Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy:
Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Nineteen

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2019-03-29


Fatwas Part One-Hundred-and-Nineteen



Issued by: Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour, translated by: Ahmed Fathy




Dead Animals and Blood

Published in March 20, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, … Why are not fish and liver prohibited in the Quran despite the fact that fish is practically among 'dead animals' and livers of animals contain blood? Any ideas? … Thank you …    


 Of course, all food items coming from the rivers, seas, and oceans are permissible: "Permitted for you is the catch of sea, and its food-as sustenance for you and for travelers..." (5:96); "And it is He who made the sea to serve you, that you may eat from it tender meat..." (16:14); "The two seas are not the same. One is fresh, sweet, good to drink, while the other is salty and bitter. Yet from each you eat tender meat..." (35:12). Blood of animals is not to be consumed as food/drink: "Say, "In what was revealed to me, I find nothing forbidden to a consumer who eats it, except carrion, or spilled blood, or the flesh of swine - because it is impure - or a sinful offering dedicated to other than God. But if someone is compelled by necessity, without being deliberate or malicious-your Lord is Forgiving and Merciful." (6:145). Livers of animals are not blood per se and they can be consumed. For more details, we refer you to these two articles:







Torture of Ammar Ibn Yasser and his Family

Published in March 20, 2019



Question: … Dear Sir, … Whenever I read in Sunnite history books about the story of Meccan polytheists torturingAmmar Ibn Yasser and his family members, I cannot help but wonder why Prophet Muhammad did not implore the Lord God to save them?! … Thank you …


 We of not believe any stories about Muhammad outside the Quran; any accounts about him in Mecca or Yathreb, outside the Quran, are mere fabrications. As for history, its accounts are relative truths; they may be true or false; they are not absolute truths like Quranic verses. In the fictional story ofAmmar Ibn Yasser (if indeed such a historical figure existed) contains a line which proves that it contradicts the Quran; i.e., the idea that Muhammad predicted thatAmmar Ibn Yasser and his family members will enter into Paradise. The Quran tells us that Muhammad never knew about the metaphysical realm of the future in this world and the next one. You should never believe in Sunnite books at all, especially the fake narratives and biographies of Muhammad.







About the Quranic Verses 85:21-22 and 56:78

Published in March 21, 2019



Question: … Dear Sir, … I do not understand the difference between the Quranic descriptions of the Quran itself in 85:21-22 and 56:78. What about the Quranic phrase "the Mother of the Book"? .......... Any ideas? … Thank you …


 Of course, before its revelation/descent, the Quranic text has been protected and preserved in heaven: "In fact, it is a Glorious Quran. In a Preserved Tablet." (85:21-22); "It is a noble Quran. In a well-protected Book. None can grasp it except the purified. A revelation from the Lord of the Worlds." (56:77-80). Thus, the Quranic verses never touch except pure hearts of those monotheists who believe in the Quran as the Lord God's Word and the Only Discourse in Islam. As for the Quranic expression "the Mother of the Book", it refers to two things: (A) the source of all Divine Scriptures, including the Quran: "We made it an Arabic Quran, so that you may understand. And it is with Us, in the Mother of the Book, sublime and wise." (43:3-4), and (B) the preordained fates imposed on human beings during their lifetimes on earth: "...For every life-duration is a Book. God abolishes whatever He wills, and He affirms. With Him is the Mother of the Book." (13:38-39).      







