October 28, 2009 News Update‏

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Institute on Religion and Public Policy
IRPP News Update
28 October 2009
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Dear Institute News Update Subscribers:
The Institute has provided its Daily News Update free of charge each day since 2005. Each day for the past four years, you have received the most up to date news and information from around the globe in your inbox without cost.
Since we do not accept funds from any religion or any government and only do accept them from individuals, the Institute was considerably struck by the economic downturn.
As you can all imagine, preparing and sending the Daily News Update is a significant use of staff time and resources. In order to adjust for the economic downturn and the expense that is the News Update, beginning today, the Institute will no longer compile a number of stories for each regional section.  Instead, our staff will focus on one major story for each region and will develop that with original content.
With this new content and layout, the Institute will begin to charge for the Daily News Update beginning on November 15. 
The new rates will be $19.99/year for college students; $39.99/year for individuals; and $59.99/year for institutions.
Subscribers can sign up to the new service on the Institute's
Thanks very much!
Joseph K. Grieboski
Founder and President
Institute on Religion and Public Policy



Judge Tells Feds They Cannot Deem Local Charity as Terrorist Group 
UNITED STATES - An Ohio federal district judge has ordered that a local Muslim charity cannot be labeled as a terrorist organization pending the outcome of a civil case.
The court issued a preliminary injunction restricting the U.S. Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control from moving ahead to designate Kindhearts, a Muslim charity, as "Specially Designated Global Terrorist" group.


Chicagoans Accused of Revenge against Danish Newspaper
DENMARK - Federal prosecutors charged two Chicago men on planning an attack on Jyllands-Posten, the Danish newspaper that published the Muhammad cartoons in 2005.
David Coleman Headley and Tahawwur Hussain Rana met when they were cadets at an acclaimed college in Pakistan. They reunited in Chicago to allegedly work with international terrorists to take revenge on the Danish newspaper. United States federal authorities caught the individuals before they could carry out the attacks.
Middle East

Female MPs No Longer Have to Wear Hijab Headscarfs
KUWAIT CITY - On Wednesday, Kuwait's constitutional court ruled that the election of two female MPs was valid even though they refused to wear hijab headscarves.
According to the Agence France Presse, the court said the election law failed to specify the type of regulations to which women must adhere. The two women are the first female MPs to refuse to wear the hijab.


Killings and Rapings of Guinea Protestors Premeditated 
REPUBLIC OF GUINEA - According to Human Rights Watch, the brutal killings of Guinea protestors in September were "premeditated and preplanned at the highest level". They have joined forces with the EU and are calling for junta members to be tried for human rights violations.
The crackdown, which took place 28 September, took place at a sports stadium where protestors were gathered to demand Captain Moussa Dadis Camara opt out of January elections. Soldiers blocked stadium exits and then systematically raped and killed the protesters. Activists have reported that 157 people died, many due to being trampled to death in the resulting chaos. Thousands of others were injured in the attacks.

South Asia

Moro Muslims and Philippine Military Join Forces 
PHILIPPINES - General B. Dolorfino, commander of the armed forces of Western Mindanao, announced today that the Philippines army will accept the support of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) to secure the release of Fr. Sinnott, an Irish Columban missionary kidnapped on 11 October in Pagadian (Mindanao).
The cooperation comes as a result of an agreement signed on 27 October in Malaysia between the Philippines government and the MILF rebels on the protection of civilians.

East Asia & Oceania
Swine Flu: Mandatory Vaccinations for Chinese Muslims  
CHINA - The global threat of swine flu has served as a catalyst for China to vaccinate almost 13,000 people heading to Makkah for pilgrimage. Asia News reported that the United Arab Emirates has stockpiled 900,000 doses of the vaccine. Two thousand pilgrims in Ningxia have already been vaccinated.
According to the World Health Organization, 415,000 people have been infected with the virus and over 5,000 people have died from swine flu worldwide. On Sunday, swine flu claimed the life of a third victim in China. The infected individual lived in Xinjiang, which has a large Muslim Uyghur population. The other victims lived in Tibet and Qinghai.
Russia & CIS 
RUSSIA - Health campaigners have pressed Russia to adopt what they consider to be more effective methods in fighting HIV and AIDS.
At a meeting in Moscow today, AIDS specialists urged Russia to establish needle exchange programs and to institute heroin substitutes, such as methadone, to stem a fast-growing HIV epidemic. 
Disclaimer: The Institute on Religion and Public Policy does not endorse or adhere to views or opinions expressed in the articles posted. This is purely an information service to inform interested parties of news, information, events and trends.

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