اضيف الخبر في يوم الجمعة ٢٠ - نوفمبر - ٢٠٠٩ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً.


Copied From –The Seventh Day
The Egyptian Initiative demands his immediate release
Friday November 20 2009
Naahid Nessr wrote:
Mr. Adel Ramadan, official within the legal department at the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights, called for the immediate release of his client, Abdullateef Mohammad Sa’eed (Quranist), who was detained, Wednesday evening, at Cairo Airport, then transferred to Shubral Kheima Investigation center yesterday-Thursday- without any reason, indicating that his whereabouts were completely in the dark since his transfer, and currently he does nor know anything about him or how to get in touch with him.
Mr. Adel Ramadan said that there was no legal justification for his client’s detention or for banning him from travel. He retorted that the Government defense submitted that there was no decision prohibiting his client from travel, or that his name was on any prohibition list, as indicated by the outcome of the lawsuit filed by the Initiative at the Court of Judicial administration, against Minister of the Interior, and the chief of State Security Department, and the chief of Passports, Immigration and Naturalization, to stop executing the decision to ban him from travel.
Mr. Adel Ramadan added that, it was the information provided by the government defense that prompted his client to exercise his right in moving about and his decision to travel to the Sudan to support the Egyptian national soccer team last Wednesday. He was surprised to be detained, then transferring him for interrogation without any lawful cause.
Mr. Adel Ramadan said that the government defense was misleading for the Court, by submitting inaccurate information about not having his name on the list of banned individuals from travel, whereas in reality, security authorities used its influence over airport authorities to ban his client from travel in violation of the law, and without having an official decree banning him from travel.
The Initiative submitted a report yesterday to the Attorney General, to investigate the incident of unlawful detention of Citizen Abdullateef Mohammad Sa’eed, and the report has been processed and sent to Al Qelyubeyya public persecution office.   
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