A newsletter issued by the Information Committee

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A newsletter issued by the Information Committee, No.24 - Thursday,22-10-2009







How did Barack Obama succeed?






RDP members met with one of the directors of Barak Obama's election campaigns "Joe Bazoa" this was during the workshop about elections in the framework of campaigning. Another group of RDP members met with an expert in monitoring elections, "Dana" in a training for the control of elections in light of the preparations for the upcoming parliamentary elections 2010 .







An official statement to the Minister of Electricity and Energy






RDP made an official statement to the Minister of Electricity and Energy re the rise in prices which emerged on electricity bills and the excessive increase of the amounts. The party formally requested the Minister of Electricity to make an official announcement about the electricity price per kilowatt before and after the surge and the duration of this increase, also to provide a clear justification for this excessive increase and to stop this increase until the parliament discuss this issue.






A call to hold a dialogue between the National Party and the opposition






RDP is calling the National Democratic Party to adopt the initiative of a serious dialogue during the Sixth Annual Conference to be held at the end of October. The aforementioned initiative would be through a dialogue with opposition forces re the need for political reform, its mechanisms and the freedom of political parties, but the initiative should be implemented after the conference.











The law of common place for worshiping






Anwar Esmat El-Sadat, Founders' Representative of RDP, joined the symposium concerning "Law of common place for worshiping". On Tuesday, the 20th of October, the symposium took place at the headquarters of "Egyptians Against Religious Discrimination". The draft law presented by the party regarding the law of common places for worshiping was discussed and some other laws were also discussed and submitted to the National Council for Human Rights. It was stressed on the need to establish this law and its application on ground.
Mr. Anwar El-Sadat confirmed that there isn't any political will to enact the law.







General Secretariat discusses next phase plans






General Secretariat of the party held a meeting for all party secretariats within the framework of the developing action plans and schedules which concern each secretariat, until the end of the provisional structure of four months. Action plans were presented by each secretariat; it had been discussed and approved by the General Secretariat to be implemented in the near future.