on each peace there is an alphabet letter. Then imagine that you are throwing these papers on a table in an unorganised fashion. What will be the probability of forming to word (People of Quran) due to that throwing..... I will let you decide
المزيد مثل هذا المقال :

- The primary living material is made up of protein and scientists have discovered that proteins can not be formed without the presence of a genetic code encoded in the nucleic acid (DNA). So from where did that nucleic acid come from? And what makes it more complicated is the fact the the nucleic acid itself can not be formed without the presence of particular proteins (enzymes) so it is like a never ending chain.

So the second choice was that I am created by an intellegent designer (whether directly or through evolution) and that is the thing which is so logic to me. Yes GOD exists no matter how hard atheists tried to prove something else because they will be always in a never ending chain.

But again I faced another problem. Is it real that GOD will feel angry and will punish me if I shaved my beard? Is it real that GOD will feel angry if I put a photo of my family ,which I love, in my house? Is it real that GOD created better men than me whom I can reach GOD only through them. Is it...Is it... Is it...

So I searched again and again till I was guided by the help of GOD to the path which I felt much better with. I was guided to a path which increased my believe in GOD. I was guided to the noble Quran.......
اجمالي القراءات 18361

للمزيد يمكنك قراءة : اساسيات اهل القران
التعليقات (2)
1   تعليق بواسطة   حسام مصطفى     في   الثلاثاء ١٠ - أبريل - ٢٠٠٧ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

English and Arabic

Salam Sharief
This is a huge effort to write in two tongues.

my comment to you in your arabic article iis now followed by more two comments, and I sent an email to you

some times english is more precise than arabic, but not all people know english nor arabic.

so please think with me, what is the deference between

Earth and Land

You feel the word Earth is very near to AARD in arabic

and in German it is "Aarde"

so, I beleive that AARD is any planent. or any solid object that is not Gasous or Fluid

Further more, Aard can hold, contain, or (swim) in gas or fluid.

Then, 7 Heavens ar also 7 Earths.
what is above you is a heaven (Ceiling) and what is under you is earth (Floor).

But do not forget that, Earth is a ball, and heaven is surrounding it, then, Above, Under, Left, and Right, are all relative words for your frame of refrence.

The only correct word is IN, while we are (in) heaven and (in) earth.

Hosam Mostafa

2   تعليق بواسطة   ????? ?????     في   الثلاثاء ١٠ - أبريل - ٢٠٠٧ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

Dear brother Hosam Mostafa

Thank you very much for commenting.

As i see your suggestion is interesting and sounds very logic. But it actually needs time to write an article about and discuss.

So I prefer discussing it after finishing our answer to those who say that Quran contradicts itself. Or what do you think?

I am really glad that you are sharing your thoughts and I'll be more glad to see you giving your opinions about the discussion.

This is my e-mail for furthur contact:

Thanking you sincerly,
Your brother Shadi

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