آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2008-11-27

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Because such opposition movement is totally absorbed by the idea of over-powering others, and dictating its own agenda &ndash; not unlike the tyrannical ruler -, it attacks individual people in the pretext of enforcing 'rule of kindness' and 'forbidding illicit acts'. 'Rule of kindness' is, in their understanding, the power or authority given to them by God as His agents. 'Forbidden illicit acts' are all acts they disagree with: whether it is the improperly dressed woman, or it is the government not submitting to the 'movements' standards. By using the 'hadeeth' : 'He who sees an illicit act must rectify it' &ndash;which was invented by the Hanbali movement at the time of the Abbassid Calif Al-waatheq &ndash; members of the movement give themselves the right to interfere with the man, or woman, on the street. Poisonous thoughts emit from their hearts and minds while they believe they are righteous. Such is the function of the secretive, and not so secretive, organizations whose job it is, to exercise terror tactics against the people and the government alike. These terror tactics are executed under the cloak of religion &ndash; thus given the tag 'it&rsquo;s a fight in the name of God'. Killing of peaceful Muslims and Coptic Christians becomes a 'jehad' , or holy war. <br />
It is obvious that we are referring here to the dictatorial, religious, sunni regimes, such as the Saudi system of governing, and other dictatorial systems. The internal inadequacies of such systems lead to heavy dependence on religious, learned, sunni leaders &ndash; Sheikhs &ndash; who become ipso facto leaders of torture, such as the system employed by the regime of Mubarak of Egypt. <br />
It is clear also, we are referring to the Wahabi movement operating inside and outside the Saudi country. That movement has created lately &quot;Bin Laden&quot;. It is clear also we are referring to the Muslim Brotherhood movement, operating inside Egypt and in other countries. It is interesting to note, that the Brotherhood was initially organized in Egypt by Abd-al-aziz Al Saud. It produced Al-zawahiri, Bin Laden's partner. It progressed to infiltrate other countries in the Middle East. <br />
5 &ndash; This shows that the Sunni religion is the medium in which tyrannical systems are born, as well as the Sunni religious movements which oppose such regimes. As a result one finds both these camps battle with one another militarily and politically, while both compete with issuing Sunni, religious, judicial pronouncements &ndash; fatwa -. <br />
However, one finds these entities united against the peaceful Qur&rsquo;an-only adherents. The reason being, the Qur&rsquo;an-only adherents are able to reach the source of the contention, and uncover the very religious foundation of the Sunni religion. This foundation is where the tyrannical Sunni system and the Sunni opposition movement were formulated. The Qur&rsquo;an-only adherents thus put their finger on a sensitive nerve, when they demonstrated the contradiction between the Sunni religion and the Statutes of Islam. They also uncovered the deception of the Sunni tyrannical ruler who pretends to be a Muslim, while he is aware of the deception of the opposing Sunni religious movements, especially when they raise the banners: &quot;Islam is the solution&quot;, and the necessity of &quot;fulfilling the Islamic Statutes&quot;. <br />
The Qur&rsquo;an-only adherents prove every day that both opposing camps &ndash; the Sunni ruler and the Sunni opposition &ndash; are in fact Islam's gravest enemies. They also prove that the Statutes which both, the tyrannical ruler, and the Sunni opposition are trying to enforce, is nothing but oppressive means of the people and of their Lord. What both parties are really enforcing is the practice of 'illicit acts', and forbidding 'the rule of kindness'. Thus doing what the hypocrites did &ndash; Sura 9:67. <br />
6 &ndash; No wander then what is happening to the Qur&rsquo;an-only adherents in Egypt by the Mubarak regime, where continuous persecution is carried out with impunity, and waves of imprisonment and torture are executed unabated. Meanwhile, streams of religious judicial pronouncements &ndash; fatwa &ndash; are issued by the religious leaders &ndash; Sheikhs- of Al Azhar University. <br />
Religious leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, and the Wahabis in the Saudi Kingdom and elsewhere, stand firmly behind all this activity. The Wahhabis use their bribes to instigate and capture opponents of their movement. This is their true agenda, which they enforce on a daily basis: oppression, arbitrary rulings, torture, and plain corruption. We are not the only victims of this crisis. Neither is Mr.Ridha Abd Al-rahman Ali is the last victim. By God's will and help we will not give up. <br />
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اجمالي القراءات 17826

للمزيد يمكنك قراءة : اساسيات اهل القران
التعليقات (1)
1   تعليق بواسطة   فادي الصباغ     في   الإثنين ١٩ - يناير - ٢٠٠٩ ١٢:٠٠ صباحاً

We are the illiterate nation !!

I think it's all because those sheikhs believe we are an illiterate nation se we all deserve the punishment !!
as they translated this ayah like that:

"It is He Who has sent amongst the ILLITERATE an apostle from among themselves, to rehearse to them His Signs, to sanctify them, and to instruct them in Scripture and Wisdom,- although they had been, before, in manifest error;" [Quran 62:2]

they also claimed that the Prophet said, "We are an illiterate nation; we neither write, nor know accounts. The month is like this and this, i.e. sometimes of 29
days and sometimes of thirty days." [Bukhari 30:23]

Fady Elsabagh

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تاريخ الانضمام : 2006-07-05
مقالات منشورة : 5010
اجمالي القراءات : 54,296,711
تعليقات له : 5,359
تعليقات عليه : 14,669
بلد الميلاد : Egypt
بلد الاقامة : United State

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