About the Quranic Term (Maqt)

Published in March 21, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, … I'd like you to explore the term (Maqt) which is repeated in the Quranic text … Thank you …    


 We refer you to our article covering this topic, in English, on this link:







An Arabic Quran

Published in March 22, 2019



Question: … Dear Sir, … I shall never understand the reason of the repeated Quranic assertion that the Quran is in Arabic; no one can argue it is in English or in any other tongues, right?! What do you think? … Thank you …      


 We do not like the tone of sarcasm in your question; do you mock the Quran or what?! The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "We have revealed it an Arabic Quran, so that you may understand." (12:2); "We made it easy in your tongue, so that they may remember." (44:58). Despite the fact that the Quran has descended in the Arabic tongue, Arabs during the lifetime of Muhammad and the Arabs of later eras until now have never pondered it deeply; most of them have rejected the Quran: "But your people rejected it, though it is the truth. Say, "I am not responsible for you." For every happening is a finality, and you will surely know." (6:66-67). This is proved by the fact that once Muhammad died, Arabs of Arabia initiated their crimes known as the Arab conquests. Hence, the Quran will be a testimony against them on the Day of Judgment. Billions of human beings have reached an elevated moralistic level without knowing about the Quran; in contrast, billions of Arabs in the eras following the revelation of the Quran have lived in the lowest levels of morals because they have rejected the Quran despite its descent in their Arabic tongue. The meanings of the Quranic verses are now translated into most living tongues. The Quran is the Book of Guidance for those who seek to be guided; those who misuse it and seek to undermine its verses and warp their meanings are the misguided disbelievers: "We send down in the Quran healing and mercy for the believers, but it increases the wrongdoers only in loss." (17:82). Hence, it is NOT a problem that the Quran is read in Arabic or in any other tongues within translation; the problem is that most human beings in all eras do not believe in it. The test of human beings includes their freedom to choose to (dis)believe and to (dis)obey and to be (mis)guided. 








Schizophrenic People and Judgment

Published in March 22, 2019



Question: … Dear Sir, … I do not know if you have a measure of knowledge about psychology/psychiatry or not, but my question is as follows: how would the deeds of schizophrenic people who have double personalities (a good one and an evil one, perhaps) are recorded by the angels? How will the deeds of such ill people be judged on the Last Day? Any ideas?  … Thank you …      


 Of course, the Lord God will judge our intentional deeds which are done within free will and predetermination, and not the involuntary deeds in cases of madness/insanity or illness. The Lord God will judge if schizophrenic people (or any other mentally disturbed people) are aware of their deeds or not and if they pretend being ill or not. Of course, recording deeds by the angels include recording intentions and what is hidden inside hearts/minds of all human beings.








A Sound Heart

Published in March 22, 2019




Question:  … Dear Sir, … What is meant by the Quranic term "a sound heart" in the story of Abraham: "And do not disgrace me on the Day they are resurrected. The Day when neither wealth nor children will help. Except for him who comes to God with a sound heart."" (26:87-89)?… Thank you …        


 A sound heart is the heart/mind/soul that does not contain any percentage of polytheism; i.e., deifying/sanctifying things/mortals alongside with the Lord God. Thus, monotheism is to dedicate 100% of one's religion, devotion, and worship only to the Lord God. the unsound heart/mind/soul is the one which contains 1% or less or more percentages of polytheism by deifying things/mortals; those who die as polytheists are never forgiven by the Lord God and will enter into Hell in the Hereafter. The Quran mentions these words of Jesus: "...worship God, my Lord and your Lord. Whoever associates others with God, God has forbidden him Paradise, and his dwelling is the Fire. The unjust ones have no saviors."" (5:72). Since his young age, Abraham was never a polytheist, and in 26:87-89, we see his sincere supplication to the Lord God. Here are other verses about Abraham: "Say, "My Lord has guided me to a Straight Path, an upright religion, the creed of Abraham the monotheist, who was not a polytheist."" (6:161); "Then We inspired you: "Follow the religion of Abraham the monotheist. He was not a polytheist."" (16:123); "We gave Abraham his guidance formerly, and We knew him well." (21:51); "When he came to his Lord with a sound heart." (37:84).  








