Institute Applauds Bangladesh High Court Suspension of Sigma Huda Conv

محمد البارودى Ýí 2009-10-22

e="font-family: Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif"><font face="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"><font size="3"><strong>Washington, D.C. --</strong>&nbsp; The Institute on Religion and Public Policy is ecstatic to announce the suspension of the conviction against Sigma Huda, former United Nations Special Rapporteur on Trafficking in Persons.&nbsp; The court announced the suspd Nations Special Rapporteur on Trafficking in Persons.&nbsp; The court announced the suspension today.<br />
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While the biggest battle was for Sigma's release, it is significant that the court admitted her innocence and recognized the lack of legitimacy of the charges brought against her. Convictions against Sigma's husband, former government minister and barrister Nazmul Huda, were also suspended. Only two other cases have been overturned by the courts.<br />
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In 2007, the army-backed Bangladesh government arrested, illegally detained and convicted Sigma on false charges of corruption.&nbsp; Sigma was not allowed by the Bangladeshi government to fulfill her UN duties, and before her imprisonments was not permitted to travel abroad on the grounds of being a &quot;security risk for Bangladesh as she may give statements detrimental to [the Bangladesh] Government&quot;.<br />
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&quot;Today is a great day for justice and rule of law in Bangladesh,&quot; commented the Founder and President of the Institute on Religion and Public Policy, Joseph K. Grieboski. &quot;Sigma Huda represents the pinnacle of global public service, advocating tirelessly on behalf of the voiceless and exploited. Her illegal and unjust treatment at the hands of the Bangladesh Caretaker Government was a crime against her fundamental rights, a crime against her constitutional rights, and an affront to all whom speak on behalf of the victimized and exploited women and children around the world. The decision of the court today to overturn her conviction is a victory not only for her, but for all human rights defenders who face tyranny and threats for speaking on behalf of those with no voices of their own.&quot;<br />
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<font color="#999999" face="Georgia,Times New Roman,Times,Serif" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">The Institute on Religion and Public Policy is an international, inter-religious non-profit organization dedicated to ensuring freedom of religion as the foundation for security, stability, and democracy. <br />
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The Institute works globally with government policymakers, religious leaders, business executives, academics, international and regional organizations, non-governmental organizations and others in order to develop, protect, and promote fundamental rights - especially the right of religious freedom - and contributes to the intellectual and moral foundation of the fundamental right of religious freedom. Nominated twice for the Nobel Peace Prize, the Institute encourages and assists in the effective and cooperative advancement of religious freedom.</font></font></td>
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