Afghanistan and Pakistan: An Urgent Need for Information‏

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Afghan Presidential candidate Frozan Fana being interviewed by journalists
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Internews' Masood Farivar on CNN International
Masood Farivar On Friday, CNN International's "Connect the World" program featured an interview with Masood Farivar, Manager of Salam Watandar (Hello Countryman), Internews' radio programming service for Afghanistan. The interview, which aired live, focused on the role of the media in Afghanistan. Anchor Max Foster asked Farivar to comment on his own background as a New York-based journalist who chose to move back to his native Afghanistan after the fall of the Taliban to help rebuild the independent media there.
In Afghanistan, Special Post-Election Coverage to Focus on Accountability
Salam Watander, the Internews-supported radio programming service, is doing special reporting on the aftermath of Afghanistan's elections. On Monday the service aired live coverage of the Independent Elections Commission press conference announcing that, with Abdullah Abdullah pulling out of the planned runoff election for president, Hamid Karzai was the winner. In the coming weeks, Salam Watandar's flagship current affairs show, Bakhabar ("Look Out"), will focus on the theme of government accountability. Reporting will cover the extent to which the re-elected president delivers on campaign promises to bring security to his homeland and to root out corruption, a demand made of him by the international community. As part of its focus on Karzai's mandate to clean up his administration, Salam Watandar will also track new cabinet appointments and the appointment of one-third of the members of Mishrano Jirga (the Upper House of Parliament) following the presidential inauguration in two weeks.
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November 4, 2009


Afghanistan and Pakistan: An Urgent Need for Information

The escalating conflicts in Afghanistan and Pakistan underline the urgent need for people to have access to reliable and trusted sources of news and information in their own language. Internews has been working in this region since 2002 to empower local media to get information to those who need it most.

For One Afghan Girl, Journalism Prevails Over Medicine

She has her two legs firmly on two different boats – journalism – and the other is the hope of her parents – to be a medical doctor. Ultimately, 19-year-old Faza Noorzai thinks, her choice will prevail in her long-term career. "My parents are very happy that I will become a doctor," beamed Ms Noorzai. "And, I am happy that I am already a journalist." Ms Noorzai goes to the private Ariana University in Jalalabad every afternoon for her medical course. But, it is Sharq Radio and Nargis Radio where she starts her day at 7:30am. (More)

Nabeela Aslam – A Pakistani Journalist Gives Women a Voice

Nabeela Aslam“Women speaking about issues in their own voices is very powerful. We need more women on air!” says Nabeela Aslam, Executive Producer, Meri Awaz Suno, Pakistan. Aslam came to Internews from a print background. Now, she says, all she wants to do is radio. For Nabeela, doing radio mainly means reporting, producing, training and marketing for Meri Awaz Suno (“Hear My Voice”), the Internews-supported women’s radio production house which produces Pakistan’s first syndicated radio program by the same name. (More)


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Banner photo: Dr. Frozan Fana, a candidate for president in Afghanistan, is interviewed by the press (Salam Watandar)
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