Avoiding Them and Distancing Oneself

Published in March 24, 2019



Question:  … Dear Sir, … In this YouTube video on this link:..........., a Wahabi sheikh is trying to refute you and to verbally abuse you, and he says that the Quran needs Sunna hadiths! This is utter blasphemy; why do not you make a video to refute his views and to defend yourself against his accusations leveled against you?! … Thank you …      


 Thank you for your interest and support; yet, we do not have the luxury of time to respond to such ignoramuses who abuse our person within the cyberspace. We undermine and refute their Sunnite/Wahabi religion of Satan within our writings and videos; this is enough; this infuriates them very much because they cannot refute our Quranism however hard they would try. Besides, the Quran commands real believers to avoid and to distance themselves away from ignoramuses and polytheists. Each one chooses for oneself one's path in life; the Lord God will settle our disputes regarding religion on the Last Day. "And say to those who do not believe, "Act according to your ability; and so will we." "And wait; we too are waiting."" (11:121-122).







Tangible Miracles

Published in March 24, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, … Would you explain this Quranic phrase in this Quranic verse to me: "Even if there were a Quran, by which mountains could be set in motion, or by which the earth could be shattered, or by which the dead could be made to speak..." (13:31)? … Thank you …   


 This means that during Muhammad's lifetime, the polytheists of Arabia desired that the Quranic verses would be used as incantations or magic words of sorcerers to work tangible miracles  before their eyes; they never believed in the Quran; they desired to experience tangible miracles like the ones granted by the Lord God to Moses and Jesus. They never understood the fact that the Quranic text is the only miracle of Islam, which will last until the end of days, and that it addresses the minds of those monotheists who believe in the Lord God and in the Hereafter. In 13:31, we see that the Lord God has refused to grant Arabs any tangible miracles. 






Writers of Articles within the Quranism Website

Published in March 24, 2019



Question: … Dear Sir, … I am still a novice; I'm currently reading your archive of writings and I also read articles of the other writers on your great Quranism website. Yet, I can see within the content of some articles of some writers that they are not Quranists at all. How do you define a Quranist, then? Why do you allow non-Quranists to write articles about religious or political reform? Would you please give me a list of non-Quranist writers or of those who are truly Quranist writers of articles on your website? … Thank you …     


 Such a list is impossible to make; of course, some writers within our website are not Quranists but they share our stance of the dire need to introduce religious and political reform in Egypt and in the Arab world, such as the Egyptian-Norwegian journalist Mr. M. Abdel-Meguid, the Egyptian medical doctor and journalist Dr. Khaled Montasser, the Egyptian lawyer Mr. Shadi Taalat. We welcome non-Quranist writers who have their views of political reform and have a flair for social and political criticism; of course, they also criticize the Wahabi religion of the KSA and the backwardness and obscurantism which are spread in the Arab world. By the way, non-Quranist writers are not allowed to quote hadiths within our website even if they write about politics. Of course, variations within views of Quranist writers are normally expected as they have different age-groups, levels of life-experience, social, cultural, and educational backgrounds, and levels of pondering the Quranic text. Quranist writers are not parrots who repeat our own ideas; many of them have their own ponderings of the Quran that may differ from our own. Yet, all Quranist writers share certain items; e.g., their disbelief in hadiths and fiqh. Of course, we, the founder of this website, profit by engaging into fruitful dialogues with all trends of thought. You are the one to decide (as per what you read) who are Quranist writers and who are the non-Quranist ones; you are free to decide (not) to read articles of those non-Quranists. We hope you will read and learn from every writer, though. This will enrich your life experience and will make you learn that we are the generation of dialogue; the other generations who will emerge after our death will be the generations of choice. To define what a Quranist person means is still debatable by some writers on our website. We loosely define Quranists as those who reject the hadiths, myths, and fiqh of the Sunnite, Shiite, and Sufi religions of Satan. This is the shared notion within the minds of all true Quranists; the persons who believe in some/few hadiths are never Quranists. Yet, the different ponderings of the Quran by Quranists make them individuals and not exact replicas of one another. Thus, rest assured, our son, that when you do not approve of some views of ours or of other Quranist writers, this will NOT make you a non-Quranist. A true Quranist makes up his/her own mind regarding all Quranist issues raised on our website.     







