News from Universal Peace Federation‏

محمد البارودى   في الخميس ٠٥ - نوفمبر - ٢٠٠٩ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

November 4, 2009
Vol 4, Issue 25
A Blessing of Peace for the World
WPB Seoul, Korea - The Universal Peace Federation represented by several hundred Ambassadors for Peace was delighted to participate in the World Peace Blessing of 20,000 couples just concluded in Korea. It was an extraordinarily rich festival of love, friendship, and reconciliation that also captured the attention of the world's media, with reports running in more than 120 nations.
Conference on Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue
BangladeshDhaka, Bangladesh - "The present world is torn by interreligious and intercultural conflicts," noted the President of Bangladesh, Md. Zillur Rahman, as he inaugurated the first International Conference on Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue in the University of. He went on to highlight the significance of this three-day program by explaining the importance of conducting interreligious dialogue in an environment of tolerance and openness and saying, "There is no alternative to dialogue."
Ambassador for Peace Awards in Kiev
AFPKiev, Ukraine - The UPF held a workshop as well as an annual award ceremony as part of the "Ambassador for Peace - 2009" program on in Kiev. Ambassadors for Peace had the opportunity to get acquainted with the main points of UPF's philosophy. At the end of the workshop the participants watched the "Determined Man" video, which enabled them to understand better the life and achievements of the UPF founder, Dr. Sun Myung Moon.
Global Peace Convention

The Global Peace Convention is coming to the Philippines. Find out how you can participate!
Video: Global Citizen
Click on the image to view the video. Download Powerpoint Presentations in multi-languages
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