Corpses of Israeli Soldiers

Published in March 25, 2019


Question: …  Dear Sir, … The modern state of Israel is keen on retrieving corpses of Israeli soldiers who are killed; why is that? Does this have anything to do with Judaism? …  Thank you …        


 We assume that this is has to do with their creed of having to bury the dead Jews/Israelites within the so-called the Promised Land.







Thieves, Drunkards, and Fornicators Entering into Paradise?!

Published in March 25, 2019




Question: … Dear Sir,  … I came across your website weeks ago........... What is your view of the known hadith about the archangel Gabriel saying to the Prophet Muhammad that even thieves, drunkards, and fornicators will enter into Paradise if they die as monotheists?  … Thank you …


 You have to know that true Quranists reject 100% of hadiths. There are no such a thing as 'true' or 'authentic' hadiths. Please read on within our website and watch all our YouTube videos. The silly Sunnite hadith you have quoted show that the Sunnite religion of Satan encourages committing grave sins and leading a promiscuous lifestyle. Real monotheists are pious, repentant ones who do not commit grave sins. We have refuted this silly, laughter-inducing hadith in previous writings and videos of ours.







Praying inside Their Mosques?!

Published in March 25, 2019



Question: … Dear Sir, …  In case that I'm walking in a street and I'm about to miss prayers, is it OK to perform them alone inside a mosque? What should I avoid in that case, then?…  Thank you …


 Do not pray near a mausoleum; do not listen to polytheistic sermons of the Muhammadans; focus and concentrate within your prayers on piety and you will never get distracted by any signs or words of polytheism inside such mosques. Better still, you can pray anytime and anywhere (even inside a vehicle or while sitting on a chair) away from such mosques of polytheism.







The Straight Path

Published in March 26, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir,  … Does the Quranic expression "Straight Path" refer only to the Quran? … Thank you …     


 It refers to the Quran and to monotheism/Islam; in some cases, it refers to both the Quran and Islam/submission to God. The Lord God says the following in the Quran: "Guide us to the Straight Path. The path of those You have blessed, not of those against whom there is anger, nor of those who are misguided." (1:6-7); "Say, "My Lord has guided me to a Straight Path, an upright religion, the creed of Abraham the monotheist, who was not a polytheist." Say, "My prayers and my worship, and my life and my death, are devoted to God, the Lord of the Worlds. No associate has He. Thus I am commanded, and I am the first of those who submit." (6:161-163); "This is the Straight Path of your Lord. We have explained the verses in detail for people who recollect." (6:126); "This is My path, straight, so follow it. And do not follow the other paths, lest they divert you from His path. All this He has enjoined upon you, that you may attain piety." (6:153); "God is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him-this is a Straight Path." (43:64); "So adhere to what is revealed to you. You are upon a Straight Path. It is a message for you, and for your people; and you will be questioned." (43:43-44); "It is a portent of the Hour, so have no doubt about it, and follow Me. This is a Straight Path." (43:61); "We thus inspired you within Our Spirit by Our command. You did not know what the Scripture is, nor what faith is, but We made it a Light...You surely guide to a Straight Path. The Path of God, to whom belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. Indeed, to God all matters revert." (42:52-53). 







Memorizing the Quranic Text by Heart

Published in March 26, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir,  … Does the Lord God command us to memorize the entire Quranic text by heart: "In fact, it is clear verses in the hearts of those given knowledge. No one renounce Our verses except the unjust ones." (29:49)? Any ideas? … Thank you … 


 You misunderstand 29:49. There is no Quranic command to memorize the entire Quranic text by heart. We understand from 29:49 that only real monotheistic believers with deep Quranic knowledge ponder the Quranic verses with their hearts/minds/souls and apply them in their lives; they are Clear Verses because the Quranic verses explain one another: "We made the Quran easy to learn. Is there anyone who would learn?" (54:17).








Balderdash of Funeral Prayers

Published in March 26, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, …  I made a mistake during the funerary prayers when my cousin died ............ What do you think? …  Thank you …    


 In previous fatwas, books, and articles, we have proved that here is nothing in Islam called funerary prayers; this balderdash/myth is part of the Sunnite religion of Satan. We will tackle this topic briefly in a coming video about prayers.







About the Quranic Verse 33:56

Published in March 27, 2019



Question: … Dear Sir, … Are we praise the Prophet Muhammad (by the phrase [peace and blessings be upon him]) if his name is mentioned in public or when we write his name? Is praising him tantamount to deifying him? What about the Quranic verse 33:56? How it should be applied? … Thank you …    


 You do not have to praise Muhammad by any honorifics; yet, in your writings, you can use the phrase (peace be with him) with all prophets/messengers equally. Do not use the phrase you have mentioned in your message so as not to distinguish Muhammad by setting him apart from other prophets/messengers, because such distinguishing is akin to deifying him; the Quran commands us never to make distinction among prophets/messengers of the Lord God. 







The Murderer and the Murdered One!

Published in March 27, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, … What is your view of the hadith about if two Muslim men fight each other with their swords, the murderer and the murdered one will enter into Hell? … Thank you …  


 All hadiths are mere mythology and they have nothing to do with Islam. Those who believe in hadiths ascribed falsely to Muhammad will enter into Hell as polytheists if they died as such without proper repentance. Muhammad never uttered even a single hadith; he conveyed the only entire message of Islam: the Quran itself. Hadiths reflect the cultural and political backgrounds of their fabricators. The one you ask about is invented in times of turmoil and civil strife and to comment on silly, illogical justification of the civil wars of the Arabs who competed and struggled for the throne of caliphate; e.g., Mu'aweiya vs. Ali. Some inventors of hadiths deemed all belligerent 'companions' of the civil wars as infidels; some offered justifications for them after deifying them as per other fabricated hadiths making them appear as infallible gods. Please do not heed any hadiths at all; you should not consider Sunnite books as part of Islam. You should read more within our Quranism website. Thank you. 






About the Quranic Verse 3:144

Published in March 27, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, … What is the difference between death and being killed here about Muhammad: "Muhammad is no more than a messenger. Messengers have passed on before him. If he dies or gets killed, will you turn on your heels?..." (3:144)? … Thank you …  


 There is no difference; Muhammad was a mortal and the Quran asserts this fact in 3:144 and here: "You will die, and they will die." (39:30), because this is a prediction that Muhammad will be deified in later eras. These verses refute such deification in advance. Each person will die in a predetermined time after fulfilling the preordained duration of life on earth; this is part of imposed fates. More details are found in our two English books found on these links:






Marrying A Christian Woman

Published in March 28, 2019


Question: … Dear Sir, … I am an Egyptian Muslim man who intends to marry a Christian Lebanese woman; she is married but she will convert to Islam and obtain a divorce; my question is as follows: how can she convert and what are the required conditions and measures to be taken? From where would she get a certificate to prove her conversion so that she gets her divorce and marry me? Any suggestions? … Thank you …        


 There is nothing in Islam as a 'certificate' of conversion; the Lord God has no deputies or representatives on earth; conversion to Islam is something between a person and the Lord God only. By the way, all peaceful people, regardless of their denominations and faiths, can marry one another; thus, Muslim men can marry atheist, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, etc. women; likewise, Muslim women can marry can marry atheist, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, etc. men. It is not obligatory that your fiancée would convert to Islam in order to please you. You can marry her after she get divorced and she can keep her religion if she likes. This is OK within legal marriages in Islam; we have nothing to do here with laws which do not respect Islamic sharia found exclusively in the Quran.   

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